cyprusclearance wrote:You have to stay. I read a lot of what you posted and even so I do not know you but I feel you have a lot of goodness within and you can imput lots of positive thoughts. What would we gain if you left!! How much can we lose if you leave and who will end up conversing in this forum!! I do not think you should leave. You should stay and voice your feelings truly as you already do.
humanist wrote:Who read the link at the beginning of this post? I felt sick to my stomach having to read the article on the faith of turkish cypriot men and boys mentioned in the article. It has also brough to mind the complication of the Cyprus Problem and why people feel safe in the trnc. I am not sugesting that partition is the way to go but perhaps a we need to review the right for all refugees to retrn, perhaps the compensation committee could be useful once a solution has been reached, secondly if the Kykos Church owns most land in the trnc the I suggest it comes to the State (by this I refer to the United State of Cyprus which then is swaped from turkish cypriot land in the south for those wishing to stay in the north. The RoC may also need to encourage some refugees to stay in the south through incentives, I am also sugesting that the future northern state of Cyprus stays at the current size, varosha is returned to it's original legal residents now as a step towards reconciliation, the buffer zone becomes an educational peace park, we move to the 1960's constittion minus turkey and greece, perhaps their role can be relpaced by norway and sri lanka, we all share in the oil resources and we all drive around in bentley automobiles.
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