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------> Ancient Prophecys about Cyprus

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Postby karma » Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:38 pm

GavCar, there is nothing like tht in the books, please enough...
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:45 pm

Get Real! wrote:
GAVCARoCOM wrote:Please check the New version of History Books In GC Side . 11 Years olds.

You are contradicting yourself because History (FACT) and prophecy (SPECULATION) have nothing in common.

No such story/prophecy exists in the GC education system as verified by my wife who has taught and is still teaching at all levels.

Don't just create a topic for the heck of it please, you've done enough already!

Its on the new ones

Fine, post the book name and page number and I'll check it out. I've got all the primary and secondary school history books here. :)
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Postby rawk » Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:04 am

Does this prophecy mention the Tooth Fairy and Father Christmas?

No really, I'm really interested, I hear voices!

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Postby GorillaGal » Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:54 am

twinkle wrote:How can it be in a history book if it's only a prophecy?

Gav, stop smoking the weed.

GAV has weed? he better share!
Last edited by GorillaGal on Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Pete_D » Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:54 am

The problem with prophecies is that people only remember the ones which were right, not the zillions which were wrong. Like astrology, the predictions are often vague enough to mean they are bound to strike lucky every now and then. Nostradamus got a lot of things wrong as well, you know!
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Postby kafenes » Fri Mar 16, 2007 1:08 am

Turkish_Cypriot wrote:
I heard that Cyprus has sunk twice, I didn't know what they meant but I think I do now that I've seen that picture, thanks for that Rawk. If only we could lift it up a bit more we wouldn't have a Cyprus problem...

Or even better if it sank once again.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Mar 16, 2007 1:11 am

Pete_D wrote:The problem with prophecies is that people only remember the ones which were right, not the zillions which were wrong. Like astrology, the predictions are often vague enough to mean they are bound to strike lucky every now and then. Nostradamus got a lot of things wrong as well, you know!

I'll have you know he predicted one day they'd be weird virtual places (forums?) where a single person (you?) would be talking to himself via multiple personalities (me?)...

That's your theory spot-on baby! :)
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Postby Pete_D » Fri Mar 16, 2007 1:15 am

It's like.... you know that theory, where everything in the world is actually just going on in your own head and in fact you are the only thing existing in some virtual reality?

Well maybe its like that on the forum.... maybe everyone on it doesn't really exist and this whole thing is some big setup to scam me?!

You never know.... and I'll never know for sure.......

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Postby rawk » Fri Mar 16, 2007 1:19 am

Did you know that on a clear night from Larnaca seafront you can see Patrick Moore! ... oore.shtml

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Postby T_C » Fri Mar 16, 2007 1:21 am

I actually watched a really interesting program about religions and why they're more than likely fake.

It was explaning how the Bible was based on astrology of the Egyptian people.

It claimed how theres 12 signs in the Zodiac and theres 12 disciples that followed Jesus. The Egyptians used to pray to the sun and call it "the SUN of god" and apparently thats how Jesus become "the SON of god". The suns rays became the thing they put on his head with the spikes. The Egyptians used to see the reflection of the sun in the sea and say that the sun of god was walking on the sea, and apparently thats where the idea of Jesus walking on water came from. The nile used to flood every year bringing new life to all the crops and the Egyptians used to call it the "Archa Noa" it means water and moon or something in Egyptian and thats where Noahs Arc came from.

I have to say it was one of the most interesting documentaries I have ever seen.

I've also seen a similar documentary on Islam, which used to describe the way of life in those days and how/why they came out with the things that they did. I saw it a long time ago but it said how pigs were only banned because in those days they noticed that pigs would rot quicker then all the other meat. Also apparently women used to get abducted and raped from the deserts and thats why they made women get all covered up. This isn't exactly how they explained it, they went a lot deeper and explained it well, but it was so long ago I can't remember what exactly they were saying.

Anyways. there may be a God but if you ask me religion is probably the biggest blasphemy against him.
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