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Film Online: The Greek man from Pakistan

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Postby Andriko » Thu Mar 15, 2007 2:01 pm

If you enjoy it then good for you. Some people don't enjoy it. And why do you think I don't reply to them?? You can't change the way a whole society percieves you. Do you expect me to walk around with a sign on my head saying "i'm not muslim." Some people are very proud to be Greek , that's why it bothers them, maybe you don't think about it so much and that's a good thing. I know many people that are annoyed by being mistaken for something they are not. But when you are in a country, and a particular group of people are really disliked, and you are percieved to be part of that group, and treated like a second class citizen because of it, it would bother you. And another thing, I havn't been offensive towards you, but you're tone is offensive towards me, I consider this an interesting disussion, but please don't make it personal, if you can't talk about something objectively with an open mind then I would rather not take this discussion further with you. Someone with "brains" can take another person's point of view into consideration, and then talks about it like a gentleman. If you can't do that then fine, i'm not getting into a silly internet "tit for tat" arguement on a forum.
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Postby jambo » Thu Mar 15, 2007 2:19 pm

Without throwing a spanner in the works !!
The Asians and Pakistani`s have a harder time here in cyprus
by the locals here, than they do in the UK.

did someone forget to tell the cypriots that slavery is over ....
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Postby dms007 » Thu Mar 15, 2007 5:05 pm

karma wrote:
Andriko wrote:This film makes a good point. In the UK people seem a bit negative towards Asians (Indians and Pakistani's), and muslims in general. And it's a shame that some Greek Cypriots are mistaken for this just because they have dark skin. It's unfair because culturally and religion wise we are nothing like muslims or Asians, so why should we accept this as part of life.

I find this comment very negative and racistic.

I agree with karma.

UK people seem a bit negative towards Asians (Indians and Pakistani's), and muslims in general. And it's a shame that some Greek Cypriots are mistaken for this just because they have dark skin.

If that is not racist.....
Is it very bad for a cypriot to be mistaken for an asian? what is the shame there?
you are mistaken for someone who does the low level jobs, who is brown in colour, is that what shames you?
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Postby karma » Thu Mar 15, 2007 5:35 pm

the people who r proud of their nations are only fools...coz it was just a coincidence and not their choice..
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Postby Nickp » Thu Mar 15, 2007 9:40 pm

dms007 wrote:
karma wrote:
Andriko wrote:This film makes a good point. In the UK people seem a bit negative towards Asians (Indians and Pakistani's), and muslims in general. And it's a shame that some Greek Cypriots are mistaken for this just because they have dark skin. It's unfair because culturally and religion wise we are nothing like muslims or Asians, so why should we accept this as part of life.

I find this comment very negative and racistic.

I agree with karma.

UK people seem a bit negative towards Asians (Indians and Pakistani's), and muslims in general. And it's a shame that some Greek Cypriots are mistaken for this just because they have dark skin.

If that is not racist.....
Is it very bad for a cypriot to be mistaken for an asian? what is the shame there? you are mistaken for someone who does the low level jobs, who is brown in colour, is that what shames you?

I think you are being narrowminded in stereotyping the Asian community in the UK to only do low level jobs and are brown in colour. Most of the Asian community own their own businesses and have succeeded in many professional professions. Furthermore, alot of Pakistani's are very fair if not nearly white.

I think you dont understand the point that Andriko is making.

I also feel you can't relate to the point of view of being a Greek Cypriot growing up in the UK outside of London where it's not as multicultural.

In the UK there does somee to be some kind of ethnic class system and the perceptions of Asians leans towards a negative one and the perceptions of Greeks generally tends to be a more positive one.

Hence, if your growing up in the UK and are perceived in a negative sense because people think you are something your not, it adds stress to your life in many different ways dependent on how the perception is delviered, e.g. racial abuse, snobbyness etc..

If they abused me for being Greek i would not care because that is what i am and i'm proud to be. Again, if i was Asian and they treated me negatively i wouldn't care because that's what i would be and would be proud to be Asian.

There is an underbelly of ignornance in UK society and most of the time you can't see it until it surfaces. A perfect example was this years "Big Brother" and the racial slurs against Shilpa Shetty. She was Asian but the others such as Dirk Bennedict and Jamine Jackson who are American and African American did not get any.

As for Cyprus, it is disgusting the way they treat Asian people. I have witnessed members of my family who are just as ignornat as the people over here. But there other memebers of my family who have treated them like members of our family. With Cyprus, even though it's not perfect they are progressing. If you think Cyprus is bad, Turkey is even 15 years more behind just like their EU membership.
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Postby karma » Thu Mar 15, 2007 9:47 pm

it is not about Cyprus, Uk or is how to handle racists..
and if a Cypriot gets upset bcoz he is mistaken for Pakistani then he is even more racist than others..
got it??
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Postby Nickp » Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:04 pm

karma wrote:it is not about Cyprus, Uk or is how to handle racists..
and if a Cypriot gets upset bcoz he is mistaken for Pakistani then he is even more racist than others..
got it??

I have a Greek background, my culture is British my girlfirend is English and my best friend is British Asian. I think this makes me far from racist even though as a British born Greek Cypriot i will be lightly offended or upset if people assume my background to be anything other than Greek Cypriot. Most people would be whatever their backgrounds it's only natuarl, e.g. a welshman to be mistaken as an Irishman. And i've experienced this first hand.

I think you need to define the word Racist first and find out what exactly it means. I'll help you..."racism means beliefs, practices, and institutions that discriminate against people based on their perceived or ascribed race".

I'm not discriminating against anyone, however it will be upsetting if you are recieving another ethnic groups negative perception in society when you are not a member of that ethnic group.

I think Karma your behaviour maybe different but i feel what i said will be shared amongst most people. The comments that you have come out with are typical of people who are quick to throw the race card into action and because of it alot of public opinio is afraid to discuss about elements in society that may not be politically correct but need discussing.

This coming from a British Born Greek Cypriot with an English girlfriend and British Asian best friend who you think is racist.
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Postby karma » Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:08 pm

I wouldnt mind if I was mistaken Russian despite I am 1.50 cm.
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Postby karma » Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:10 pm

[quote="Nickp"][quote="karma"]it is not about Cyprus, Uk or is how to handle racists..
and if a Cypriot gets upset bcoz he is mistaken for Pakistani then he is even more racist than others..
got it??[/quote]

I have a Greek background, my culture is British my girlfirend is English and my best friend is British Asian. I think this makes me far from racist even though as a British born Greek Cypriot i will be lightly offended or upset if people assume my background to be anything other than Greek Cypriot. Most people would be whatever their backgrounds it's only natuarl, e.g. a welshman to be mistaken as an Irishman. And i've experienced this first hand.

I think you need to define the word Racist first and find out what exactly it means. I'll help you..."racism means beliefs, practices, and institutions that discriminate against people based on their perceived or ascribed race".

This coming from a British Born Greek Cypriot with an English girlfriend and British Asian best friend who you think is racist.[/quote]

I never called u racist, but I wont call u Aryan either..
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Postby miltiades » Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:22 pm

Those who on their own free will , in order to improve their standard of living , emigrate legally or in many cases illegally to a European country , where they know that they can derive benefits that back in their countries they could only dream about , ought to have the sense to try a little , not much just a little , to blend in with the natives. In the UK we have immigrants who stick out like a sore thump , they look as if they stepped out of some medieval era and landed in the UK. They also make demands on the natives , demands that they have no right to expect the locals to grant . Their stay in the UK or anywhere else in Europe is at their own free will. They do not have to remain away from their nations and their way of life any longer than necessary if they can not at least accept that this our way of life , you do not like it , fair enough go back to where you came from and dont complain. The other day I was at Victoria station when I was accosted by a weirdly dressed gypsy looking Eastern European shoving a bunch of dried up flowers up my nose while her other hand was outstretched demanding money , not being the sort to take these nonsense I very politely told her to fuck off . Is that being racist ?
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