Thanks for taking the time to reply Andri. It is not really the way You probably imagined that you would spend more time with your daughter but I suppose you could see that as a positive. I don't suppose it will be too long before she is back up to scratch and will be kicking you out of her room again because you are getting in the way
What is the matter with this Forum. Can they not find a replacement for you so you don't have to waste time moderating. I know someone that seems to have a lot of time on his hands but does very little moderating.
Look after your selves and don't forget dad in all this. We men have a tendency not to make a big fuss for our selves in these circumstances but it always comes back to haunt us. Make sure he is getting it all off his chest as well.
Hope to see you back fighting fit soon with Eleni playing in the background. Be safe.
Love Zan.