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Fayed wins Diana Legal Challange !

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Postby dancingbear » Sun Mar 04, 2007 3:05 am

Who gives a Flying Fu-- about this man Mohamed al Fayed, pity he was not in the car.

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Postby GAVCARoCOM » Sun Mar 04, 2007 3:12 am

dancingbear wrote:Who gives a Flying Fu-- about this man Mohamed al Fayed, pity he was not in the car.


Whats your reason ?????
What he done ?????
Dont forget i m going in to Horce Races Royal Ascot and The Queen Betting Millions (Tax moneys) there and noone can say anything.
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Postby humanist » Sun Mar 04, 2007 5:22 am

OOOOOOoooooohhh OOOooooohhhh aaaaahhhhhhhhahhhhhhhh
dancing's having an ego deflation beef.......... :) love ya man'
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Postby THE HIGHLANDER » Sun Mar 04, 2007 5:33 am

It was a very sad day when Lady Diana died in that horific accident,but thats just it,an accident anyone who had been at rear of the vehicle would have also died,both Diana's sons have accepted this so why bring it up and drag it through the courts,for the sake of the boys leave well alone !!!
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Postby rotate » Mon Mar 05, 2007 1:53 am

humanist wrote:oh no sylvia .... am no clark gable I A M ME!!!!!!!! hahahah,

Anything is a possibility Gav anything is a possibility. May be he was may be he wasn't drunk the tragedy is that two people in love died, one of them left behind two orphans. I tstill think the high speed hitting a brick wall did it. As much as I like to think otherwise, I think this was genuine accident.

As much as I would like to blame the royal family for it s lack of action on the Cyprus pronblem I cannnot bring myself to blame them for dianna's death, however, that Blair woman may have had something to do with it. Together with her husband, may be its a conspiracy between the scandalous unethical Blairs to overthrow the queen so that they can gain power, and sell all refugee land to Brits so they can once again rule the roost at the expense of cypiots.

Gee I should have studied fiction writing instead of bloody social work/ all that caring crap. who care. Frankly my dear I don't give a damn. What a line I love it. hahahhaha :)

Glad to hear it, how could anyone possibly suspect that 'Phil the Greek' would have had anything to do with a plot to do away with his former daughter-in-law :!:
As for the Blairs, Honest Tone and Ms Booth (trade name) have their eyes set on a bigger target than my UK neighbour HMQ Mrs Mountbatten-Windsor. Tone and Cherie have just hosted a meeting of the US super rich at No 10, American politics may be beckoning and the top job could be available in a few years time. Not a US born citizen, no problem as where there's a will there's always a way and Tone's far more popular in the former colony than he or his wife are at home with the people of the Evil Empire. Hopefully it will be soon be time to say goodbye and good luck to Tone and Cherie, may the force and the dollars be with them in the Land of the Free. Forwarding address c/o Bush Blair Booth & Associates (previously The White House) 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington DC 20500 USA :roll:

I was as upset at the death of the former HRH Mrs Diana Mountbatten-Windsor as I would be at the untimely death of anyone, even more so as my Monarchy loving Cypriot wife (never could figure that out!) woke me in the early hours or the morning on a b****y rest day with the sad news, my immediate response being 'is the house on fire or are we being burgled' followed by some choice Anglo-Saxon expletives. I'm surprised the former HRH lasted as long as she did having winessed on frequent occasions her husband Charlie with her as passenger driving a great big Range Rover or Bently at break neck speed through the village of Datchet after a late night bash at Windsor Castle, that his escort cars managed to safely keep up with him is a tribute to police driving courses and skills. Charlie's noted love of speed machines and his lack of respect for the Highway Code (guess thats just a kid kicking at the rules his Mum has made) sits well with tree talking, ecological farming and sustainable energy :wink:

Well done Mr. Al Fayed on winning your High Court action to get a jury appointed to the coroners court, its probably going to cost the tax payer an arm and a leg only to find out that Henry Kissenger was behind the whole thing anyway. By the way where did you say that you got the money to buy that big shop in London :?:

Incidently it was not only Cypriots who lost their properties in 74 (technically I'm not a refugee although my wife is), I lost my home and know of other foreigners, mostly Brits a few Germans and Scandinavians in the same position. In the late 70's some of us got together and formed a 'pressure group' to lobby successive and various governments in our home countries on the situation in Cyprus. The results of that lobby being apparent as we managed to turn the 'pressure group' into a 'high blood pressure group' after being always answered with platitudes and bull-shit :evil:

'HRH Phil the Greek, Duke of Edinburgh' never renounced Greek citizenship, yes I know there are arguments about this but no formal renouncement of citizenship has ever been made! All 'Phil the Greeks' children automatically have Greek citizenship which in the case of the male child is bestowed upon marriage to their spouses children grand children and so on, citizenship is relinquished in the case of a devorced female spouse unless she has applied for and been granted Greek citizenship in her own right. This little known and never discussed fact proves the theory put so eloquently by the father of the bride in the film 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding' that everything or just about everything originates from Greece. Any formal attempt by the British to 'once again rule the roost at the expense of the Cypriots' should if it occurs after the demise of HMQ Mrs. Mountbatten-Windsor be regarded as an action taken by the the British Government on behalf of a King (either Charles William or Harry) who has Greek citizenship. A Convoluted conspiracy ? yes but with the possible dawning of Cyprus as a mega rich oil producing state with Europe desperate to secure its oil and gas supplies in the face of fierce Chinese competition entirely feasable. After all who were the coupists of 1974 really working for and what was the real end game :?:

Anyone Brit Chinese Russian Turkish daring Greek or otherwise want to buy a nice house only a hand grenade's throw from the beach in Ammochostos possibly now in need of minor repairs? Security from burglers is guaranteed but some barbed wire cutting may be required to view 8)
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