Piratis the ones who taught the world how to be barbarian and commit genocide was the greeks, first example was in Troy when you killed sleeping people and left noone alive then you tried it in cyprus, are but a few to mention so before you go on one of your not so holy crusades first take a good look in a mirror, then start pointing fingers(like at yourself) at no time have i ever heard of a GC apology to the TC for the atrocious crimes you commited against my community, so before you ask Turkey to apologise, the instigators of all the problems in cyprus the GC should be apologising and asking the TC forgiveness.
Also the ones with the problems are the ones who claim to believe in human rights but then elect a former terrorist as their leader and then make ABSURD claims that they represent all cypriots

Never heard anything so stupid.
You claim Turkey violates your rights and that you cannot get you properties, well thats true but you are doing the exact same thing which means you are violating the TC human rights, and do not give me that dribble that turkey gives back first than us, you are as bad as turkey and you are also stupid enough to think two wrongs make a right.
While you cannot see past your nose and have horse blinkers firmly attached to your face whatever you say is absolute rubbish and everyone on this forum acknowledges that you are either an extremist with a warped mind or just plain ........
Also your undying love for your terrorist leader will make your life even more difficult and my advice is to get some vaseline so you can free your head which is firmly stuck up tassos arse which you seem to think the sun shines out of.
I like many are exhusted from your mindless and completely unfounded rubbish but you keep posting this dribble and you will find me waiting to tell you to GROW UP or learn the true facts as they are and try to concile with the tc.