well my comment about Turkey's economy was more of a compliment to the Cypriot economy than it was a hit on Turkey (although it was obviously that too).
Also, it takes a lot more than just young people and land to develop a country (ie literacy).
As far as the comment about Japan choosing Turkey to build it's cars that is true, but that is not necessarily good. Cheap labour associated with low literacy rates of the workers can lead to huge growth for the company (ie Japan) but huge poverty for the workers (ie Turkey).
A similar case happened here in the US when I believe it was Ford (50% sure) that decided to move its labor to the SOuth and all the idiot SOutherners would fight over who gets to work for less money! Now those areas are nothing but impoverished ghost towns, even though the company was American and flourished either way. THis is a loose example Im sorry if nobody understands me
Lastly, Mehmet,
As I told you I dont think derrogations are a good thing. Whether they are Turkey entering the EU or the unification of CYprus. However, in terms of CYprus the only way I think a solution with derrogations would be fair is if they were only temporary and not permanent.