@ Zan...
I use the term "invasion" because that is the closest term in the English language to describe what happened.When a foreign country uses warships and warplanes to land troops on another country's soil,that is an
The motivation behind the invasion is another matter.I am on record for saying that
Turkey was within her international quarantee rights to invade Cyprus when she did,to restore the integrity and independence of the Republic of Cyprus.
It is also my opinion that she was 11 years too late,because the integrity of the 1960 agreement was violated in December 1963.
The events following the 74 invasion proved that
Turkey did not have the interests of the TCs when she landed troops on Cyprus,nor did she have the interests of the Republic of Cyprus,whose independence and sovereignty she was to guarantee...
That turned the the 74 invasion into an illegal act of occupation,which resulted in the human rights of 250,000 Cypriots (I am including the TCs as well who was forced or convinced to become refugees) being trumpled on.
BTW,the events I described with the hand grenade and my getting ready to kill my mother and sisters happened in 1963.That was when we really needed Turkey's help,which of course was not forthcoming.As a result,my family and your family and countless other families had to go into exile to find a life worth living.I left Cyprus in 1969.The invasion of 74 is now stopping me from returning to my motherland,because I refuse to call TRNC my country.I will not go and live in a military open prison,and I will not go and live in the Greek Cypriot run South where I will only be grudgingly tolerated by the majority of my compatriots, in my own country...