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Are the ENGLISH people in CYPRUS are TWO FACES ???????

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Postby GAVCARoCOM » Mon Mar 12, 2007 12:48 pm

carleen wrote:im english english not cypriot at all. i am not going to comment to anymore of your silly remarks they are getting you no where. you stay in your own little mind and just accept what people comment on here after all it is a forum where we can voice our own opinions all we are hearing from you are very rude remarks and calling eveyone racsit. I think you should look at your recent posts and who looks the stupid one you see you put another rude remark you cannot help yourself. i have nothing left to say will just watch what others have to say with you

I know you are an english girl who married to a GC and and speak Cypriot language but thinking that Turkish is not a Cypriot language. Also you are from english family which they will disowed you if you married a TC. All the posts you made is Racist and its shows you dont know anything about cyprus.The TC's co-founded the Republic of Cyprus, please get your facts straight before you humiliate yourself again!
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Postby twinkle » Mon Mar 12, 2007 12:52 pm

Gavcarocom-The actual title of this thread is derogatory and insulting. You have only been a member for 3 weeks. Calm down with the comments. You'll make more enemies than friends on this forum. :)
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:00 pm

carleen wrote:im english english not cypriot at all.


With all due respect, there is no such thing as "English English", it is just plain "English", so as soon as you learn about who you are, then you can start tackling the Cyprus Problem, and Cypriots in general, because your Greek Cypriot husband does not seem to be much help to you in this regard.

I would recommend that you stop writing for a while, and read some of the "old posts" on this forum, written mostly by Cypriots as well as others. I think you will benefit greatly, then you can come back, and be able to talk more intelligently on the Cyprus issues.

Just a friendly advice.
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Postby GAVCARoCOM » Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:01 pm

twinkle wrote:Gavcarocom-The actual title of this thread is derogatory and insulting. You have only been a member for 3 weeks. Calm down with the comments. You'll make more enemies than friends on this forum. :)

How simonwjones says ;
Its just an question . just to know what people think about it
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Postby carleen » Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:07 pm

i know what i need to know about cyprus and i know that many many years ago they thought cyprus was an island that broke off the bottom of turkey, i know enough and dont need someone like you contradicting, if you understand that word.

i personally have nothing against tc its my choice who i choose to be with and marry i said my family would disown me i dont know that for sure just wrote it in heat of discussion but as posted by someone earlier we are christians so marrying a muslim in my eyes would not go down to well with me or family members as i would not be able to follow there religion as we believe in different things and looks like we have different thoughts about alot of situations, if i did marry a tc i would still see that what happened to this country as bad. Just because i married a gc doesnt ,mean i agree with him 100% i look at both sides of the story, yes its sad for the number of tc in the northern part they want to come back to there own homes which they were forced to leave but with people like you talking like you do ur not helping them much.

When we get these comments back from you that are so blunt and filled with hate the normal thing to do is react to you in the same manner. you say we have our own little group sticking together well so have you. lets not carry on with this subject as you are boring me now.
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Postby RichardB » Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:09 pm

To get back to the original question

I think some English in Cyprus are 2 faced and some are straight as a line

I also find that some cypriots in the UK are 2 faced and again some as straight as a line

I expect this must apply to TCs also

I dont really think this particulaly applies to any given Nationality It depends on the actual person

Just my twopennarth for what its worth
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Postby GAVCARoCOM » Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:19 pm

carleen wrote:i know what i need to know about cyprus and i know that many many years ago they thought cyprus was an island that broke off the bottom of turkey, i know enough and dont need someone like you contradicting, if you understand that word.

i personally have nothing against tc its my choice who i choose to be with and marry i said my family would disown me i dont know that for sure just wrote it in heat of discussion but as posted by someone earlier we are christians so marrying a muslim in my eyes would not go down to well with me or family members as i would not be able to follow there religion as we believe in different things and looks like we have different thoughts about alot of situations, if i did marry a tc i would still see that what happened to this country as bad. Just because i married a gc doesnt ,mean i agree with him 100% i look at both sides of the story, yes its sad for the number of tc in the northern part they want to come back to there own homes which they were forced to leave but with people like you talking like you do ur not helping them much.

When we get these comments back from you that are so blunt and filled with hate the normal thing to do is react to you in the same manner. you say we have our own little group sticking together well so have you. lets not carry on with this subject as you are boring me now.

Do ypu accept EOKA-B done mass murders to TC cypriots between 1963-1974 ?????
Why ortodox is fine and muslim is a problem ????? As much as i know we are the lighttest muslims!!!
Why you think that Turkish is not one of the Language of Republic of Cyprus ???????
Answer this and we talk
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Postby GAVCARoCOM » Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:20 pm

RichardB wrote:To get back to the original question

I think some English in Cyprus are 2 faced and some are straight as a line

I also find that some cypriots in the UK are 2 faced and again some as straight as a line

I expect this must apply to TCs also

I dont really think this particulaly applies to any given Nationality It depends on the actual person

Just my twopennarth for what its worth

You are right and my words for the english people who are 2 faces in this forum
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Postby carleen » Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:44 pm

no what the english done in the eoka war was not right either like i said before my husbands grandfather was captured in the eoka war and was a POW but what do you do when your country goes to war you fight. He judged me as a person not a member of the government he looks beyond what happened and carrys on what happened happened but its over now finished. For people to say anything about my husband he knows alot about this situation as its his ocupation being in the ministry of defence, anyway thats not the point now as for saying i dont know who i am i was getting it through to gav that i am english so i said it twice, orthodox religion is very similar to the catholic church there are similarities and we believe in the same thing. Turkish launguage is mainly used northern side now its not common the southern side, ok we have Pyla a village where both live together so turkish launguage would be used there is more of a population of gc than there is tc so what would you class the launguage of ROC?
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Postby ukman » Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:58 pm

just back from beautiful secret valley golf .played crap .but loved the day .and dopey balls still going on .gav if you were english or what ever race .we would still be at you and my simple reason for that is the blatant lies you tell new forum posters .end of nothing else .these people need us just like i did .and you keep spouting crap at them .if you were on when i was new and posting shite like you are it would have made me think about what a rubbish site .but i tell you ,i have used this forum to settle in like all new arrivels since jan
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