I am a Greek Cypriot and I am proud of both my Cypriot and Greek heritage, but just because I feel like that doesn't make me want to hate the Turkish Cypriots, or not want to have Cyprus become one country. I don't look at the history of Greece and Turkey and the problems they have as my problems, I look at the problems of Cyprus and have hope that one day those problems will be no more!
Cyprus is Cyprus, a multicultural country and I can not wait for the day that barrier comes down and we can live as one again!
(Trying to define identity is rather difficult isn't it? So I'm just going to stop now, I've said what I wanted to say..

@ Venizelist, I believe there is a Kypriako Zembekiko, which is slightly different than the standard Greek Zembekiko, but your right anyone can dance the Zembekiko, even people who can't dance..it's just about feeling it! That's the most important thing...
The other dance you will see people dancing alone is the Zembekiko, or drunkard's dance. This also has no specific steps, but involves stumbling around precariously to the rhythm of the music. In the Zembekiko you will see several dancers down on one knee clapping around a particular dancer, and then they'll trade off. There are no rules. You can dance alone or you can join the clapping for someone else. As long as you're having fun, you're doing just fine.
Now go out and hit the dance floor. Opa!
(These are three different versions of Greek Zembekiko,..and I also found a film of a traditional Cypriot dance Datsia I believe, you've got to love youtube...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRzLKVbj ... ed&search=
(I put this one up because I like the music..

(These guys are pretty good..and yes there is liquid in those glasses...

@Kikapu... Kikapu, Kikapu, Kikapu.....(nothing else just that...

@Miltiades, I agree very much with what you wrote..
@ReportfromCyprus, I also agree with what you wrote..(especially the fabulous bit..

@DT, and of course I agree with you wrote...

@Everyone else who replied, the Cypriot, Get Real, Turkish Cypriot, Karma, Free-Cyprus, and anyone else that I've accidentally missed out, thanks for your replies it's nice to read people's different opinions.