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Wht do Cypriots realy think of us Brits

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What Cypriots think of the Brits moving to Cyprus is:

Poll ended at Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:43 pm

Very welcome
Fine if they keep themselves to themselves
No votes
I wish they'd try to mix with us locals more
Fine as long as they don't try to turn Cyprus into a little Britain
Don't like them - Brits go home
Some are fine and some are not so good
Total votes : 32

Postby G.Man » Mon Mar 05, 2007 11:27 pm

Baggieboy wrote:As I say there are reasons why we may not be popular, but I hope that we would be judged as individuals rather than generally. But I asked for honest responses, so thank you for your input Get Real, and best wishes.



the point is he was answering for himself, and said "generally"

I dont believe what he is saying...

Its not about being popular views or not, its about whether what Get Real says is the view "generally" in cyprus...

If thisis the General view, then Cyprus must be the most dishonest nation on earth, and I don't believe it is...

Maybe the brit govt is disliked, maybe the british bases are, but I don't see Brits in general being disliked...

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Postby zan » Mon Mar 05, 2007 11:28 pm

I love being British Baggieboy but I have one thing that really bugs me about the Brits and that is this attitude of that is all you need to live anywhere in the world. What I mean is that being English gives you the only passport you need in life and no country can refuse you. Of course I am using the general YOU and not you personally. I have a very good friend that moved to SA and before he went he ran down all the foreigners that were coming to the UK. His words for leaving the UK were "Too many foreigners". If he was a slightly better friend I would have asked him exactly what he would be in SA but I could not do that to him. When we visited them last year they did not waste time in moaning about some places that did not treat them as they expected to be treated.

The moral of the story is that the English are nice people in general but do not forget that you are in someone else’s country. No disrespect to yourselves.
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Postby villawagen » Tue Mar 06, 2007 12:12 am

zan wrote:I love being British Baggieboy but I have one thing that really bugs me about the Brits and that is this attitude of that is all you need to live anywhere in the world. What I mean is that being English gives you the only passport you need in life and no country can refuse you. Of course I am using the general YOU and not you personally. I have a very good friend that moved to SA and before he went he ran down all the foreigners that were coming to the UK. His words for leaving the UK were "Too many foreigners". If he was a slightly better friend I would have asked him exactly what he would be in SA but I could not do that to him. When we visited them last year they did not waste time in moaning about some places that did not treat them as they expected to be treated.

The moral of the story is that the English are nice people in general but do not forget that you are in someone Else's country. No disrespect to yourselves.

you speak a lot of sense zan an i respect what you have to say after reading some of your many threads on here.
personally as an English immigrant i have found that most Cypriots have been warm and welcoming to us. indeed our first indication of this was when we where looking to rent our apartment was the reaction on the phone when whatever estate agent rang a prospective landlord was are they English ??? when the response was yes, the reply was that is endaxi then !!!!
this was a good indication to myself on how real Cypriots felt about English
people living amongst them, in true Cypriot areas. in other words they where used to the English as they had been around the English for so long.

as far as get real seems to think growing up in the seventies (as i was) at school let me tell you at least 5 out of ten kids that i knew as friends and equals where Greek Cypriot !!! in the Birmingham area where i lived as a child. these kid where 1st generation Anglo Cypriot who followed Aston villa or Birmingham city football clubs, spoke with broad Birmingham accents and hung out with all us normal English kids with no difference that was apparent apart from the fact that most of there moms and dads owned chip shops and they where forced to work there during weekends, when they should have been chasing girlie's with us :wink:
the only people who suffered racial torment from us (including these Cypriot kids who we considered our own) where the Pakistani immigrants who we unfortunately treated like shit :(
if get real was treated badly at a UK school it must of been due to him being a geek, or gay, or due to the big chip (probably from his dads chip shop :lol: :lol: ) on his shoulder :wink:

in my honest humble opinion during the seven tees Greek Cypriot kids where always accepted into normal English envoironments without exception !!!!!!

not the same for Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi or Afro caribbean!!!!!
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Postby miltiades » Tue Mar 06, 2007 12:27 am

Get Real , Like you I went to an English school way back in 1961 as a young lad. I'm a couple of months away from my 61st birthday having lived in the UK for over 45 years. My family is G/C as well as English and I adore both of them and may I say I understand both of them equally. My wife first visited Cyprus with me in 1966 a year before we got married. She fell in love with Cyprus then and still is passionately in love with it today.
She does not speak Greek and neither does my only 34 year old son although my daughter who has married a Cypriot and lives in Cyprus speaks fluent. There are many Cypriots who were born and grew up in the UK but some how never interacted with the "locals" a bit like the Asians if you like but to a lesser extend. Cypriots return to Cyprus having lived and worked in the UK FOR YEARS ON END and yet have a minute amount of intimate knowledge of the English. We do like the true English , the Scots the Welsh the Irish , we know them we understand them and we are one of them and they one of us.All that it takes is a laugh , a joke and mutual understanding, the rest follows.
ps.The English women are the most gorgeous , charming beautiful babes in the world!
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Postby zan » Tue Mar 06, 2007 12:44 am

Thanks for your comment villawagon. I will never forget the time, back in the 1979, I think, when I first went abroad as a Brit, other than to Cyprus. We went to Tenerife as a group of guys and as soon as the waiters or owners heard our accent they could not do enough for us. I went back there about ten years later, after the Islanders had experienced the lager culture of the Brits, and we were treated like shit. I did not blame the Islanders for being that way after seeing how the tourists were acting this time around. We had a great time in 79 and out of two groups of 15 blokes we did not have one single fight. Well I nearly got into a bit of trouble one night when I knocked over this guys drink but I defused the situation by standing in front of the other 29 mates and introducing them to this guy that wanted to fight me. I bought him a couple of pints and he seemed fine with it.

As far as Get Real goes, he will always be a victim because of the way he speaks to people. He has every right to speak as he wishes but he cannot then be shocked by the results. I do not know if you ever watched the fast show but on that there were a couple of guys that called themselves the “Double take Brothers” if I remember rightly, and they were always surprised by their own actions.
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Postby miltiades » Tue Mar 06, 2007 1:45 am

villawagen wrote :
when we where looking to rent our apartment was the reaction on the phone when whatever estate agent rang a prospective landlord was are they English ??? when the response was yes, the reply was that is endaxi then !!!!
this was a good indication to myself on how real Cypriots felt about English """

How spot on ! I rent a flat out in Limassol , and was so pleased with my first tenants , Scots , bloody marvelous , then an English guy with numerous girlfriends then a Russian couple and now , I can wait to get them out , Eastern Europeans ! Wouldn't let it to Asians because of the smell , can never get rid of the curry smell , I told the agent and he had the nerve to call me a racist !! I hate the smell of stale curry , that's all.
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Postby Sotos » Tue Mar 06, 2007 2:37 am

Our problem is with the British government mostly. I think the British people are just like everybody else. Some are good some are not. I see some British are insensitive to our problem and they care only for themselves and they go buy properties that are stolen from us in the occupied areas. But I think thats because of their government and their media that are so pro-Turkish. So I voted the last option. Some are good some are not. It is not good to generalize as this can be racist.
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Mar 06, 2007 3:09 am

G.Man wrote:
Baggieboy wrote:As I say there are reasons why we may not be popular, but I hope that we would be judged as individuals rather than generally. But I asked for honest responses, so thank you for your input Get Real, and best wishes.


the point is he was answering for himself, and said "generally"
I dont believe what he is saying...
Its not about being popular views or not, its about whether what Get Real says is the view "generally" in cyprus...
If thisis the General view, then Cyprus must be the most dishonest nation on earth, and I don't believe it is...
Maybe the brit govt is disliked, maybe the british bases are, but I don't see Brits in general being disliked...

This forum is mostly comprised of half-Brit and full-Brit members and therefore does NOT represent the opinion of local Cypriots. Yet, despite this the results are still pretty poor.

Do a similar poll on a LOCAL language (Greek/Turkish) forum and people like yourself will probably be very upset at the results.

I hope you're not one of those naive people that interpret a waiter's smile and kind words into... "Come live with us!" :)
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Postby humanist » Tue Mar 06, 2007 3:51 am

Well I have Brit in my family married to my father's sister...... he is a nice bloke, however the privacy thing goes a bit far at times. I think ther oughtt to be no more British immigration to Cyprus. Otherwise I would feel like I am living in the London faced by emotionally detached people, cold and unfriendly. Sorry, you live with too many rules, do's and don'ts and you consider this to be a civilised way of functioning, you consider it polite to ring before you go to someone's place but you forget the heart of the human being, it's all about politeness as opposed to caring. And you try to change wherever you go to fit in with the rules as opposed to travelling with your heart and therefore doing things because they just feel good. ie, whats a tsiftedeli if you don't get on the table with your cousin and dance????? what would you do in this situation, consider it rude, village like behaviour and ofcourse occupational health and safety issue, what wuld a cypriot say, let the kids have fun and if they fall they'll get better just an example.
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Postby T_C » Tue Mar 06, 2007 4:28 am

I dont really mind Brits but they're in some other realm most of the time. They spend so much time being fake and superficial that they actually believe in their fake personas. Its like most of them actually believe the pretentious way they act is really them when infact looking at them is like looking through a window, a broken one, one you can see through and feel the breeze at the same time... :roll:

Theres so much bullshit to deal with here that theres no time to worry about the things that are really supposed to be important, hence why most of the people here are just lost and act the way they do...

Sorry if I offended anyone but this is how I see it.
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