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Why Not To Trade via the RoC Mr Talat????

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Why Not To Trade via the RoC Mr Talat????

Postby humanist » Fri Mar 02, 2007 2:43 am

[quote]"The EU had promised to establish direct trade links with the Turkish Cypriots to lift their purported isolation in the wake of the referendum, but Nicosia insisted that all trade be carried out through government-controlled Limassol and Larnaca ports.
Talat has steadfastly rejected any notion of Turkish Cypriot trade through government-controlled ports.
“We want the (European) Commission to be realistic. The regulation should be workable. If they say you will use the southern ports, it will not work,” he said.
The Turkish Cypriot leader has never offered any reasonable explanation as to why trade through Limassol and Larnaca ports wouldn’t work.
He suggested direct trade would “reshape the economic structure” of Turkish Cypriots by imparting in them the sense that “they’re not isolated any more”.

Why no trade through southern ports Mr Talat what are you not telling the people ???? Here is an opportunity to direct trade and therefore the end of economic isolation, why are you not taking it up and re-unite the Island if you are genuine about unification of Cyprus. ... wsID=304_3
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Postby GAVCARoCOM » Fri Mar 02, 2007 3:02 am

as much as know it was protest with the Famagusta dock and the transport companys because RoC didnt allow them to past south .
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Postby humanist » Fri Mar 02, 2007 3:28 am

when was this? perhaps they need to draw some agreements on how this trade is envisaged to take place.
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Postby GAVCARoCOM » Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:09 am

The thing is any commercail trading cars can not pass south . like buses , lorrys , vans , rentacars , taxis and stuff.
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Postby shahmaran » Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:26 am

my family are mainly all farmers, and i tell you know that their initial response to this question was, why would i want to sell my goods under the name of the RoC? they rather watch their goods rot under the trees than rely on the GCs to deal with it, that's why.... plus probably also what has said...

i can totally see trucks full of TC lemons crossing the border to be sold to Europe :roll:

didn't these guys recently destroy a whole lot of tomatoes or something, because it was from the TRNC? I'm pretty sure i read something along those lines...
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Postby humanist » Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:27 am

okay, thanks. I guess they would be prohibited beacause there is currently an internationally recognised economic embargo. However, Mr Talat can change that and can bring down the economic isolation for northern Cyprus, if he agrees to open trade via RoC legitimate ports and airports. Lets face it, if that is agreed too, holiday packages could be arranged from london, usa, australia for the north via larnaca airport. hence, bringing tourism to the north. to this end many people benefit, tourism industry improves, creating jobs people with jobs have money to spend and so forth.
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Postby shahmaran » Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:32 am

humanist wrote:okay, thanks. I guess they would be prohibited beacause there is currently an internationally recognised economic embargo. However, Mr Talat can change that and can bring down the economic isolation for northern Cyprus, if he agrees to open trade via RoC legitimate ports and airports. Lets face it, if that is agreed too, holiday packages could be arranged from london, usa, australia for the north via larnaca airport. hence, bringing tourism to the north. to this end many people benefit, tourism industry improves, creating jobs people with jobs have money to spend and so forth.

those packages are already available to Ercan from London through CTA and from many other countries through THY... and to be honest i rather see the RoC suck up all those British pikies, but hey its business, what can you do... :roll:
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Postby humanist » Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:34 am

Well then there is no problem Shahmaran. WHAT ECONOMIC ISOLATION????? if there is no problem fine leave it.
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Postby shahmaran » Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:38 am

yes you really got me there with that witty sarcasm :roll:

that IS the whole problem man, if its either the RoC or nothing, than a lot of ppl will go for nothing, can you not see this? we don't want to become RoCs "bitch", that's why it all started in the first place, i thought it was clear by now :roll:
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Postby humanist » Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:52 am

I really do not understand this thing about becoming RoC's "bitch" how will you become RoC's "bitch" if you have same rights and respect by half the population that you honored their human rights. if it's nothing you are still choosing that is your right to choose nothing, just know that there are other better choices, as frightenning as they are they may be better and unless we give them a go we will not know, life at times requires us to take risks, risks in marriage, risks in love, risks in business, risks of living.
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