oh no sylvia .... am no clark gable I A M ME!!!!!!!! hahahah,
Anything is a possibility Gav anything is a possibility. May be he was may be he wasn't drunk the tragedy is that two people in love died, one of them left behind two orphans. I tstill think the high speed hitting a brick wall did it. As much as I like to think otherwise, I think this was genuine accident.
As much as I would like to blame the royal family for it s lack of action on the Cyprus pronblem I cannnot bring myself to blame them for dianna's death, however, that Blair woman may have had something to do with it. Together with her husband, may be its a conspiracy between the scandalous unethical Blairs to overthrow the queen so that they can gain power, and sell all refugee land to Brits so they can once again rule the roost at the expense of cypiots.
Gee I should have studied fiction writing instead of bloody social work/ all that caring crap. who care. Frankly my dear I don't give a damn. What a line I love it. hahahhaha