19 February 1973, from Archbishop Makarios III statement in Le Point
I have struggles for the union of Cyprus with Greece, and Enosis will always be my deep national aspiration as it is the aspiration of all Greek Cypriots. My national creed has never changed and my career as a national leader has showed no inconsistency or contradiction. I have accepted independence instead of Enosis because certain external conditions and factors have not allowed a free choice.
6 April 1973, from Archbishop Makarios III interview with John Harrison of the London Daily Express:
"Union of Cyprus with Greece has always been the national aspiration of the Greek Cypriots. This national feeling has deep roots and the Greek Cypriots would favor Enosis under any circumstances. Various factors, however, and mainly the opposition of Turkey do not make Enosis attainable."
14 March 1971, Archbishop Makarios III speech at Yialousa
Cyprus is Greek. Cyprus has been Greek since the dawn of its history, and it will remain Greek. Greek and undivided we have taken it over, Greek and undivided we shall preserve it. Greek and undivided we shall deliver it to Greece.