Kikapu wrote:Carleen,
With all due respect, there is no such thing as "English English", it is just plain "English", so as soon as you learn about who you are, then you can start tackling the Cyprus Problem, and Cypriots in general, because your Greek Cypriot husband does not seem to be much help to you in this regard.
I would recommend that you stop writing for a while, and read some of the "old posts" on this forum, written mostly by Cypriots as well as others. I think you will benefit greatly, then you can come back, and be able to talk more intelligently on the Cyprus issues.
Just a friendly advice.
Now,thats what i call a sensible post...
carleen wrote:i know what i need to know about cyprus and i know that many many years ago they thought cyprus was an island that broke off the bottom of turkey
Bloody hell...thats going back a bit...are we going to discuss prehistoric times now?

carleen wrote: its sad for the number of tc in the northern part they want to come back to there own homes which they were forced to leave but with people like you talking like you do ur not helping them much.
Well well well....who ever told you husband again?
Being one of the Lemesianos who came to the north in 1974,i can tell you that
a)No one forced us to come to the north (we couldnt wait to get here,eventually paid a GC lorry driver to smuggle us through the British bases)
b)None of the Lemesianos or any other TC i know from the south want to go back there top live....
We have plenty of property in Limassol occupied by refugees from Famagusta & Morphou,as far as we are concerned they can live there until a solution,when there will be a property exchange..
To sum it all as advised and refrain from commenting on subjects you have no clue about....That way you wont irritate anyone and get insulted...