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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Murataga » Thu Mar 08, 2007 5:55 am

Piratis- I am not trying to present Makarios... just quoting him. I think his words speak for themselves. I added a third one for you from the leader of the GC community with an "enosis idea that was dead by the mid-60s" (Piratis 2007) :) . By the way, I have some more from Kyprianou and the rest if you like. As for Papadopulos.... I don`t think the forum has enough space 8)

19 February 1973, from Archbishop Makarios III statement in Le Point
I have struggles for the union of Cyprus with Greece, and Enosis will always be my deep national aspiration as it is the aspiration of all Greek Cypriots. My national creed has never changed and my career as a national leader has showed no inconsistency or contradiction. I have accepted independence instead of Enosis because certain external conditions and factors have not allowed a free choice.

6 April 1973, from Archbishop Makarios III interview with John Harrison of the London Daily Express:
"Union of Cyprus with Greece has always been the national aspiration of the Greek Cypriots. This national feeling has deep roots and the Greek Cypriots would favor Enosis under any circumstances. Various factors, however, and mainly the opposition of Turkey do not make Enosis attainable."

14 March 1971, Archbishop Makarios III speech at Yialousa
Cyprus is Greek. Cyprus has been Greek since the dawn of its history, and it will remain Greek. Greek and undivided we have taken it over, Greek and undivided we shall preserve it. Greek and undivided we shall deliver it to Greece.
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Postby Piratis » Thu Mar 08, 2007 6:25 am

I have struggles for the union of Cyprus with Greece, and Enosis will always be my deep national aspiration as it is the aspiration of all Greek Cypriots. My national creed has never changed and my career as a national leader has showed no inconsistency or contradiction. I have accepted independence instead of Enosis because certain external conditions and factors have not allowed a free choice.

So there you go. What else do you want? Enosis was our right, it was legal, not crime, but the great powers forced us to sign something different. So we accepted it.

One thing is accepting something and another to say that you like it. So I repeat: There was nothing illegal or criminal about thinking or talking about enosis. And the great majority of Greek Cypriots did not support illegal and criminal actions like the coup, unlike the TCs (the majority) who even today, 32 years after the excuse expired, they still give lame excuses to support crimes and illegalities in Cyprus.

So it is not entirely TC propaganda when they claim the Turkish invasion saved some GCs (the leftists and Makarios supporters,I suppose)...

The coupists killed several 100s of GCs resistance fighters. The Turks killed 6000 people, most of which were unarmed innocent people, women and children, raped under age girls and forced 200.000 people out of their homes.

We know what happened as the result of the Turkish invasion,Piratis,but what do you think might've happened had Turkey not invaded? I am not asking here what would've happened to the TCs,but I am curious to find out what you think would've happened to the GCs and to Cyprus in general, had the invasion not happened? Do you think the coup would've failed anyway,and if yes,how?

Nobody knows what would have happened. What I know is what should have happened, and that was the other guarantor powers (UK-Turkey) in cooperation with the UN to act in such a way that they would bring back constitutional order and independence to Cyprus. They had the power to do it, and if they wanted, it would have been very easy for them.
However what happened is what those that planed the coup (CIA) wanted to happen. If the great powers wanted it to happen in any other way then believe me, it would.
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Postby ken910 » Thu Mar 08, 2007 8:08 am

piratis i could have sworn that the bombs were falling in famagusta old city long before THE TURKISH PEACE OPERATOIN . PULL YOURE HEAD OUT OF THE SAND I WAS THERE
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Postby ken910 » Thu Mar 08, 2007 8:14 am

piratis please stop insulting all of us, we do not want greek propaganda ,this is a forum not a political lobby group please try been a liitle balanced
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Postby Sotos » Thu Mar 08, 2007 8:37 am

Ken is calling the Turkish invasion that killed 6000 people and made 200000 refugees a PEACE OPERATION :lol: :lol: :lol: It was invasion to take part of Cyprus you fool! And the coup didn't throw bombs in Famagusta. Why would they do that? To force people out of their homes? Thats what Turkey did you fool!
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Postby karma » Thu Mar 08, 2007 8:42 am

Sotos wrote:Ken is calling the Turkish invasion that killed 6000 people and made 200000 refugees a PEACE OPERATION :lol: :lol: :lol: It was invasion to take part of Cyprus you fool! And the coup didn't throw bombs in Famagusta. Why would they do that? To force people out of their homes? Thats what Turkey did you fool!

May be he wanted to say ''PIECE OPERATION'' coz after tht Cyprus has become 2 PIECES, but was it a ''PEACEFUL PLACE" before the "PIECE OPERATIN"" :?:
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Postby miltiades » Thu Mar 08, 2007 8:52 am

Birkibrisli wrote:This might be a good opportunity to test some of the information in my head,mostly from Turkish and TC sources of course...

The Sampson coup failed because Turkey invaded and the coupists were unable to stop her.

The Junta in Greece collapsed for a similar reason,that is they could not stop Turkey from invading,hence they were helpless when it came to facing the Greek public opinion.

Turkey was prevented by the USA from invading back in 1963/64,but was given the green light by Kissinger and co in 74,in order to stop Makarios' push towards the USSR and/or the Independent movement...

Can people who know the facts or can assertain the unfolding of the historical events of 63 and 74 please comment on the above impressions of mine???But no propaganda please as I will smell it a mile away. :wink: :)

Could not agree more. Can I just add that although I left Cyprus in 1961 , in July of 1974 I was on holiday staying in Famagusta . Before the invasion I drove my family to Limassol and a few days later all hell broke loose. We were the victims of fanatical ideas mostly formulated by the pro ENOSIS section of the community . These fanatics had been brainwashed and denied their birth given right of adopting the only nationality that was and still is relevant on the island of Cyprus.
The major barriers to peaceful coexistense amongst the Cypriots have been those erected by Greece and Turkey and the nationalistic tribe that was fed to the people of Cyprus.
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Postby ken910 » Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:03 am

ooohhh iam sorry you dont like hearing the truth kids but this ant youre priamry schools where u can just spin yore bullshit like a said i was there , now maybe you r going to tell me it was just a night mare but soory it was 4 real. go and tell all my relatives that they arent dead .
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:41 am

The Sampson coup failed because Turkey invaded and the coupists were unable to stop her.

That suggests that Sampson & co *tried* to stop Turkey but in reality all they did was to run! :)
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Postby Strahd » Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:41 am


Poster of the piece operation ATTILA

Peaceful removal of unwanted buildings via peaceful bombings

A hospital that was a danger to peace

Another threat to peace...The Armenian school(I thought we wiped them out centuries ago)
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