carleen wrote:yes i agree reading these posts he is a very nasty man who has nothing to blame but the english and hes living in england???? why because our government help everyone, we can do without helping people like him though, does he realise who is to blame for the cyprus situation, if anyone invaded england whos fault would it be the english..... i dont think so.
carleen wrote:Dont talk about something you do not know nothing about i came here before cyprus joined the EU and it wasnt easy to stay here immagration etc but i came to cyprus for a reason to be with my gc husband even then i didnt get it easy from the government. no ones telling you to go out of the forum but to calm down your so angry let people share there thoughts we have a right to speak, wether you like it or not. I am english i know my country and i know we help anyone who enters, with housing money paying bills, this is from persoanl experiance we look after you so i would watch what you say if i were you. and if i recall u are tc u didnt open ur doors to me the gc did.
ukman wrote:doors get opened with our hard earned money you moron do you think we dont now how we would be treated if we did not bring money with us or did not have something you wanted .you would not pass the time of day ,idiot ,beware of greeks bareing gifts very old saying .and still right to this day .you dont fool all of us tosser![]()
carleen wrote:i dont have a problem with anyone this is a forum where we express our views about different situations mainly the cyprus one. Ur living in the uk u should respect that you have a good life your being treated well. Why dont you come back to the northern part to live and then tell us where you would rather be and who looks after you the most the english government or your government
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