Shocking testimony of a T/C for execution of 17 G/Cs in 1974
Well - grave in Saint [Ilariona]
In well near the castle of Saint [Ilariona] were thrown the corpses of 17 executed [E]/[K].
The relic total 17 [E]/[K] missing is believed that it is [thammena] in well (now [xerolakko]) that it is found in Saint [Ilariona] in possessed. This element results from testimony that gave in our newspaper Turkish Cypriot, who was ocular witness of incident at which ten individuals (four from which they were [Toyrkokyprioi]) abducted the days of Turkish invasion 1974 seventeen total Greekcypriots from houses in the region of wider Nicosia and afterwards, after they executed them, to them they threw in well that is found neighbour of castle of Saint [Ilariona].
They came from [Keryneia]
According to the testimony of [Toyrkokyprioy], a team of ten individuals (with head Turkish axiomatic), that acted in the frame of [proelasis] occupied army, abducted few days afterwards the 1st invasion 17 Greekcypriots from houses in Nicosia. Were for 16 Greekcypriot [amachoys] and one only who wore the military clothes (all [arrenes]). The 16 [E]/[K] had come in Nicosia from [Keryneia], which they abandoned also because the invasion of forces of Turkish army. Pacts with the testimony of [T]/[K], the team the ten arrested always the 17 [E]/[K]. “Them knocked with the arms and with [klotsies]” us reported the Turkish Cypriot and she added that afterwards, after them they charged in vehicle them they transported in other point and them they executed in cold blood. “The corpses of 17 Greekcypriots threw him in [xeropigado] that find near t o castle of Saint [Ilariona]. In the particular region from that period but also the next years it existed camp of Turkish army”, it continues his narration. “In those who, [Toyrkoys] and [T]/[K], they served in the particular military area it was widely known that the well constituted the grave for 17 individuals”, marks the [T]/[K], which adds that the orifice of well closed in later phase from big Stones that or receded, or were placed intentional in order to closes the common grave. “For [chronia] the Turkish army has left from the region which constitutes one from the most appearred now tourist attractions of north. Imagine that do come tourists and do remove photographs the castle and under their legs do exist bones [E]/[K] missing? He is something more from tragic”, it supplements.
They in between live us
The dramatic testimony of [T]/[K] (for obvious reasons we do not report his name) is also supplemented by what it has it says for the executants of 17 [E]/[K]. “the two from the four [T]/[K] they reside today in [Keryneia] and the one in Nicosia. Live in between know also to us, them bad… somebodies from them come and go in the free regions today” stress.
For the identity the 17 murdered, T/C did not have any elements only that the team the ten arrested initially the one with the military clothes, afterwards touched still five G/C and after houses collected other nine.
Code article: 857906
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