Please post samples or make comment on this one .
Green Cyprus (we have to put more trees on the iseland)
Blue and red is the guarantors UK , Turkey and Greece
GAVCARoCOM wrote:Please post samples or make comment on this one .
Green Cyprus (we have to put more trees on the iseland)
Blue and red is the guarantors UK , Turkey and Greece
Get Real! wrote:GAVCARoCOM wrote:Please post samples or make comment on this one .
Green Cyprus (we have to put more trees on the iseland)
Blue and red is the guarantors UK , Turkey and Greece
The "guarantors" of invasion and opccupation wise guy?
As I said on another forum:
"Make no mistake...
The flag of Cyprus is sacredly embedded in the hearts of all true Cypriots and any deviation from it is nothing short of anathema"
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