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What do you all REALLY think about Turkish Cypriots?

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What do you think about Turkish Cypriots???

I like them
I dont like them
I'm in two minds about them
Total votes : 31

Postby joderv1 » Tue Mar 13, 2007 11:13 am

What are the Turkish capable of? I am married to a Turkish Cypriot and I am of the understanding from my husband and his family that they want to have equal rights to Greek Cypriots.

I have always had an open mind about the situation even after hearing stories from Turkish Cypriots. My husband respects me and my beliefs and I have always been honest with his family.

I think the Island should remain divided and that each side should continue to have their own governments and all live in peace.

I personally do not think that the Turkish will start any trouble as has been remarked here and they want the Turkish and Greek Cypriots to live in peace.

I have heard that the Greek side want the whole island (only what I have heard, could be wrong) and this is not what I believe should happen.

Anyway that is my opinion. All foreigners to this situation should hopefully keep an open mind and respect both sides.

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Postby humanist » Tue Mar 13, 2007 11:17 am

Natty, I think that when we realise that we are all human beings then we are all going to be okay.
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Postby joderv1 » Tue Mar 13, 2007 11:46 am

I lived in London all my life and what better place to grow up and see all walks of life. I learned about different religions and cultures at a young age and I respect all.

One thing I have found living here is that some things are one sided. It was hard for my husbands family to accept me, not being Turkish and I think they still have a problem with that.

I grew up differently and fell in love with a man, not a race, culture or religion. My family accept that and have never said a thing to me about who I went out with or chose to marry.

As per previous post we are all human and different.

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Postby carleen » Tue Mar 13, 2007 11:54 am

i believe its the same all around the the world parents expect you to marry your own, but like you said its not our fault who we fall in love with no matter what religion or race. The problem here too is the older generation still hold grudges from whats happened in the past its just the way they are they cannot move forwards still dwell in the past, and forget that it is the happiness of there children that should come first now.

yes were all human and very different
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Postby joderv1 » Tue Mar 13, 2007 12:01 pm

That is very true Carleen. People still do live in the past, but I do find that some of the younger generation have been told these stories (obviously) and have got bitter themselves.

Someone even told me (she is 16) that she does not like 'black people'. She has never met anyone of this race and spoken to them, but it is their 'colour and her family do not like these people either'. They most probably have never met anyone of another race before.

She wants to go to UK in Summer, how will she react when she visits London.

I have friends of all cultures and races and they are like family to me.

But anyway I don't feel that either Greeks and Turks will fully work out their problems and come to terms with the present and future. I hope they do.

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Postby carleen » Tue Mar 13, 2007 12:11 pm

people told me on here im racist because i said in heat of discussion i wouldnt marry a tc one was being very rude to me at the time. but like you say in my past experiance living in england i met turkish people and they were nice never hurt me in any way, i have black friends also i think people see different race people different from us and there not we are all human all have blood running through our bodies we just believe in different things.

knowing from experiance i believe as some families knock it into there children about what happened here in cyprus from the gc side and the tc side and that they should believe everything there parents tells them thats why they are one sided and bitter. But my husband has a second job and he meets lots of tcs and turkish people who he says are not really bad at all they want what he does peace and cyprus to be cyprus again.

on here when people start tryig to humiliate people and start being rude things do get out of hand because in the post before everyone should be able to listen and stay calm and respect other peoples views even if they dont agree with them.
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Postby GAVCARoCOM » Tue Mar 13, 2007 12:16 pm

mmmmm ,
If you dont know something right in this forum you can learn the truth.Because you may think you know the truth but you dont.
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Postby joderv1 » Tue Mar 13, 2007 12:18 pm

Well I am new to this BB and I decided to read some of the posts and I was really surprised at the personal attacks. Maybe you did say it in the heat of the moment and if he was being rude then that is no excuse either.

I am a very honest person, but tactful and I would never thrust my opinions on people. I listen to all sides and have an open mind. My husband has his views as does yours, but I would say that they both want peace.

My husband grew up in North Cyprus and he went to UK when he was 18. We have been here for 18 months and are planning to go back to UK in June.

I wanted to use this forum for information and hopefully I will do that at some point. I am just going through it now.

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Postby sadik06 » Tue Mar 13, 2007 12:40 pm

what is it for this poll???
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Postby carleen » Tue Mar 13, 2007 1:30 pm

i have learnt not to give any attention to these people who throw back comments so i will just not reply, u should go back and read some of the posts then you will see, like i said everyone has opinions nothing is right and nothing is wrong people have different views and are still getting judged by them, your perfectly right my husband is like yours wants peace.
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