MODERATOR: For being generally offensive and insulting to everyone, your post has been deleted. This is a forum for dialogue, not war.
gabaston wrote:MODERATOR: For being generally offensive and insulting to everyone, your post has been deleted. This is a forum for dialogue, not war.
WOT???? ever tried have a discussion with piratis. sooner or later he'll tell you how much he's saved up for his next tank
i know i know censored........but it woz worth it
Piratis wrote: That was during the intercomunal conflict.
Piratis wrote:
Sure the GCs had part of the blame, but TCs had also blame since most of them didn't move because of fear but because it was their plan for partition (like they did in 74).
Piratis wrote:
Also we never claimed that any part of your land was ours and I hope the solution will allow you to get the 100% of the land you own. Can you say the same to us, or you believe that ethnic cleansing was your right?
Piratis wrote:
Who pretended otherwise. I said the EOKA cause was liberation from the colonialists, just like the revolution in Greece was liberation from the Ottomans.
Piratis wrote:
So you claim the Ottoman rule of Cyprus is irrelevant to the problem we have today? Let me ask you this: If the Ottomans never ruled Cyprus, would we have the Cyprus problem today?
Sorry, but the Ottoman rule was VERY relevant.
Piratis wrote:
The innocent TCs had 30 years, and they will have some more to show that they are Innocent. The ones that do not support the violence and the ethnic cleansing against us will not only loose but actually gain a lot when Cyprus is reunited, even if this happens by force.
Piratis wrote:
And by the way, in non of those places the majority was ethnically cleansed by a foreign army to create a state for some others.
Piratis wrote:
Am I supposed to learn that a community of 18% is not a minority? It is like telling me that I should "learn" that the sky is red, otherwise you will start killing us again! It is you that you should learn that a community of 18% IS a minority.
city wrote:
erm, I'm really sorry erolz, but I think you picked the wrong examples here.
Even though there might not be war between those countries anymore, there is still very high tension and numerous incidents.
Alexandros Lordos wrote:Erol, sorry to barge into the conversation, but it is just something I wanted to mention (as Alexandros, not as moderator). I think Piratis was trying to be conciliatory towards you at some point in this thread, but you missed the signal.
Again, sorry to barge in, just felt I should say this.
So because of that it was not ethnic cleansing?
I do not believe ethnic cleansing is our right. I believe that when two communites have both played their part in creating the problem, one side alone should not pay the price of solving it.
Enosis was not for the liberation of Cyprus. Enosis was for the change of colonial rule from Britain to Greece.
I claim that it has vastly less relevance that what happend in the 60's. It's not toaly irrelevant, but it's not where near as relevant. The way the GC behaved in the 60's was not driven by what the ottomans did in Cyprus.
You expect me to believe this?
Actually in absolute terms the seperation of India involved vastly more people being forced from their homes against their will than there are in all of Cyprus today.
You should understand that 18% can have poltical equality with 82% in some areas without it being against human rights and democracy. You shouold understand why given the history of cyprus such equality at some levels is vital if we are ever to reach the stated goal.
Piratis wrote:So because of that it was not ethnic cleansing?
About that time you should ask the people of that time. You will see that while many of them have indeed moved out of fear, many others have done so because the "command" came from above (Turkey) because this is what would serve the ultimate goal.
Piratis wrote:In any case by 68 most TCs returned to their homes.
Piratis wrote:Our main difference however is that I do not support those actions, but apparently you support the ethnic cleansing against us?
Piratis wrote:I agree. So why do you think that TCs should end up with more than what they had before the problem started and GCs should end up with less than what they had before the problem started? In this case only the GCs pay the price, and TCs not only do not pay anything, but gain on top of that.
Piratis wrote:Different parts of Greece were liberated in different times and joint the Greek state. I assume you believe all parts of Greece are under Greek colonial rule? Until 1960 there was no independent Cyprus. Cyprus was an island were the great majority was Greek. Liberation = union with Greece at that time.
Piratis wrote:History is a chain. Nothing is irrelevant. The Ottoman rule was very relevant since the Ottomans were the first (after all the other rulers) to create a separate community of such large size. Why do you think they did that? If you think a bit about it you will see that it is VERY relevant.
Piratis wrote:I understand this 100%, the problem is that most often than not, you omit the parts I bolted in the paragraph above. Thats when we disagree.
Whenever I tried to discuss which areas and which levels this equality should exist you cut me off saying that no such limit should exist.
So is it in "some areas", or is it unlimited that you want?
mehmetg wrote:TRNC stand still and gets even more powerfull each day. The direct flights from Azerbaycan is just a new start.
Watch the show and I hope you enjoy it:)
farug wrote:Maybe you can think that it is useless but i have to metion that thereis only way to leave in peace is that two state, two equal and sovereign people.
cannedmoose wrote:Alexandros Lordos wrote:DO NOT FORGET 1974! wrote:The Turk
I think the problem is that you over-generalise. If I used on you the expression "The Greek" would that mean anything to you? Probably not, you would say "which Greek, there are all sorts of Greeks, there are brave Greeks, traitor Greeks, money-centred Greeks" etc. etc.
Why shouldn't the same thing apply for the Turks? I know some Turks who are very reasonable and very honest. Then again, I know other Turks who are exactly as you describe them. Which of them is "the real Turk"?
Alex, an admirable effort to discuss with the brainwashed... sadly I also think one that is doomed to failure.
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