turkish_cypriot wrote:Pete I take it you drive. I'm about to start taking my lessons (7 years late!) how much does car insurance cost? Does it matter what car you drive, or is it just the power of the car that matters? Also is it true that its cheaper when you're over the age of 24?
Car insurance goes up every year it seems, and is a total rip off. Lots of stuff will affect your premium, it is certainly not just down to power of vehicle but more the type: simply, it is based on statistics based on how much insurers have had to pay out for said car. Mileage, where u park it etc. can make a big difference. I drive a souped-up volvo which is higher insurance as it has been modified, but the car itself being a volvo is lower insurance group than less fast vehicles.
There is no hard cut off point for insurance dropping at 24, that is a bit of a myth, but some insurers may "group" you into ages e.g "below 25". Main thing is to build up your own no claims bonus.
Get as many quotes as possible, insurance can vary wildly same car diff insurers, by several hundred pounds easily. But beware! The cheapest premium will come from the sh!test place, if you are unlucky enough to have a claim (as i have been) u don't want a bunch of internet only muppets u can't get hold of.
I know shed loads about car stuff, PM me with any more specific questions.
GAVCARoCOM wrote:My advice to buy insurance on the internet and if you are driving not expensive car put high exess limit and put that its parked in the garage , have a imobilizer put one of your friend family adress which is less crime (very important)
I advise everyone NOT to lie to their insurer!
If u have a minor claim, chances are they might not be too bothered.
But if u have a MAJOR claim e.g an RTA resulting in a serious injury / death, then insurers and the police will get very, very interested and will find u out!
Now, obviously none of us EXPECT such a thing to happen.... but that is th e point of insurance, it covers us against things that have a small chance of happening, but which might happen.
GAVCARoCOM wrote:To pete :
You have to carry something your name on it . I m sure . Yesterday they stop me again . They can also check the mot and insurance with calling in.
If the car registered on you or you have record then you dont need to show anything
No - you do NOT have to carry identification in the UK. Yes, if u do then things are easier for the police and easier for them to trust you, but u do not (yet) have to by law.
Yes the police can check if the vehicle has MOT and if someone has a policy on the vehicle, but cannot check if u own it or if u r insured on it if they don't know who you are. It is of course an offence to give false information that is probably "perverting the course of justice".
So Gavcar if any filth ever tell you that you MUST carry ID then they are giving you BS the b&stards..... that is the state of the nation we see today

.... not all the police know the law either, but of course if u give them lip then they give u stick
Anyway must go very tired it is now way past my bedtime and i just promised my GF I was going straight to bed