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Postby insan » Sat Jan 15, 2005 1:30 am

There is indeed a problem.
However I hope you do not claim that in Turkey things are better in this sector

Piratis, the issue under this thread is related with the high abortion rates in Greece. I can't understand why you feel necessary to involve Turkey into this issue. If you want to put forward any issue about Turkey to discussion, just feel free to do so. I would participate... :wink:
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Postby Piratis » Sat Jan 15, 2005 1:32 am

I wonder why you care so much about Greece suddenly. As far as I know you live(ed) in Turkey, and there things are about 100 times worst.

For example in Turkey if a young girl is raped, not only they kill the infant, they kill the young girl herself. And if that was not bad enough, courts consider such crimes as "honor killings" and they impose lighter penalties!! ... ilberk.htm

This is just an example. Lets not talk about the way women or other weak groups are treated in Turkey because we will have to talk for hours.
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Postby insan » Sat Jan 15, 2005 2:10 am

Last edited by insan on Sat Jan 15, 2005 2:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby insan » Sat Jan 15, 2005 2:10 am

I wonder why you care so much about Greece suddenly.

This is the first time I'm interested into an issue about Greece. Greece as an 25 years of EU member, having the highest abortion rate in Europe, took my attention. That's all. I have never expected such a sad and surprising situation would exist in an EU member country.

As far as I know you live(ed) in Turkey, and there things are about 100 times worst.

100 times worst? Who made the statistics about the things that are 100 times worse in Turkey than Greece? Scientific researcher Piratis? I live in Istanbul for 18 years and there are so many violations of human rights which hurt me.

For example in Turkey if a young girl is raped, not only they kill the infant, they kill the young girl herself.

Apparently you mean all families behave like that? You are mistaken. Those who commit that crime constitutes just a small percentage of Turkey's population.

And if that was not bad enough, courts consider such crimes as "honor killings" and they impose lighter penalties!!

It was for a while ago, now has changed.

This is just an example. Lets not talk about the way women or other weak groups are treated in Turkey because we will have to talk for hours.

It's your problem whether you talk about it or not. I don't care at all.
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