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------> Ancient Prophecys about Cyprus

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Postby Get Real! » Fri Mar 16, 2007 1:23 am

Pete_D wrote:"Just because you are paranoid, it doesn't mean they are NOT out to get you!"

:? Do they have a "convinced" Emoticon?
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Postby GorillaGal » Fri Mar 16, 2007 1:27 am

turkish_cypriot wrote:I actually watched a really interesting program about religions and why they're more than likely fake.

It was explaning how the Bible was based on astrology of the Egyptian people.

It claimed how theres 12 signs in the Zodiac and theres 12 disciples that followed Jesus. The Egyptians used to pray to the sun and call it "the SUN of god" and apparently thats how Jesus become "the SON of god". The suns rays became the thing they put on his head with the spikes. The Egyptians used to see the reflection of the sun in the sea and say that the sun of god was walking on the sea, and apparently thats where the idea of Jesus walking on water came from. The nile used to flood every year bringing new life to all the crops and the Egyptians used to call it the "Archa Noa" it means water and moon or something in Egyptian and thats where Noahs Arc came from.

I have to say it was one of the most interesting documentaries I have ever seen.

I've also seen a similar documentary on Islam, which used to describe the way of life in those days and how/why they came out with the things that they did. I saw it a long time ago but it said how pigs were only banned because in those days they noticed that pigs would rot quicker then all the other meat. Also apparently women used to get abducted and raped from the deserts and thats why they made women get all covered up. This isn't exactly how they explained it, they went a lot deeper and explained it well, but it was so long ago I can't remember what exactly they were saying.

Anyways. there may be a God but if you ask me religion is probably the biggest blasphemy against him.

additionally, i have read that the jesus, mary and joseph thing is based on isis and osirus.... there are alot of similarities there if you study religions/mythology....
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Postby T_C » Fri Mar 16, 2007 1:31 am

GorillaGal wrote:
turkish_cypriot wrote:I actually watched a really interesting program about religions and why they're more than likely fake.

It was explaning how the Bible was based on astrology of the Egyptian people.

It claimed how theres 12 signs in the Zodiac and theres 12 disciples that followed Jesus. The Egyptians used to pray to the sun and call it "the SUN of god" and apparently thats how Jesus become "the SON of god". The suns rays became the thing they put on his head with the spikes. The Egyptians used to see the reflection of the sun in the sea and say that the sun of god was walking on the sea, and apparently thats where the idea of Jesus walking on water came from. The nile used to flood every year bringing new life to all the crops and the Egyptians used to call it the "Archa Noa" it means water and moon or something in Egyptian and thats where Noahs Arc came from.

I have to say it was one of the most interesting documentaries I have ever seen.

I've also seen a similar documentary on Islam, which used to describe the way of life in those days and how/why they came out with the things that they did. I saw it a long time ago but it said how pigs were only banned because in those days they noticed that pigs would rot quicker then all the other meat. Also apparently women used to get abducted and raped from the deserts and thats why they made women get all covered up. This isn't exactly how they explained it, they went a lot deeper and explained it well, but it was so long ago I can't remember what exactly they were saying.

Anyways. there may be a God but if you ask me religion is probably the biggest blasphemy against him.

additionally, i have read that the jesus, mary and joseph thing is based on isis and osirus.... there are alot of similarities there if you study religions/mythology....

Yea GG I remember them talking about that too.
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Postby GorillaGal » Fri Mar 16, 2007 1:35 am

speaking of ancient egypt, i was supposed to go to philadelphia tomorrow to see the king tut exhibit, which is traveling around the USA now, and this is the closest he gets to NY City this time. it was difficult to get ti ckets, and now we are getting some major snowstorm, so i can't go. boooo hoooo. :-(
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Postby T_C » Fri Mar 16, 2007 10:42 am

GorillaGal wrote:speaking of ancient egypt, i was supposed to go to philadelphia tomorrow to see the king tut exhibit, which is traveling around the USA now, and this is the closest he gets to NY City this time. it was difficult to get ti ckets, and now we are getting some major snowstorm, so i can't go. boooo hoooo. :-(

King Tut? Is that Tutunkhamun or whatever his name is? My mum went Egypt a few years ago and she said it was just amazing. I was stupid enough to want to stay home alone but regretted it big time after seeing all the pictures :evil:. Some of those buildings they built is incredible, like that big temple, its HUGE! I think theres a lot of mysterious things that used to happen back in those days. I'd love to know how they built those things...
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Postby twinkle » Fri Mar 16, 2007 10:51 am

The UOL does an evening diploma course on Egyptology. Art and architecture is one year, hyroglyphics another year. You learn all about the line of succession, wars, trading etc. When doing the course they also have specially arranged evenings at the Petrie museum when you can have hands on involvment with the artifacts. It was truly amazing being able to hold scarabs and the like that were over 3,000 years old!
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Postby T_C » Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:17 am

twinkle wrote:The UOL does an evening diploma course on Egyptology. Art and architecture is one year, hyroglyphics another year. You learn all about the line of succession, wars, trading etc. When doing the course they also have specially arranged evenings at the Petrie museum when you can have hands on involvment with the artifacts. It was truly amazing being able to hold scarabs and the like that were over 3,000 years old!

That sounds kool twinkle, I might have to check that out...:D
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Re: ------> Ancient Prophecys about Cyprus

Postby Alexios » Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:27 am

GAVCARoCOM wrote:how many cypriots have heared of the prophecy that-"cyprus will cause turkey so much pain & loss,after she enters the united europe & upon turkeys failure to join the united europe that turkey will be compelled to capture the entire island"the crust of the prophecy states that for 24 days the turkish army will occupy the entire island,except for the mountain areas where women & children will seek sanctuary.suddenly something occurs & turkey is forced to withdraw militarily.of the two ethneticities only one survives but endures under a new power for 7 years before the island is finally free from all foreign domination & never again to suffer.
has any one else heared of this prophecys?
at one time cyprus was also called the island of saints.

Of course we have heard of it!! The whole strategy of the current Cyprus government rests on it.....
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Postby GAVCARoCOM » Fri Mar 16, 2007 1:33 pm

I just have the info back from the GC side . They didnt publish the book yet . GC side is rewriting their history books as i post. It will be in schools next year .

I told you that i dont lie. :wink:

I might do some jokes sometimes ,but this is true .
And the weed from bangladesh and thats why its took me long time to answer back :wink:
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Postby twinkle » Fri Mar 16, 2007 2:03 pm

Who from the GC 'Side'? Ministry of Fiction??

Proof is in the printing.....
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