Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu wrote:When something walks like a Duck, looks like a Duck, quacks like a Duck, then it must be a Duck right.....wrong, because in VP's case, it is a Turkey. To be more precise, a Turk from Turkey.
Where do I begin, where do I begin.???
I have been paying a very close attention to VP's posts for the last month or so, ever since, he became very aggressive toward my decision to visit the RoC, in my upcoming visit to Cyprus, in April. So I began to try understand, where this "proud Turkish Cypriot" was coming from, to act in such a way, towards another TC. So I started to form a "profile" on him, and read as much as I can, on what he wrote. This is what I've found out.
Let me say this from the beginning, that when VP is asked a direct question, he does not lie. So when VP says, that there is only "one" VP, I believe him. The fact that he does not lie, does not mean, that he tells the truth either, by volunteering the information, instead, he will just ignore it completely. This leads me to believe, that he is a religious man, who has deep convictions about lying, when asked a question directly. He is a Allah fearing man.
I have come across such man before. They can be dishonest, cheat on their wife, beat their wife, steal, be bribed, and still be able make justification for all of it, but when it comes to lying directly, with Allah watching, they are afraid. I'll give few examples of how VP fits this pattern of fearing Allah.
VP talks like a TC, and acts like a TC, but in actual fact, he is a mainland Turk from Turkey. I was able to build on these beliefs even more, after our unfortunate verbal insults towards each other, few weeks ago. VP's convictions run very deep.
VP, being a mainland Turk, is the reasons why he cannot relate to the GC's, or even to TC's, who do not welcome the Turks every move. TC's in general have a very low opinion of the mainland Turks, and would not trust them, any further that they can throw them. Sorry, I did not make the rules.
VP likes to mock people, who talk about their brotherly love towards their Cypriot countrymen. I have seen all TC's on this board, including Zan, mrfromng and Shahmaran, engage in some fun and games with our GC friends on this forum. Show me anywhere, where VP has done the same. He has not, because he is not a Cypriot. He refers to the "South" as Greek Cyprus, and that it is like a foreign country to him, and he is correct, because he comes from Turkey. It is no wonder, he does not have a RoC passport, because he could not get one, even if he wanted to have one.
We have all established, that VP is a Propagandist to help create a recognised partition of Cyprus. I have always said that, I respect all peoples views, even if I do not agree with them, but to hide your identity as who you really are, is inexcusable. Lets hear VP's views as a Turk, and not a pretending TC. Of course VP is a naturalized "TRNC" citizen, because he is married to a Turkish Cypriot, but even this does not make him a TC, so when ever he is talking about his people, he is infact, talking about the Settlers, who are his "real people".
There too many inconsistencies with VP's posts, but let me just pick on few, to illustrate to you, as to why VP is not a Cypriot. He has told us a little about himself voluntarily, such as, he was 44 years old (45 now), has a 12 year old boy, military service sucked, his mother in law comes from Kaymakli, which is where I'm from and so on. Then it was time to ask him very direct questions which were;
a) Were you born in Cyprus and where.?
b) Were both your parents born in Cyprus.?
c) How much time have you spent in Turkey, in your 45 years.?
Well, for someone who claims to be a "Proud Turkish Cypriot" refused to answer any of the above questions. You would not find one in a million, TC's or GC's who would not admit being born in Cyprus, if they were in fact born there. But you see, VP is a Allah fearing man, who cannot lie, when asked a direct question, but happy to make inaccurate and half truth statement about anything to do with Cyprus and Cypriot, to accomplish "his" mission, which is to create a permanent division of the island.
So VP, please start walking like a Turkey, looking like a Turkey, gobble gobble like a Turkey, so that we can all know that you are a "Turkey", and not a Duck, because a Duck you're are not, and neither are you a "True Cypriot".
What a load of bullshit, me religious give me a break![]()
You do not know how stupid and foolish you look from where I'm sitting, man Ill take this as a compliment, you have spent time to research my posts and report the above...where are the inconsistencies? The fact that I prefer to keep myself private as it is every ones should you show a little respect towards my request and not try to use this to force my hand. People should be allowed to give up personal information of their own free will not this way.
You appear somewhat obsessed by "viewpoint" and his opinions this indicates that I have hit a few raw nerves that many would rather just label as propaganda but for me that's the insecure individuals opt out clause if you cant deal with it label it propaganda in the hope that it will go away. But these things have a knack of coming back to haunt your subconscious...
You have to realize that your life has (please don't take this the wrong way)diluted your TCness, you have not even bothered to come and see what has happened to your people in over 40 years and you have the nerve to try and dictate what is right and what is wrong to us who live here and are the ones whose whole future would be put on line, well forgive me for being cautious and questioning the intentions of a community which we have not known for the last 33 years and only have the dark past to fall back on, I do not know the old Cyprus all I know and love is the TRNC why is this so difficult to understand. You and people like you have to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that uniting with GCs is far better than staying as the TRNC.
My report stands, as is VP,
The truth is, you do not lie, when asked a direct question.
I do hope, that this was in no way meant to insult you, in anyway, and I believe you got that.
I just want to read your views as a Turk, and not as a claimed Cypriot, that's all.