Tim Drayton wrote:The second question in my mind is that if, as Turkey claimed, it was intervening in accordance with the Treaty of Gurantee which required it to defend the existence and territorial integrity of the Republic, it surely had to attempt to ally itself with any forces within the GC community that were resiting the coup and were fighting to defend the Republic. Is there any evidence that Turkey attempted to contact those GCs who were staging this short-lived attempt to defend the Republic? If not, this must cast doubt on Turkey's allegation that it was simply exercising its right to intervene as a guarantor power.
I don't claim to have any answers to these questions. Like Umit, I am just interested in learning from those who experienced these events. Thanks.
http://www.cyprus-forum.com/viewtopic.p ... 099#269099
Viewpoint wrote:Why didnt the GCs gree the Turkish Soldiers with flowers and accept they had arrive to restore peace and the consitituiton which had been in taters and left unresolved for 11 years with the TCs paying the highest price while the GCs had total control of not only the Government but the whole island and all its resources.
http://www.cyprus-forum.com/viewtopic.p ... 245#269245
Excellent Question Tim!
An answer to your question should in turn answer Viewpoint's question above.
Didn't Turkey clearly spell out her intentions so she could land troops unmolested or under the protection of the Makarios forces ?
If not, wasn't Turkey afraid her honorable intentions might be "mis-understood", the landings difficult and with a possibility "all hell would break loose" ?
Just what were the public or private statements coming out of Ankara about helping anti-coupists ?