Murataga wrote:Piratis and askimwos-
Although I`d menioned I wouldn`t write anymore on the thread, your remarks stating that what my point was not understood made it mandatory to follow up with this final one.
The initial question was how today`s GCs looked back into the lethal aspirations of ENOSIS. Akthough there were one or two answers, GCs started denying ENOSIS and that it was only in people`s head, and that they did not do anything about it that was unconstitutional. ENOSIS WAS UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Furthermore, if it was banned in the constitution no one can not try to activate it through a vote of the majority. That is a true misinterpretation of what democracy is. For example, if slavery was publicly voted in a society and it got the majority of the votes, would it be applied? NO! If polgamy was voted by the majority of the society would it become legal? NO! If rape or theft was voted by the majority of the people, would it become legal and constitutional? NO! If ENOSIS was voted by the majority of the people would it be applied, become constituional or realized? NO! NO! NO!
To sum it all up, the 4 points of my thread were:
(1) With the Agreements made in 1959, ENOSIS was effectively barred and classified unconstitutional
(2) Despite item (1), GCs have strived for achieveing ENOSIS politically -ILLEGAL
The Greek Cypriot House of Representatives Journal of June 27 1967, reported that, on June 26 the deputies had unanimously passed a resolution declaring that the struggle for ENOSIS would continue until the union of Cyprus with the motherland, Greece, was achieved:
"Interpreting the age-long aspirations of the Greeks of Cyprus, the House declares that despite any adverse circumstances it will not suspend the struggle being conducted with the support of all Greeks, until this struggle ends in success through the union of the whole and undivided Cyprus with the motherland, without any intermediary stage."
And for the sake of clearity, I repost the messages of only two of the times Greek Cypriot community leaders:
Tha following are official statements of Mr. Kyprianou released to the public via Greek Cypriot PIO with the corresponding dates:
16 July 1966 Greek Cypriot PIO press release no. 13
The national leadership, which voices the wishes of all the people, is not prepared to accept any compromise solution adulterating the people’s national restoration. The Cypriot people want union with Greece. The Greek Cypriot people will continue to struggle having as their standard the Greek flag, Greek virtues and ideals.
1 April 1967 Greek Cypriot PIO press release no. 4
Cyprus is now an independent and sovereign state and, therefore, the struggle for union with Greece is easier and shorter than before.
24 March 1971 Greek Cypriot PIO press release no. 7
The unity of purpose, and policy existing between and Greece is absolute. The line of policy by the two Governments is one and the same. Neither Cyprus nor Greece can possibly accept solutions that might, sooner or later, be considered by the people and history, and by posterity, as nationally inadmissible compromises…
19 February 1973, from Archbishop Makarios III statement in Le Point
I have struggles for the union of Cyprus with Greece, and Enosis will always be my deep national aspiration as it is the aspiration of all Greek Cypriots. My national creed has never changed and my career as a national leader has showed no inconsistency or contradiction. I have accepted independence instead of Enosis because certain external conditions and factors have not allowed a free choice.
6 April 1973, from Archbishop Makarios III interview with John Harrison of the London Daily Express:
"Union of Cyprus with Greece has always been the national aspiration of the Greek Cypriots. This national feeling has deep roots and the Greek Cypriots would favor Enosis under any circumstances. Various factors, however, and mainly the opposition of Turkey do not make Enosis attainable."
14 March 1971, Archbishop Makarios III speech at Yialousa
Cyprus is Greek. Cyprus has been Greek since the dawn of its history, and it will remain Greek. Greek and undivided we have taken it over, Greek and undivided we shall preserve it. Greek and undivided we shall deliver it to Greece.
(3) Despite item (1), GCs have strived for achieving ENOSIS through force of arms - ILLEGAL
PROOF- The establishment of EOKA-B and the invitation of Greek military personel to the island to train National Gurad units to carryout attacks on innocent Turkish civilians. A Greek Cypriot armed force - National Guard - was established under the command of Greek General Staff in complete contravention to the constitution.
General Grivas who was appointed Supreme Commander of the Greek Cypriot armed forces by Archbishop Makarios III launched ferrocious attacks on Turkish villages. Makarios has later expressed his regret of having taken such an action, however, by than it was too late...
From the address made by Archbishop Makarios III before the U.N. security council on 19 July 1974- Security Council official records, S/PV.1780)
"It may be said that it was the Cyprus Government which invited the Greek officers to staff the National Guard. I regret to say that it was a mistake on my part to bestow upon them so much trust and confidence. they abused that trust and confidence and, instead of helping in the defence of the Island`s independence, sovereignity and territorial integrity, they themselves became the aggressors."
(4) The desire and the ILLEGAL political and forcefull struggle for ENOSIS was what derailed the constitutional state of Cyprus and has lead the island it into misery and chaos.
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