by cannedmoose » Sun Jul 17, 2005 11:32 am
Unfortunately I agree that this would also have been the case. Although I reject any accusations of racism on this issue as it's all too easy to accuse, I think that political correctness in the UK has reached an extreme, where it became impossible to criticise the minority of radical muslim leaders preaching hate in their mosques for fear of being labelled a racist. The extent of PC became clear when Abbu Hamza (the radical cleric with a hook instead of a hand) was still allowed to preach his messages of hate in the street when he was kicked out of his mosque by his own community. Having once lived in Luton and seen groups like Al-Mahajaroun (not sure on spelling there) preaching in the street and recruiting members for the fight in Afghanistan, also having known that as a white man I could not safely enter a section of the town because of the number of extremists known to be living there, that's when it hit me that maybe we'd lost the balance on this issue. I'm certainly not advocating a wholesale clamp down on muslims, because 99% want nothing to do with these people, but in the case of the extreme elements who preach hate against this country and encourage their followers to go to Pakistan for 'religious training', it's those that hand-in-hand with mainstream muslim society we need to flush out and expose for the charlatans that they are.