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Wht do Cypriots realy think of us Brits

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What Cypriots think of the Brits moving to Cyprus is:

Poll ended at Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:43 pm

Very welcome
Fine if they keep themselves to themselves
No votes
I wish they'd try to mix with us locals more
Fine as long as they don't try to turn Cyprus into a little Britain
Don't like them - Brits go home
Some are fine and some are not so good
Total votes : 32

Wht do Cypriots realy think of us Brits

Postby Baggieboy » Mon Mar 05, 2007 9:43 pm

Its something I've thought about for a a while now. We aim to move to Cyprus in around 5 years, and I must admit I'm curious as to how we'll be received.

We aren't looking to move to the "little Britain" areas, but a more Cypriot type town like Paralimni or perhaps an inland village.

We aim to learn a fair bit of Greek by then - at least conversational, and are looking to adapt to a more Cypriot lifestyle.

I know we'll always be "xenos", but we would hope to integrate with local communities.

So, no holding back - we won't be offended, but let me know how the Brits are thought of by the locals.
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Postby simonwjones » Mon Mar 05, 2007 9:52 pm

I like it!

A bloody good question.... :)
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Postby Natty » Mon Mar 05, 2007 10:01 pm

Hey Baggie Boy, you obviously love Cyprus very much, and your are more than willing to try and adapt to the Cypriot way of life...if I was living in Cyprus I would absolutely welcome you!! And even if you were moving to the 'little Britain' areas it really wouldn't' bother me, I mean many Cypriots when they moved to England settled in the same areas but still managed to 'intergrate' well.. (The Palmer's Green area in London being an example...).

So Good Luck with the move, and I hope Cyprus is all that you hoped it would be...;) :D
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Postby Baggieboy » Mon Mar 05, 2007 10:03 pm

Thank you Natty - you'd be very welcome at our house warming!!

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Re: Wht do Cypriots realy think of us Brits

Postby miltiades » Mon Mar 05, 2007 10:08 pm

Baggieboy wrote:Its something I've thought about for a a while now. We aim to move to Cyprus in around 5 years, and I must admit I'm curious as to how we'll be received.

We aren't looking to move to the "little Britain" areas, but a more Cypriot type town like Paralimni or perhaps an inland village.

We aim to learn a fair bit of Greek by then - at least conversational, and are looking to adapt to a more Cypriot lifestyle.

I know we'll always be "xenos", but we would hope to integrate with local communities.

So, no holding back - we won't be offended, but let me know how the Brits are thought of by the locals.

Do not fear at all my friend , you dont even have to learn Greek or Turkish. English is widely spoken. Let me just give you a little advice.
My wife is English , looks English and speaks nothing but English give or take a few swear words in Greek. Have been together since the day Kennedy was assassinated , November 22 nd 1963. Have visited Cyprus over the last 40 odd years , and still do , countless of times. She has stayed with our daughter who lives in Limassol many times on her own. NOT ONCE HAS SHE EVER COMPLAINED OF ANY ANIMOSITY AGAINST HER PERSON BECAUSE SHE IS ENGLISH.
I would have no worries at all mate , take it from me , and my 40 plus years of experience.
ps. The word xenos in Greek means a guest. When invited to a house for dinner lets say , the hosts refer to the visitors as our xenos.
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Postby Baggieboy » Mon Mar 05, 2007 10:20 pm

Thank you Milatades - your words are very reassuring. We've visited Cyprus many times over the last 6 or 7 years and its hard to explain but it just felt like home as soon as we arrived. We both basically fell in love with Cyprus.

I would like to learn Greek though, firstly just as a courtesy to our new hosts, and secondly as we may look to move to the villages where English isn't so widely spoken. Trouble is all the Greek courses teach "Greek" Greek as opposed to "Cypriot" Greek, which I believe is the more authentic language. Still we can but try.

We both dearly hope to be accepted by our hosts, but I also understand why some Cypriots hold bad feeling towards us Brits.

Anyway - we still have plenty of time to prepare, and fully intend to make the most of our visits in the meantime.

Thank you for your answer - it is very much appreciated.

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Postby Get Real! » Mon Mar 05, 2007 10:22 pm

Brits are generally disliked in Cyprus although we don't make a scene of it like the Brits did to thousands of foreigners in England over many decades.

As a young school lad growing up in London's suburbs in the mid seventies I can hardly remember a school day when I wasn't the victim of racial British hatred that ranged from psychological to physical abuse. If I remember well they called us "Greek bubbles" back then although I could never figure out why! :)

Back then, schools in England were a matter of daily “survival” for us “foreigners" although many of us were born and raised in the UK but were unfortunately somewhat darker and thus stigmatized.

Today, as an adult living far away from my place of birth (thank God), and after surrendering my British passport to the British embassy with a "Thanks but no thanks!", hardly a month goes by without the British government negatively interfering in one way or another against the RoC and thus extending their abuse that started from my childhood.

I could write up an essay on this topic from personal experiences alone but I suppose by now I have answered your question so I'll let someone else have a go and as they say in Australia...

Thanks for all the fish!
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Postby G.Man » Mon Mar 05, 2007 10:35 pm

Get Real! wrote:Brits are generally disliked in Cyprus although we don't make a scene of it like the Brits did to thousands of foreigners in England over many decades.

As a young school lad growing up in London's suburbs in the mid seventies I can hardly remember a school day when I wasn't the victim of racial British hatred that ranged from psychological to physical abuse. If I remember well they called us "Greek bubbles" back then although I could never figure out why! :)

Back then, schools in England were a matter of daily “survival” for us “foreigners" although many of us were born and raised in the UK but were unfortunately somewhat darker and thus stigmatized.

Today, as an adult living far away from my place of birth (thank God), and after surrendering my British passport to the British embassy with a "Thanks but no thanks!", hardly a month goes by without the British government negatively interfering in one way or another against the RoC and thus extending their abuse that started from my childhood.

I could write up an essay on this topic from personal experiences alone but I suppose by now I have answered your question so I'll let someone else have a go and as they say in Australia...

Thanks for all the fish!

You oughta live by your name...

If you think you were any more a victim of harrasment than any other school kid of english descent at school then you are living in a self centered cloud cuckoo land. School children are nasty, plain and simple.. in UK, in US in Cyprus everywhere...

Yes there will always be a minority that hate anyone who isnt of pure british descent (whatever that means :lol: ) but when you are a part of possibly the most xenophobic race on the planet, please be careful where you point the finger...

I dont see many mosques in th RoC but there are quite a few in the UK...

PS. Bubble is cockney rhyming slang for greek, bubble and squeak... when the Cypriots call UK born Cypriots Charlies, are we any worse than your own kind? After all, Bubble is merely slang, charlie is generally used as an insult!

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Postby Baggieboy » Mon Mar 05, 2007 10:41 pm

As I say there are reasons why we may not be popular, but I hope that we would be judged as individuals rather than generally. But I asked for honest responses, so thank you for your input Get Real, and best wishes.

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Postby Natty » Mon Mar 05, 2007 11:21 pm

Baggieboy, I haven't met anyone who 'hates the Brits', and I stay in a village in Cyprus that is right next to a British Base...the Villagers actually often to to the beach located in the base, to swim, but also to get some fish and chips... :lol:
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