Athens, 30 March 2002 (16:42 UTC+2)
About 600.000 women die around the world each year due to complications linked to unsafe pregnancies, child-birth and abortions, while 500 million people do not have access to reliable information on ways of contraception.
On the occasion of the Contraception World Day, Prof. Kreatsas at the University of Athens School of Gynecology and Obstetrics, stressed that contraception means responsibility.
The most popular and safe contraception method across Europe, with the exception of Greece, is the pill. In Greece, a total of 500 thousand abortions are being recorded each year. Greek women are cautious toward the pill because they are afraid of the side effects and only a small percentage (2.4%) takes it, while in Europe the pill is preferred by 40% of women in reproductive age.
This is a massacre of the innocent children