Irrational fears .... do we all have them?
What's yours?
Mine's scraping the bottom of a barrel ...

(.... hey I've confronted it with this thread!

Get Real! wrote:Here are some of the rarer types of phobias…
Hamilonourophobia: Fear of not being submissive enough…
(Known sufferer: Bananiot)
Americanodaktilophobia: Fear that the American finger won’t be long enough…
(Known sufferer: Miltiades)
Diafanophobia : Fear that others might see right through you…
(Known sufferer: Birkibrisli)
Cyprus Forum specific phobias:
Denizophobia: Fear that the “Game” thread will be locked and you won’t have anything else to say…
Gavcarophobia: Fear that your posts might actually start making sense…
Halilophobia: Fear of forum rule abiding…
Gorillaphobia: Fear that you won’t find any threads containing the word “US” to respond to…
Kikapuphobia: Fear of the Kik-a-poo…
Miltiadophobia: Fear that your tantrums won’t be enough for the week…
Vipiphobia: Fear that you might actually come across positive…
Copperophobia: Fear of not getting egg on your face…
Piratophobia: Fear that you haven’t repeated the 200,000 enough times…
Lanaphobia: Fear that you might be posting too much…
GiaRophobia: Fear of all the above and much more…
Get Real! wrote:You’re welcome ladies…here’s a few more:
Adminophobia: Fear that forum administration might actually work…
Moderophobia: Fear that forum moderation may lead to the more severe Adminophobia…
Ericophobia: Fear that the forum’s supply of smiley faces may be exhausted…
Oraclephobia: Fear that insufficient aliases may baffle the brain…
Kifeaphobia: Fear that prolonged debate with another member may lead to another week of Anger Management Anonymous…
Webbophobia: Fear that the next joke you post might actually be funny…
That's all for now...
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