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What do you all REALLY think about Turkish Cypriots?

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What do you think about Turkish Cypriots???

I like them
I dont like them
I'm in two minds about them
Total votes : 31

Postby carleen » Tue Mar 13, 2007 2:37 pm

im not saying that im stating i was bantering back with gav as he said turkish is the language of cyprus and its written wrong hes impling its the main language where in fact its not its a language right??? the puttin of diffierent languages on money is not really a problem here its up to the government what they want to put on there money.
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Postby T_C » Tue Mar 13, 2007 2:45 pm

carleen wrote:im not saying that im stating i was bantering back with gav as he said turkish is the language of cyprus and its written wrong hes impling its the main language where in fact its not its a language right??? the puttin of diffierent languages on money is not really a problem here its up to the government what they want to put on there money.

But it is Carleen, Turkish is the MAIN language of Cyprus along with Greek. Turkish Cypriots co-founded the Republic of Cyprus with the Greek Cypriots. There are two main languages in Cyprus - Greek and Turkish. I dont think the English or the Armenians had anything to do with Cyprus, well except from helping divide it (the English that is). There are more Greek speaking people but Turkish is the other main language there. It has been like this since 1570!
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Postby GAVCARoCOM » Tue Mar 13, 2007 4:15 pm

carleen wrote:read back gav i said many times i feel as sorry for the other side as well and i know its not just one sided as ive said again before, and my husband doesnt order me to believe anything just because im married to a gc doesnt mean i have his mind i have my own mind and i think what i want to think. i have done my reseach found out what people have to say and yes as an outsider i am interested in this problem as my two children will grow up in this country, i dont want them to be doing what were all doing argueing about who is right and who is wrong.

Can i send you a pm with full details what TCs say and what GS say and you can make up your mind. and i can add what TCs wrongs and whats GCs wrongs. Also i will add more details for the Republic of Cyprus some info and you will have some opinion. And i m sure your husband will not be able to refuse even 1 word i say. It will be long and i will pare my time specially for you . If you are honest that you want to know more about Cyprus and Cyprus the problem.
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Postby iceman » Tue Mar 13, 2007 4:49 pm

carleen wrote:Turkish is A language of cyprus amoung others english greek cypriot and armainian. your saying it wrong your quoting


the word 'THE' and 'A' mean very different

If i rephrase it maybe you can understand it easier..
I dont think your husband would have told you this (doubt he knows it himself) but according to the constitution,Greek & Turkish are the two OFFICIAL languages of the Government of Cyprus..
read the relevant section of the 1960 constitution:wink:



1. The official languages of the Republic are Greek and Turkish.

2. Legislative, executive and administrative acts and documents shall be drawn up in both official languages and shall, where under the express provisions of this Constitution promulgation is required, be promulgated by publication in the official Gazette of the Republic in both official languages.

3. Administrative or other official documents addressed to a Greek or a Turk shall be drawn up in the Greek or the Turkish language respectively.

4. Judicial proceedings shall be conducted or made and judgments shall be drawn up in the Greek language if the parties are Greek, in the Turkish language if the parties are Turkish, and in both the Greek and the Turkish languages if the parties are Greek and Turkish. The official language or languages to be used for such purposes in all other cases shall be specified by the Rules of Court made by the High Court under Article 163.

5. Any text in the official Gazette of the Republic shall be published in both official languages in the same issue.

6. (1) Any difference between the Greek and the Turkish texts of any legislative, executive or administrative act or document published in the official Gazette of the Republic, shall be resolved by a competent court.

(2) The prevailing text of any law or decision of a Communal Chamber published in the official Gazette of the Republic shall be that of the language of the Communal Chamber concerned.

(3) Where any difference arises between the Greek and the Turkish texts of an executive or administrative act or document which, though not published in the official Gazette of the Republic, has otherwise been published, a statement by the Minister or any other authority concerned as to which text should prevail or which should be the correct text shall be final and conclusive.

(4) A competent court may grant such remedies as it may deem just in any case of a difference in the texts as aforesaid.

7. The two official languages shall be used on coins, currency notes a stamps.

8. Every person shall have the right to address himself to the authorities of the Republic in either of the official languages.

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