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Why Not To Trade via the RoC Mr Talat????

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Natty » Mon Mar 05, 2007 11:02 pm

Get Real! wrote:

Oh come on Get Real, we're not that bad.... :wink:

And as Snake_and_the_crane say's we care a lot about our homeland and have campaigned often against the occupation...and yes we do have our funny little accents but we try, often going to Greek School every Saturday (whilst our friends went dancing or to brownies) to learn our language to be able to communicate with our relatives in Cyprus and hold onto our culture as much possible but at the same time attempting to integrate with our fellow Brits successfully...Phew!! So it can be pretty tough to be a 'chaloua' sometimes, I tell you... :wink: :lol:

See what I mean about their accents? What the hell is a "Chaloua" ???


:lol: :lol:

I'm surprised you don't now what it is actually (Unless your just being sarcastic and it's gone right over my head.. :lol: ).

It's the name us Cypriot Brits have been given by people in Cyprus...something to do with prince Charles I believe... :lol:

Female version, 'Chaloua', male version, 'Charlis'....

(Little lesson for you there... :wink: )
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Postby pitsilos » Tue Mar 06, 2007 12:03 am

thanks natty, i never knew that :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Tue Mar 06, 2007 12:43 am

Natty baby , you missed out the "r" in Charloua !!
A funny think happened to me the last time I was in Cyprus , my accent is either Athenian or Pafian , no in between , why Athenian , well as a young guy growing up in London and studying made friends with Athenians and it kind of rubbed of on me , the Pafian of course comes from being born in Pafos.
Back to the story , was in a restaurant and overheard the head waiter telling the young commi waiter to take this !"ston kalamaran ! "Only to hear the young boy telling the head waiter OI RE EN KIPREOS TIS AGLIAS GAMO TO!!
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Mar 06, 2007 2:34 am

DT wrote:
free_cyprus wrote:every fruit and vegrtable tht grows on the island of cyprus grows with love....

stop calling everyone morons you moron.

:lol: You actually got that far?
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Postby Natty » Tue Mar 06, 2007 8:01 pm

pitsilos wrote:thanks natty, i never knew that :lol:

No problem Pitsilos, it's nice to pass on a bit of information sometimes.... :wink: :D

Any other questions or queries? I'm more than willing to answer them... :wink:

(Natty, the queen of useless information! :lol: )
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Postby Natty » Tue Mar 06, 2007 8:43 pm

miltiades wrote:Natty baby , you missed out the "r" in Charloua !!
A funny think happened to me the last time I was in Cyprus , my accent is either Athenian or Pafian , no in between , why Athenian , well as a young guy growing up in London and studying made friends with Athenians and it kind of rubbed of on me , the Pafian of course comes from being born in Pafos.
Back to the story , was in a restaurant and overheard the head waiter telling the young commi waiter to take this !"ston kalamaran ! "Only to hear the young boy telling the head waiter OI RE EN KIPREOS TIS AGLIAS GAMO TO!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

That's brilliant...don't you just love all those lovely 'names' we have for each other...Kalamaras, Charlis, etc... :wink: :lol:

(And the fact that were not afriad to say them, as load as possible, in front of people... :lol: )

Oh your right Miltiades, thanks for correcting me, I did leave the 'r' out. It is in fact 'Charloua' (Just so you know Pitsilos...;)).

You can't really hear the 'r' when you say it...

(Or that's my excuse anyway... :lol: )
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Postby andri_cy » Wed Mar 07, 2007 12:05 am

Natty wrote:
miltiades wrote:Natty baby , you missed out the "r" in Charloua !!
A funny think happened to me the last time I was in Cyprus , my accent is either Athenian or Pafian , no in between , why Athenian , well as a young guy growing up in London and studying made friends with Athenians and it kind of rubbed of on me , the Pafian of course comes from being born in Pafos.
Back to the story , was in a restaurant and overheard the head waiter telling the young commi waiter to take this !"ston kalamaran ! "Only to hear the young boy telling the head waiter OI RE EN KIPREOS TIS AGLIAS GAMO TO!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

That's brilliant...don't you just love all those lovely 'names' we have for each other...Kalamaras, Charlis, etc... :wink: :lol:

(And the fact that were not afriad to say them, as load as possible, in front of people... :lol: )

Oh your right Miltiades, thanks for correcting me, I did leave the 'r' out. It is in fact 'Charloua' (Just so you know Pitsilos...;)).

You can't really hear the 'r' when you say it...

(Or that's my excuse anyway... :lol: )

Actually you should be able to hear the r very well as we kind of emphasize the letter R in almost every word. To be honest, I had no idea what "chaloua" was either, until you explained what u meant and then I figured u were just missing the R lol. There is nothing wrong with being called Charloua unless you are being treated badly because of it :P
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Postby Natty » Wed Mar 07, 2007 12:33 am

andri_cy wrote:
Natty wrote:
miltiades wrote:Natty baby , you missed out the "r" in Charloua !!
A funny think happened to me the last time I was in Cyprus , my accent is either Athenian or Pafian , no in between , why Athenian , well as a young guy growing up in London and studying made friends with Athenians and it kind of rubbed of on me , the Pafian of course comes from being born in Pafos.
Back to the story , was in a restaurant and overheard the head waiter telling the young commi waiter to take this !"ston kalamaran ! "Only to hear the young boy telling the head waiter OI RE EN KIPREOS TIS AGLIAS GAMO TO!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

That's brilliant...don't you just love all those lovely 'names' we have for each other...Kalamaras, Charlis, etc... :wink: :lol:

(And the fact that were not afriad to say them, as load as possible, in front of people... :lol: )

Oh your right Miltiades, thanks for correcting me, I did leave the 'r' out. It is in fact 'Charloua' (Just so you know Pitsilos...;)).

You can't really hear the 'r' when you say it...

(Or that's my excuse anyway... :lol: )

Actually you should be able to hear the r very well as we kind of emphasize the letter R in almost every word. To be honest, I had no idea what "chaloua" was either, until you explained what u meant and then I figured u were just missing the R lol. There is nothing wrong with being called Charloua unless you are being treated badly because of it :P

Your right Andri, we do like our 'R's' don't we :?: :lol:

Oh no, I honestly don't mind being called a 'Charloua', we call each other that in England anyway... :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Sun Mar 11, 2007 4:39 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
miltiades wrote:You think so yes .
""Its calle dbeing consistent in your arguements, believing something and sticking to it, try it sometime."""

My definition of your arguments is thus : Obstinate , narrow minded , hateful , nonconstructive , a puppet of an argument by a non - Cypriot who has no place amongst us . One who has sold his soul to his paymasters and in the process aligned him self to a nation that proudly occupies my land and deprives my people of their identity.
You demand from the RoC that it capitulates and recognises a puppet regime imposed not by peaceful and democratic means but by sheer force. You persistently make fun of your self by belittling your absurd arguments to the point of mental diarrhoea , your constant hypothesis on the legality of a nation recognised the world over is pitifully , arrogant and damn right stupid. You have been indoctrinated brainwashed fed with utter crap and it is time that you , only you , exposed your self to your true persona. Your pathetic endeavours to sustain an argument based on fallacies is not only amusingly sick but preposterously comical.

Is all the above in the name of brotherly love?....well hat ever it is, its total understand and have learned nothing.

That's the whole point VP. You are not a "BROTHER to LOVE".

I promise to explain myself regarding VP, as soon as I'm back from the mountains.

So are you saying that miltiades is lying? when he claims all TCs are his brothers and he will never say anything bad about them. :

Oh, not at all VP. Miltiades is not lying, when ever he talks about his Cypriot brothers and sisters, whether they are GC or TC.

I whole point is VP, as if you did not know already, it is you, that does not belong in that "Cypriot Brother and Sisterhood".

Don't you get it yet, you are not a Cypriot, and just by being given a "TRNC" passport to call yourself a Cypriot, does not cut it.

Look, I promised to explain everything when I got back from the mountains today, and just got back, but not before crashing into a safety net with my "sledge", and banging my left wrist pretty bad, so I do not want to write too much today, but tune in VP, because I have some interesting remarks to make, as to who you really are.

Just thought I will post an exchange I had with VP or VPs earlier on in the month. I'm not the least perturbed that the great Propagandist has been sacked.
The hatred that he constantly exhibited towards his fellow Cypriots was evident from post one. His mission to discredit any efforts to re unite our island in view of his interpretation of events based on solid propaganda begun to look frail when Cypriots from both sides begun to be counted and became vociferous in their justified demands that all of Cyprus belongs to them , not just South or North. He became agitated and concerned that such views were in direct opposition to those of his paymasters . I'm not the least sad that he / they have quited.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Mar 11, 2007 5:21 pm

He monopolized the forum and he was desparately trying to pass the idea he was speaking for all the TCs. Just because he/she/them had access to an expensive satelite connection, and just because he was the only TC living in Cyprus participating here... The rest is history.

In my opinion we would have been knocked out sooner or later by other TCs, because ADSL internet connection will be available in the occupied in a couple of months.
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