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Itentity Crisis...

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Itentity Crisis...

Postby Natty » Thu Mar 08, 2007 11:26 pm

I have to admit, that after reading a few posts and threads, this whole question of 'identity' is driving me a little bit crazy, I honestly don't think I've questioned my identity as much as I have since I joined this forum! :shock: :lol:

'Is it wrong that I'm proud of my Greek heritage?', 'Do I actually have any Greek heritage??', 'Should I wipe out all Greek things and just concentrate on the Cypriot things?' 'But then what language would I speak?' 'How could I speak the distinctive Cypriot dialect without the using the Greek language as a basis?', etc....

Now you can see why it's been driving me crazy!! :lol:

So I decided to stop questioning my identity and confess that I am very proud British Greek Cypriot! There I've said it... :D

Personally I feel that My ‘Cypriotness’ is a fusion of (Mainly) the Greek and Native Cypriot cultures and that I DO have Greek heritage and am very proud of that fact (and I know that that might alienate some Turkish Cypriots but we share the Cypriot culture and the Greek and Turkish culture are so similar and infused with each to the extent that Greeks and Turks argue as to who came up with what first and who influenced the other most... :roll: ) but I am Cypriot first and foremost and then Greek.

So I can speak, write and can read 'Modern' Greek, but I speak the Cypriot dialect, I know many Greek Dances that come from all over Greece and Turkey, but I mainly dance the Cypriot dances, I eat Souvlakia but I don't roast a whole lamb on a spit, I crack red eggs at Easter, but I also eat flaounes, I listen to Greek music, but I also listen to Cypriot music (which makes me feel very proud..), I sure do love to dance to a Zembekiko or a Greek Syrto, but what can beat a Kypriako Zembekiko and a Kypriako syrto? I love dancing a traditional hasapiko at a wedding, but my favourite bit is when the Bride and Groom dance together, or when the Koumpari dance together, I love Pastitsio and FaKi, but I know them as Makaronia tou fournou and FaGi, Greek coffee, Turkish coffee? Great but I like a nice kypriakon cafe...(Oh and who can beat a good British cup of tea?? :D )

All that is me that is my indentity that is who I feel I am...

Yes I don't agree with people who shun the traditional Cypriot way of doing things in favor of the Greek way of doing things (however similar..), and who feel that Greece is 'the Mother land', but they are entitled to feel like that as long as they don't impose their opinions and feelings on anyone else...

What we have to do in Cyprus is accept and embrace each others similarities and differences and have respect for each other, instead of imposing things on people, and having silly arguments about 'whether Cyprus really ever had any Greek heritage, or whether we are all of I don't know, Persian decent’... for example... :wink:

And that’s my two cents worth... :wink:
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Re: Itentity Crisis...

Postby Venizelist » Fri Mar 09, 2007 2:37 am

Natty wrote:I sure do love to dance to a Zembekiko or a Greek Syrto, but what can beat a Kypriako Zembekiko and a Kypriako syrto?
There is no such thing as Cypriot zembekiko, Macedonian zembekiko, or whatever. Zembekiko is a dance of passion and with no rules which every Greek can dance to regardless of what region or villiage they are from 8) Anyways I agree with most of your post.
Last edited by Venizelist on Fri Mar 09, 2007 2:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Mar 09, 2007 2:54 am

I was about to respond to your predicament Nutty when the Ledra street demolition started and in the rush I lost a page full of your response! Sorry :(
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Re: Itentity Crisis...

Postby T_C » Fri Mar 09, 2007 3:02 am

Venizelist wrote:I'm sorry but how is Cypriot zembekiko danced out? There is no such thing as Cypriot zembekiko, Macedonian zembekiko, or whatever. Zembekiko is a dance of passion with no rules 8) As for your Cypriot syrto I will tell you now that in every place you go to Greece there are many different styles of Greek traditional dances but this does not mean they aren't Greek dances. Hence in my oppinion I believe Greek Cypriot dances is part of the many different types of Greek dances just like the Cretan dances, the Pontian dances, the Peloponesian dances and etc. Anyways I agree with most of your post :)

Is Zembekiko a Greek version of Zeybek dance? Like this...?

Theres a Pontian dance called Pontiaka or something and Turks from the black sea region do the same dance but its called Horon. Not many Turks know its a Pontian dance even though they're dressed head to toe in Pontian costume :lol: :lol:
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Re: Itentity Crisis...

Postby Venizelist » Fri Mar 09, 2007 3:08 am

turkish_cypriot wrote:
Venizelist wrote:I'm sorry but how is Cypriot zembekiko danced out? There is no such thing as Cypriot zembekiko, Macedonian zembekiko, or whatever. Zembekiko is a dance of passion with no rules 8) As for your Cypriot syrto I will tell you now that in every place you go to Greece there are many different styles of Greek traditional dances but this does not mean they aren't Greek dances. Hence in my oppinion I believe Greek Cypriot dances is part of the many different types of Greek dances just like the Cretan dances, the Pontian dances, the Peloponesian dances and etc. Anyways I agree with most of your post :)

Is Zembekiko a Greek version of Zeybek dance? Like this...?
Greek zembekiko is very different from this but yea it probley originated in Asia Minor but from who, who knows. Many different nationalities used to live in Asia Minor you know. It's hard to be definite on anything now especially in the Balkans.
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Re: Itentity Crisis...

Postby T_C » Fri Mar 09, 2007 3:33 am

Venizelist wrote:
turkish_cypriot wrote:
Venizelist wrote:I'm sorry but how is Cypriot zembekiko danced out? There is no such thing as Cypriot zembekiko, Macedonian zembekiko, or whatever. Zembekiko is a dance of passion with no rules 8) As for your Cypriot syrto I will tell you now that in every place you go to Greece there are many different styles of Greek traditional dances but this does not mean they aren't Greek dances. Hence in my oppinion I believe Greek Cypriot dances is part of the many different types of Greek dances just like the Cretan dances, the Pontian dances, the Peloponesian dances and etc. Anyways I agree with most of your post :)

Is Zembekiko a Greek version of Zeybek dance? Like this...?
Greek zembekiko is very different from this but yea it probley originated in Asia Minor but from who, who knows. Many different nationalities used to live in Asia Minor you know. It's hard to be definite on anything now especially in the Balkans.

Alright clam down, why must you try and do all you can to try imply "it might not be Turkish" :roll: The Zeybeks were warriors of Turkish origin in Western Anatolia and this dance comes from them, not that it matters anyway...and for your information there is a Cypriot Zeybek/Zeybekiko dance its called Abohor-(Epicho)-Zeybegi. Theres nothing wrong with having influences from eachother, we have many Greek dances as I stated above so its no big deal. I was just wondering if it was a similar thing because I'm interested in folk dances. I like watching a lot of the Greek Tikk, Pontiaka (spelling) dances on youtube too....
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Re: Itentity Crisis...

Postby Venizelist » Fri Mar 09, 2007 3:45 am

turkish_cypriot wrote:
Venizelist wrote:
turkish_cypriot wrote:
Venizelist wrote:I'm sorry but how is Cypriot zembekiko danced out? There is no such thing as Cypriot zembekiko, Macedonian zembekiko, or whatever. Zembekiko is a dance of passion with no rules 8) As for your Cypriot syrto I will tell you now that in every place you go to Greece there are many different styles of Greek traditional dances but this does not mean they aren't Greek dances. Hence in my oppinion I believe Greek Cypriot dances is part of the many different types of Greek dances just like the Cretan dances, the Pontian dances, the Peloponesian dances and etc. Anyways I agree with most of your post :)

Is Zembekiko a Greek version of Zeybek dance? Like this...?
Greek zembekiko is very different from this but yea it probley originated in Asia Minor but from who, who knows. Many different nationalities used to live in Asia Minor you know. It's hard to be definite on anything now especially in the Balkans.

Alright clam down, why must you try and do all you can to try imply "it might not be Turkish" :roll: The Zeybeks were warriors of Turkish origin in Western Anatolia and this dance comes from them, not that it matters anyway...and for your information there is a Cypriot Zeybek/Zeybekiko dance its called Abohor-(Epicho)-Zeybegi. Theres nothing wrong with having influences from eachother, we have many Greek dances as I stated above so its no big deal. I was just wondering if it was a similar thing because I'm interested in folk dances. I like watching a lot of the Greek Tikk, Pontiaka (spelling) dances on youtube too....
No I am not mad my friend. But just to let you know during the great exchange I have heard of Greek groups coming to Greece known as the Zembekizes who would often kill if more than one danced the Zembekiko 8) Your probley right though. Anyways glad to know your interested with folk dances. I am interested with folk dances too :wink:
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Postby Natty » Fri Mar 09, 2007 6:12 am

No problem Get Real, I think can forgive you.. :wink:

I can just imagine the chaos at the time of the demolition, I actually thought you were joking for a minute, but then I read your post about the demolition...a bit of a surprise that's for sure... :shock:

Well if you can ever be bothered to right it all out again, you know where the thread will be... :wink:
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Postby karma » Fri Mar 09, 2007 7:49 am

Identity is not matter of being proud or ashamed, becouse it is not something we choose or create, it is just a COINCIDENCE like our hair u ever say ''I am very proud for my hair colour"" ??
No1 is Aryan anymore anyway...except Pyro :)
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Re: Itentity Crisis...

Postby karma » Fri Mar 09, 2007 7:55 am

Venizelist wrote:
turkish_cypriot wrote:
Venizelist wrote:
turkish_cypriot wrote:
Venizelist wrote:I'm sorry but how is Cypriot zembekiko danced out? There is no such thing as Cypriot zembekiko, Macedonian zembekiko, or whatever. Zembekiko is a dance of passion with no rules 8) As for your Cypriot syrto I will tell you now that in every place you go to Greece there are many different styles of Greek traditional dances but this does not mean they aren't Greek dances. Hence in my oppinion I believe Greek Cypriot dances is part of the many different types of Greek dances just like the Cretan dances, the Pontian dances, the Peloponesian dances and etc. Anyways I agree with most of your post :)

Is Zembekiko a Greek version of Zeybek dance? Like this...?
Greek zembekiko is very different from this but yea it probley originated in Asia Minor but from who, who knows. Many different nationalities used to live in Asia Minor you know. It's hard to be definite on anything now especially in the Balkans.

Alright clam down, why must you try and do all you can to try imply "it might not be Turkish" :roll: The Zeybeks were warriors of Turkish origin in Western Anatolia and this dance comes from them, not that it matters anyway...and for your information there is a Cypriot Zeybek/Zeybekiko dance its called Abohor-(Epicho)-Zeybegi. Theres nothing wrong with having influences from eachother, we have many Greek dances as I stated above so its no big deal. I was just wondering if it was a similar thing because I'm interested in folk dances. I like watching a lot of the Greek Tikk, Pontiaka (spelling) dances on youtube too....
No I am not mad my friend. But just to let you know during the great exchange I have heard of Greek groups coming to Greece known as the Zembekizes who would often kill if more than one danced the Zembekiko 8) Your probley right though. Anyways glad to know your interested with folk dances. I am interested with folk dances too :wink:

the Zeybeks were both greeks and turks in Asia Minor, the famoust Zeybek "Cakici" was greek it is very normal that Zeibekiko is being danced by both greeks and turks, also Khasapiko (kasap havasi) or Chifteteli, Sirto (sirtaki)...
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