Piratis wrote:Turkcyp, I don't want revenge, and actually I believe the "who started first" thing is pointless.
The problem is that whenever I tried to talk about human rights in Cyprus, some TC will come up and say something like: "You started all this in 63, so now it is not realistic to get all your human rights back" or "We do not trust you because of what happened in 63-68 and thats why we have to live separately now" etc etc.
So some (most?) TCs use history in a very selective way to try to justify their demands. This is what forces me to refer to the whole history, because I do not accept when some TCs come here pretending to be the only victims that have to be reworded, while GCs are the bad ones that have to be punished again and convicted forever.
It does not matter who started it. GCs may have started it but that does not justify any further aggression of your human rights. Furthermore it does not also matte who suffered more in the past as well, as old mistakes can not be taken as justification for future wrongs. And again further, even if any side is currently doing human rights violations, this does not justify others current human rights violations. This is like you are stealing from me so I am stealing from you. Basically the moral of the story is two wrongs never make one right.
What does matter though is that TCs do not trust GCs so they will ask necessary assurances
in the boundaries of without violating human rights . And these may take form of permanent derogations form EU law. In no where permanent derogations from EU law is considered violation of human rights. First of all, if derogation is a violation of human rights, it is not accepted at all. Permanent or temporary, it really does not matter. And in short derogation from human rights is not accepted at all, temporary or permanent.
So if somebody is asking derogation from your human rights you have every right to complain. But do not confuse derogation from EU law with derogation of human rights.
I will repeat that I would be more than happy to leave the past behind and start fresh, and (after a specific transitional period) achieve human rights and democracy for all Cypriots without any racial discriminations.
Cool. We are at the same page here.

Unfortunately it seems to me that what you want are permanent derogations from our rights in our own country, and discrimination of people based on their race. Am I wrong?
I do not know what you mean restrictions based on race. If you are talking about equality of two communities on the federal level based on race. Yes then Piratis I need restrictions based on race. An hopefully permanent derogation from EU law for that. If you are not willing to give those restrictions based on race. Then there is no further talking. WE get our share of land, you get your share of land and we go our own separate ways.
If you are talking about any other restrictions based on race, then I am against those restrictions myself.
But it seems to me that you have this utopia that one mans vote equals to the other mans vote. That has never happened in real world (not even in unitary states let alone Federation), and will never happen in Cyprus as well. Whatever you say if you are not giving equality of TC community to GC community in the federal level (not just equality of one TC vote with one GC vote) then we will be talking for nothing as that kind of solution will never be acceptable for us.
(And by the way what I am asking is not against human rights, before you start complaining. It may be against your interpretation of human rights, but certainly not according to the interpreation of human rights of the whole raneg of countries that supprted Annan Plan. Or do you think the whole world supported Annan Plan, knowing that it is against human rights just to trick GCs? Then why are you even in EU? Even EU backed the Annan Plan. If you do not trust EU to uphold human rights then why be in there.)
If you are not willing to accept that, then we should start considering splitting the island into two in a fair manner.
Take care of yourself,