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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby fanourıo » Sun Mar 11, 2007 6:55 pm

do you have halloumi in the USA? Oh yes I forgot USA you can even have milk from BIRDS!!!
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Postby andri_cy » Sun Mar 11, 2007 6:57 pm

What are you talking about? Can you even see how ridiculous you come across?
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Postby fanourıo » Sun Mar 11, 2007 6:59 pm

look at your location baby and I am not accepting your calling me ridiculus....but what can i expect from a baby like you?
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Mar 11, 2007 7:06 pm

andri_cy wrote:I don't think it is a war... Hellim may not exist in Turkish, but it might exist in Turkish Cypriot. I am sure the 2 languages differ as much as the Greek Cypriot's tongue does with the actual Greek. Halloumi is a Cypriot product not Greek or Turkish....So stop creating issues where there are none.

Ok Stroumfita, I'll rephrase it...

Halloumi disputes? Halloumi arguments? Halloumi debates? :)

Take your pick. :)
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Mar 11, 2007 8:13 pm

You have a habit Fanouraki to ridicule your own topics. You did the very same thing with the oil discussion we had. So don't expect any serious debates with you.

A TRADITIONAL product may or may not have names in other languages. Houmus, Koubes are traditional Armenian food but the very same name appears in Greek. It doesn't mean they are traditional greek foods. Ask every Turkish person here, he will tell you hellim is not a Turkish word.It is a modified word of halloumi to fit into the Turkish language. In another topic I saw the word "fanatik" written in Turkish, tell me now "fanatik" is a traditional Turkish word will you?

Like I said before there is historical evedence halloumi pre-existed even the Ottoman Empire, with exactly the same name and it was a TRADITIONAL product of Cyprus. The request of the TCs that is registered in the eU with it's Turkish (?!) name is ridiculous to say the least.

If you want to be a good journalist you have to stop the propaganda TITLES and concentrate on factual or researched journalism. You have no future like that.

NB. This is the last time I take your post seriously.
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Postby fanourıo » Sun Mar 11, 2007 8:46 pm

I did not say that Halloumi is not traditionally CYPRIOT , on the contrary I said it is ABSOLUTELY TRADITIONALY CYPRIOT AND THAT CYPRIOTS BOTH TURKISH AND GREEK HAVE BEEN ENJOYING IT TOGETHER FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS! What I have said is that Cyprus Weekly was called uninformed about the word and it went into publishing that HELLIM is not included in the Turkish Language. I have made a post informeing that the word does exist in the Turkish Greek Dictionary and I have also reffered the ISBN number.. read the post. as far as your interest in my posts I do not give a turkish lira!
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Postby fanourıo » Sun Mar 11, 2007 8:48 pm

It seems to be a sport in this forum that whatever is written by people that say the truth is called ridiculus or is being critisised in the worst manner. I have stopped swearing against idiots but it seems that you want it.... I will not....
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Postby fanourıo » Sun Mar 11, 2007 8:51 pm

and pyrpo...YOU DONT HAVE TO FOLLOW MY POSTS, make some of your own....but chasing me around seems to be food for your boring senseless life..... write something from your own instead of just merely critisising others, maybe we are all stupid and you are smart.....but give us a f*cking break! Note: My name is not Viewpoint, I will never give up!
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Mar 11, 2007 9:31 pm

fanourıo wrote:I did not say that Halloumi is not traditionally CYPRIOT , on the contrary I said it is ABSOLUTELY TRADITIONALY CYPRIOT AND THAT CYPRIOTS BOTH TURKISH AND GREEK HAVE BEEN ENJOYING IT TOGETHER FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS! What I have said is that Cyprus Weekly was called uninformed about the word and it went into publishing that HELLIM is not included in the Turkish Language. I have made a post informeing that the word does exist in the Turkish Greek Dictionary and I have also reffered the ISBN number.. read the post. as far as your interest in my posts I do not give a turkish lira!

The word only exists in a Greek Turkish dictionary because a Greek Turkish dictionary covers Cyprus as well. It does not exist in any other dictionary, as Karma said it does not exist in Turkey. It is simply an adapted word into TC dialect. Like "Giavorka" is the TC word for adapting the GC cursing word for "damn".
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Mar 11, 2007 9:41 pm

As for your never giving up, I bet you will give up from Bayrak maximum within a year. What was the maximum period you held a job Fanouraki? :razz:
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