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Turks had no right to bring stability to Cyprus

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Piratis » Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:22 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Piratis wrote:
Nicole22 wrote:I am still none the wiser...........I just wanna go home and as I have nothing, but a handful of worthless title deeds in the political agenda, I feel my negotiating powers are very limited ........that I have suffered a great injustice at the hands of America, Britain and Turkey bears NO RELEVANCE TO THE PRESENT.......... I just wish I could go home and build on my father's land. Why do we, GCs not accept we've been screwed and try to get the best deal we can for ourselves, because very soon, it will be too late and my children's children will neither care nor know about Cyprus.

Because the "best deal" they offered was to screw us again. Maybe a few GCs would have some material benefit from it by recovering part of what was stolen from them but thats were the somewhat positive things end. Unfortunately there is no fair solution with any prospect on offer today.

No solution will be good enough for Piratis, he will continue to find fault in anything put before him where there is even 000000000.1% in favor of the TCs. Your only option Piratis is as you have stated many time to wait for that swing to try your luck at getting what you want but never forget thet swing could take things the other way and then where will you be? screwed yet again due to your own stupidity.

We might be screwed and pushed lower from where we could be due to your aggression and illegalities but we are still way ahead of you. Thats just a fact. I will not try to explain this as some might say I am racist again. So yes, we can wait.

The Annan plan was 99% your demands, so don't tell me about 000000000.1%.
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Postby Piratis » Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:25 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Piratis wrote:
Piratis we have had this argument before, i do not support anything, i simply live there as you do however i still do not hold views anything like yours towards the GCs. You don't want peace, you just want submission which you try to defend with very unsubstantial claims, and you live to see the day when the so called "shift of power" will take place so you can get your sweet revenge...THATS why you are racist!

Of course I want peace. A peace that will come by restoring legality in Cyprus. Is restoring legality and the human rights of all Cypriots a "submission" of TCs? Did I ask from you to compromise any of your human or legal rights? All I demand, and yes I have the right to fight for, are for my human and legal rights. Does this make me a racist?

I don't understand why you have issues with that quote from Ataturk

Because we talk about racism. Since we all accept that is racist to say that one race is higher than another, you don't find anything racist in saying that even a single Turkish individual worths as much as the whole world? I think it is super racist. And it wouldn't be a problem if this quote was coming from some ancient forgotten Turkish warlord. It is coming from Ataturk the person whose ideas the Turks still follow and they don't even accept criticism about it. The whole Turkish state is based on such racist Nazi ideas. Thats the problem. Thats why I say they have not moved on much from the time of the Ottoman era in terms of mentality.

And this quote is not one lost quote that i discovered for propaganda either. It is very often used among Turkish nationalists. Even in the celebrations in Turkey after the game with Greece there were some Turks saying this slogan in front of the TV cameras.

Your pure hate for anything Turkish deters you from thinking methodically, this is just a saying which was used in war time to bolster the armies moral as they went into battle...its not to be taken literally so get over it you are making yourself look very silly even bringing this up.

So if you ask the Turkish leadership today to reject and condemn that racist slogan you think they will? Sorry, I don't think so.
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Postby Viewpoint » Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:28 pm

Piratis wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Piratis wrote:
Nicole22 wrote:I am still none the wiser...........I just wanna go home and as I have nothing, but a handful of worthless title deeds in the political agenda, I feel my negotiating powers are very limited ........that I have suffered a great injustice at the hands of America, Britain and Turkey bears NO RELEVANCE TO THE PRESENT.......... I just wish I could go home and build on my father's land. Why do we, GCs not accept we've been screwed and try to get the best deal we can for ourselves, because very soon, it will be too late and my children's children will neither care nor know about Cyprus.

Because the "best deal" they offered was to screw us again. Maybe a few GCs would have some material benefit from it by recovering part of what was stolen from them but thats were the somewhat positive things end. Unfortunately there is no fair solution with any prospect on offer today.

No solution will be good enough for Piratis, he will continue to find fault in anything put before him where there is even 000000000.1% in favor of the TCs. Your only option Piratis is as you have stated many time to wait for that swing to try your luck at getting what you want but never forget thet swing could take things the other way and then where will you be? screwed yet again due to your own stupidity.

We might be screwed and pushed lower from where we could be due to your aggression and illegalities but we are still way ahead of you. Thats just a fact. I will not try to explain this as some might say I am racist again. So yes, we can wait.

The Annan plan was 99% your demands, so don't tell me about 000000000.1%.

Piratis good luck to you I hope with the oil you become even richer if that makes you happy. People are different to me the safety of my family is priority, health, contentment, and then things money can buy. Obviously your priorities are different.

I said even if any plan containing 000000000.1% in favor of the TCs you would still reject it, thats why the only option left for you is to wait for that swing.
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Postby Viewpoint » Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:29 pm

Piratis wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Piratis wrote:
Piratis we have had this argument before, i do not support anything, i simply live there as you do however i still do not hold views anything like yours towards the GCs. You don't want peace, you just want submission which you try to defend with very unsubstantial claims, and you live to see the day when the so called "shift of power" will take place so you can get your sweet revenge...THATS why you are racist!

Of course I want peace. A peace that will come by restoring legality in Cyprus. Is restoring legality and the human rights of all Cypriots a "submission" of TCs? Did I ask from you to compromise any of your human or legal rights? All I demand, and yes I have the right to fight for, are for my human and legal rights. Does this make me a racist?

I don't understand why you have issues with that quote from Ataturk

Because we talk about racism. Since we all accept that is racist to say that one race is higher than another, you don't find anything racist in saying that even a single Turkish individual worths as much as the whole world? I think it is super racist. And it wouldn't be a problem if this quote was coming from some ancient forgotten Turkish warlord. It is coming from Ataturk the person whose ideas the Turks still follow and they don't even accept criticism about it. The whole Turkish state is based on such racist Nazi ideas. Thats the problem. Thats why I say they have not moved on much from the time of the Ottoman era in terms of mentality.

And this quote is not one lost quote that i discovered for propaganda either. It is very often used among Turkish nationalists. Even in the celebrations in Turkey after the game with Greece there were some Turks saying this slogan in front of the TV cameras.

Your pure hate for anything Turkish deters you from thinking methodically, this is just a saying which was used in war time to bolster the armies moral as they went into battle...its not to be taken literally so get over it you are making yourself look very silly even bringing this up.

So if you ask the Turkish leadership today to reject and condemn that racist slogan you think they will? Sorry, I don't think so.

Why its only a slogan..why does it bother you so much? no one takes it literally, move on.
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Postby shahmaran » Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:35 pm

Piratis wrote:
oh yeah, my favourite is "best Turk is a dead Turk" i believe its a Greek one, pretty popular too Laughing if you think 1 quote means all the Turks are based on Nazi ideas then i have nothing more to say to you to be honest, its not only preposterous its utter crap, what are you 15? is this how you are planning to argue the Turkish nation to the ground? my god Piratis you need help!

If you were a bit more careful you would see I gave the answer to that already when I said:
And it wouldn't be a problem if this quote was coming from some ancient forgotten Turkish warlord. It is coming from Ataturk the person whose ideas the Turks still follow and they don't even accept criticism about it.

That "dead Turk" slogan is an army slogan said by the soldiers of a country who are at war with Turkey because Turks illegally occupy Cyprus. If you ask Karamallis what he thinks about that slogan he would reject it. Would the Nazi leadership of Turkey do the same about the slogan of Ataturk? No because racism and aggression is part of their ideology. It is not circumstantial or temporary. It is what they are: Nazis.

The same goes about the Hooligans in Greece. Every country has extremists and racists. The difference is that in Turkey those racist Nazis are those that rule the country and you as well.

And you go on again to accuse me of being racist, while you totally avoided replying to the part where I said why I clearly was not. Why is that?

And you didn't answer clearly either: Do you support the ethnic cleansing of 200.000 Greek Cypriots from their homeland? Do you support that Cypriots should be separated based on their ethnic background? Why don't you give straight answers so we can see who is the racist in here?

i did answer you, and told you exactly why i think you are racist and you chose to ignore it, so i will not repeat myself!

so you seriously believe that if you walk up to a Turkish General and ask about that quote his reply would be something like "oh totally man, we are pretty certain that a Turk is definitely worth the whole world" :lol: , get a grip Piratis, you cannot seriously be serious, are you drunk or something?!

That quote came from a moment of war (as VP said), when Ataturk was visiting the dormitories of an army base in Turkey and spotted a sign next to the bed of a soldier that said "1 Turk is worth 10 enemies" and he corrected it by saying "no actually 1 Turk is worth the world", its what Commanders do to boos the morale and confidence!

Something is "worth the entire world" is a Turkish expression (!!!) it does not literally mean the whole fucking planet, in Turkish we use it to explain the greatness of things by saying its "as great as the world" and the meaning depends on the context it is being used eg. "i love you as much as the world" and so forth, i really thought you were taking the piss initially but now i see that you are serious which is really REALLY SAD! :roll:

@VP. i think these boys are totally trying to avoid the whole bet, thats what i think, its pretty hard for them to put their money where their mouth is because they would have to reach up their arse in order to do so :lol: :lol:
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Postby Piratis » Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:39 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Piratis wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Piratis wrote:
Nicole22 wrote:I am still none the wiser...........I just wanna go home and as I have nothing, but a handful of worthless title deeds in the political agenda, I feel my negotiating powers are very limited ........that I have suffered a great injustice at the hands of America, Britain and Turkey bears NO RELEVANCE TO THE PRESENT.......... I just wish I could go home and build on my father's land. Why do we, GCs not accept we've been screwed and try to get the best deal we can for ourselves, because very soon, it will be too late and my children's children will neither care nor know about Cyprus.

Because the "best deal" they offered was to screw us again. Maybe a few GCs would have some material benefit from it by recovering part of what was stolen from them but thats were the somewhat positive things end. Unfortunately there is no fair solution with any prospect on offer today.

No solution will be good enough for Piratis, he will continue to find fault in anything put before him where there is even 000000000.1% in favor of the TCs. Your only option Piratis is as you have stated many time to wait for that swing to try your luck at getting what you want but never forget thet swing could take things the other way and then where will you be? screwed yet again due to your own stupidity.

We might be screwed and pushed lower from where we could be due to your aggression and illegalities but we are still way ahead of you. Thats just a fact. I will not try to explain this as some might say I am racist again. So yes, we can wait.

The Annan plan was 99% your demands, so don't tell me about 000000000.1%.

Piratis good luck to you I hope with the oil you become even richer if that makes you happy. People are different to me the safety of my family is priority, health, contentment, and then things money can buy. Obviously your priorities are different.

I said even if any plan containing 000000000.1% in favor of the TCs you would still reject it, thats why the only option left for you is to wait for that swing.

No if it is 0.00000001% I wouldn't reject it. But have you ever thought that the most fair is one that is for either the favor of both or the favor of non (on the expense of another)? Or that thought never passed from your mind?

As for your family being safe etc, keep teaching your kids your evil GC theories. Tell them to tell those stories when they come asking for work also.
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Postby zan » Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:43 pm

War costs Piratis....send your bill to Makarios. We did.
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Postby miltiades » Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:44 pm

The big boy wrote:
"""@VP. i think these boys are totally trying to avoid the whole bet, thats what i think, its pretty hard for them to put their money where their mouth is because they would have to reach up their arse in order to do so """

All the VP personnel have to do is prove me wrong . They do not have the slightest intention of doing so since they are what they are and they know it !!
VP is not one person but a small dedicated team of propagandists. Prove me wrong son . !
My contribution to cancer releif amounts to more than your yearly earnings so none of your remarks on arse reaching boy.
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Postby Piratis » Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:46 pm

so you seriously believe that if you walk up to a Turkish General and ask about that quote his reply would be something like "oh totally man, we are pretty certain that a Turk is definitely worth the whole world"

Not only that, but thats what they teach their children as well. Isn't something similar written under the Turkish flag on Pentadaktilos as well? In fact those flags are good example of how aggressive and provocative they are. So don't try to excuse them, we know better than that.

@VP. i think these boys are totally trying to avoid the whole bet, thats what i think, its pretty hard for them to put their money where their mouth is because they would have to reach up their arse in order to do so

And whats the bet? You already lost the one bet as you accused me of racism and you had nothing to say to the reply I gave. On the other hand I explained to you why you are racist and again you have noting to say.
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Postby zan » Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:50 pm

Piratis wrote:
so you seriously believe that if you walk up to a Turkish General and ask about that quote his reply would be something like "oh totally man, we are pretty certain that a Turk is definitely worth the whole world"

Not only that, but thats what they teach their children as well. Isn't something similar written under the Turkish flag on Pentadaktilos as well? In fact those flags are good example of how aggressive and provocative they are. So don't try to excuse them, we know better than that.

@VP. i think these boys are totally trying to avoid the whole bet, thats what i think, its pretty hard for them to put their money where their mouth is because they would have to reach up their arse in order to do so

And whats the bet? You already lost the one bet as you accused me of racism and you had nothing to say to the reply I gave. On the other hand I explained to you why you are racist and again you have noting to say.

So you spouting off about them being barbarians and teaching that to your children is really a term of endearment is it. Give it up Piratis, you are trying to get away from the real issue here and that is the fact that your elected leader screwed iy up and now you want more than you are entitled to. Clerides said that it would lead to war and it did.
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