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Postby Piratis » Thu Mar 08, 2007 4:15 pm

Murataga wrote:eracles- there are other sources of information other than "google". The source of that particular quote you mention is from the book of Michael Moran- Sovereignity Divided- Essays on the International Dimensions of the Cyprus Problem (1998). Michael Moran thaught philosophy at the University of Sussex for many years and has held teaching and research posts in many universities in England, France and Switzerland.

The quote is also given in a couple of Dentash`s books but if I were to reference that, you`d most probably mark it as "propaganda junk". But guess what.... it isn`t.

So Michael Moran was in Yialousa in 1971? Or maybe he had Denctash as his source?
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Postby Murataga » Thu Mar 08, 2007 4:29 pm

Moran refrences this statement to be from local newspapapers, implying that the speech was reported in a number of papers in those days. So does Denktash (by the way the two books do not even referene each other). I am surprised to see your enthusiasm to discredit the information. Does this statement surprise you that much given the other two and some others that I can send aswell? If it doesen`t suit your cause, it must be false; is that it?
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Postby Piratis » Thu Mar 08, 2007 4:49 pm

I've seen many false information given by the Turkish propaganda. One more wouldn't surprise me actually.

Here is one thread with an example which is proven as lie.
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Postby Piratis » Thu Mar 08, 2007 4:50 pm

Just to be clear, I was not in Yialousa in 1971 nor I read the newspapers of the time. So I am not saying that what you gave is false. I am just pointing out the possibility given the Turkish propaganda record.
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Postby free_cyprus » Thu Mar 08, 2007 8:39 pm

can i ask how a bunch of potatoe farmers uneducated twats wants to be part of turkey or greece.......................except the facts cypriots are peasents be proud of it
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:29 pm

free_cyprus wrote:can i ask how a bunch of potatoe farmers uneducated twats wants to be part of turkey or greece.......................except the facts cypriots are peasents be proud of it

I consulted an expert for an opinion of your post and here's the result...

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Postby miltiades » Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:40 pm

ken910 wrote:piratis i could have sworn that the bombs were falling in famagusta old city long before THE TURKISH PEACE OPERATOIN . PULL YOURE HEAD OUT OF THE SAND I WAS THERE

So was I and so was the United Nations. The old city of Famagusta had not even a stone thrown at it prior to the Turkish Invasion. Get your facts together before posting such absolute nonsense. No single T/C any where in Cyprus had lost his / her life at least 8 years before the Turkish invasion.
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Postby miltiades » Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:50 pm

zan wrote:Kikapu the propaganda police does not seem to be doing a fair job :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

As far as Cypriots go what happened before our independence is of no consequence. What happened after we got our republic was Illegal as far as ENOSIS goes and a few well documented things that that prat Makarios did to endanger our lives. As per usual Piratis' uses Ottoman oppression to justify the planed extermination of a third of all Cypriots with the Akritas plan. Witnesses come here and tell of what they saw and suffered but the Greek propaganda goes on. Any votes on the ENOSIS subject were done without the TCs so the claim that anything to do with this idea has to be deemed ilegal. Confusing issues is a well known ploy by Piratis and I am glad that more and more people are speaking out against him. Bir him self has stated the state of readiness he was put in at the time in which he would kill himself if the Greeks captured him and still he uses the word invasion for the Turkish soldiers that helped save him and his kind.

When you say 1/3 rd of all Cypriots you are obviosuly including those G/Cs who opposed Enosis .

Bir uses the word invasion for no other reason other than to describe the events of 1974 as the Turkish invasion. Such is the description given to those events by the UN and the international community.
Can I just ask , would you consider it incorrect for the 200 thousand refugees at the time if they referred to the events that led too their being displaced as anything but an invasion , or you suggesting that they to ought to follow the official propaganda jargon and call it a" peace mission"
and two fingers up to the 6500 Cypriots who were killed as well as the 2 or 3 thousand Turkish troops. !!
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Postby zan » Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:57 pm

miltiades wrote:
zan wrote:Kikapu the propaganda police does not seem to be doing a fair job :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

As far as Cypriots go what happened before our independence is of no consequence. What happened after we got our republic was Illegal as far as ENOSIS goes and a few well documented things that that prat Makarios did to endanger our lives. As per usual Piratis' uses Ottoman oppression to justify the planed extermination of a third of all Cypriots with the Akritas plan. Witnesses come here and tell of what they saw and suffered but the Greek propaganda goes on. Any votes on the ENOSIS subject were done without the TCs so the claim that anything to do with this idea has to be deemed ilegal. Confusing issues is a well known ploy by Piratis and I am glad that more and more people are speaking out against him. Bir him self has stated the state of readiness he was put in at the time in which he would kill himself if the Greeks captured him and still he uses the word invasion for the Turkish soldiers that helped save him and his kind.

When you say 1/3 rd of all Cypriots you are obviosuly including those G/Cs who opposed Enosis .

Bir uses the word invasion for no other reason other than to describe the events of 1974 as the Turkish invasion. Such is the description given to those events by the UN and the international community.
Can I just ask , would you consider it incorrect for the 200 thousand refugees at the time if they referred to the events that led too their being displaced as anything but an invasion , or you suggesting that they to ought to follow the official propaganda jargon and call it a" peace mission"
and two fingers up to the 6500 Cypriots who were killed as well as the 2 or 3 thousand Turkish troops. !!

Makarios screaming for INTERVENTION from the UN and Britain and when the Turks do it and it suddenly becomes an Invasion. Makarios' speech and plea did not say come and invade us and save us from the coupist did it. I can just about swallow the Intervention and then an occupation but the propaganda is the work of the GCs trying to make the whole event illegal not the other way around.
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Postby Murataga » Fri Mar 09, 2007 4:14 am

The leader of the Democratic Party, Mr. Spyros Kyprianou, whi was the President of the Greek Cypriot House of Representatives at the time of the archbishop`s death, became Acting President. Seven months later, on February 5 1978, he was installed, unopposed, as President.

Piratis- well here is some Turkish propaganda from the Greek Cypriot Press and Information Office (PIO) 8)

Tha following are official statements of Mr. Kyprianou released to the public via Greek Cypriot PIO with the corresponding dates:

16 July 1966 Greek Cypriot PIO press release no. 13
The national leadership, which voices the wishes of all the people, is not prepared to accept any compromise solution adulterating the people’s national restoration. The Cypriot people want union with Greece. The Greek Cypriot people will continue to struggle having as their standard the Greek flag, Greek virtues and ideals.

1 April 1967 Greek Cypriot PIO press release no. 4
Cyprus is now an independent and sovereign state and, therefore, the struggle for union with Greece is easier and shorter than before.

24 March 1971 Greek Cypriot PIO press release no. 7
The unity of purpose, and policy existing between and Greece is absolute. The line of policy by the two Governments is one and the same. Neither Cyprus nor Greece can possibly accept solutions that might, sooner or later, be considered by the people and history, and by posterity, as nationally inadmissible compromises…
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