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Why Not To Trade via the RoC Mr Talat????

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Kikapu » Sun Mar 04, 2007 7:18 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
miltiades wrote:You think so yes .
""Its calle dbeing consistent in your arguements, believing something and sticking to it, try it sometime."""

My definition of your arguments is thus : Obstinate , narrow minded , hateful , nonconstructive , a puppet of an argument by a non - Cypriot who has no place amongst us . One who has sold his soul to his paymasters and in the process aligned him self to a nation that proudly occupies my land and deprives my people of their identity.
You demand from the RoC that it capitulates and recognises a puppet regime imposed not by peaceful and democratic means but by sheer force. You persistently make fun of your self by belittling your absurd arguments to the point of mental diarrhoea , your constant hypothesis on the legality of a nation recognised the world over is pitifully , arrogant and damn right stupid. You have been indoctrinated brainwashed fed with utter crap and it is time that you , only you , exposed your self to your true persona. Your pathetic endeavours to sustain an argument based on fallacies is not only amusingly sick but preposterously comical.

Is all the above in the name of brotherly love?....well hat ever it is, its total understand and have learned nothing.

That's the whole point VP. You are not a "BROTHER to LOVE".

I promise to explain myself regarding VP, as soon as I'm back from the mountains.

So are you saying that miltiades is lieing? when he claims all TCs are his brothers and he will never say anything bad about them. :

Oh, not at all VP. Miltiades is not lying, when ever he talks about his Cypriot brothers and sisters, whether they are GC or TC.

I whole point is VP, as if you did not know already, it is you, that does not belong in that "Cypriot Brother and Sisterhood".

Don't you get it yet, you are not a Cypriot, and just by being given a "TRNC" passport to call yourself a Cypriot, does not cut it.

Look, I promised to explain everything when I got back from the mountains today, and just got back, but not before crashing into a safety net with my "sledge", and banging my left wrist pretty bad, so I do not want to write too much today, but tune in VP, because I have some interesting remarks to make, as to who you really are.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Mar 04, 2007 8:47 pm

Oh, not at all VP. Miltiades is not lying, when ever he talks about his Cypriot brothers and sisters, whether they are GC or TC.

I whole point is VP, as if you did not know already, it is you, that does not belong in that "Cypriot Brother and Sisterhood.

No problem...if I am excluded for freely expressing my opinions then so be it as I have not read anything new to make me think any other way... brotherly love as long as you think like us is ficticious so thanks but no thanks.

Don't you get it yet, you are not a Cypriot, and just by being given a "TRNC" passport to call yourself a Cypriot, does not cut it.

I know what I am , thank you very much, and dont need someone who has not visited his birth country for over 40 years or someone who lives just like you thousands of miles away and tries to dictate to me what I should think and say, well stuff that you diluted people who live in the confort of foreign lands need to take a reality check on the fact that people do not just view themselves as Cypriots they like to differentiate thats their right and you cannot force your ideology on anyone.

Look, I promised to explain everything when I got back from the mountains today, and just got back, but not before crashing into a safety net with my "sledge", and banging my left wrist pretty bad, so I do not want to write too much today, but tune in VP, because I have some interesting remarks to make, as to who you really are.

Sorry to hear about your accident hope you recover soon. Are you some sort or thriller writer "tune in" to the next episode like you have some sort of big secret to tell everyone....dont forget you have no right to invade peoples privacy and put anyone at risk.
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Mar 04, 2007 10:30 pm

Viewpoint wrote:dont forget you have no right to invade peoples privacy and put anyone at risk.


I would not do that to my worse enemy, so please relax.
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Mar 05, 2007 1:33 am

Viewpoint wrote:I know what I am , thank you very much, and dont need someone who has not visited his birth country for over 40 years or someone who lives just like you thousands of miles away and tries to dictate to me what I should think and say,...

I have to agree with VP here. I've heard some of the stupidest ideas from the Diaspora. At times it seems all they're interested in is to get their greedy little hands on Grandpa's property "stuck" on the other side.

They come here once or twice a year with their funny accents and think they know it all... our roads are bad, our driving is bad, our politics is bad, everything is bad, and the only time they get to shut up is when they gorge themselves silly! (free of charge of course!)

They're probably the stingiest visitors to Cyprus, never spending a dime because they get everything for free, room, food, car, from relatives and by the time they're gone your house is a bloody mess and your head is spinning from all the drivel you had to listen to!
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Postby the_snake_and_the_crane » Mon Mar 05, 2007 1:53 am

...and they also care about their homeland and make noise about the Turkish occupation when they can, a lot more than the spoiled 'Nicosia 90210' kids.

They also stick to the traditions a lot more than these spoiled lazy brats in Cyprus.
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Postby Natty » Mon Mar 05, 2007 4:17 am

Get Real! wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:I know what I am , thank you very much, and dont need someone who has not visited his birth country for over 40 years or someone who lives just like you thousands of miles away and tries to dictate to me what I should think and say,...

I have to agree with VP here. I've heard some of the stupidest ideas from the Diaspora. At times it seems all they're interested in is to get their greedy little hands on Grandpa's property "stuck" on the other side.

They come here once or twice a year with their funny accents and think they know it all... our roads are bad, our driving is bad, our politics is bad, everything is bad, and the only time they get to shut up is when they gorge themselves silly! (free of charge of course!)

They're probably the stingiest visitors to Cyprus, never spending a dime because they get everything for free, room, food, car, from relatives and by the time they're gone your house is a bloody mess and your head is spinning from all the drivel you had to listen to!

Oh come on Get Real, we're not that bad.... :wink:

And as Snake_and_the_crane say's we care a lot about our homeland and have campaigned often against the occupation...and yes we do have our funny little accents but we try, often going to Greek School every Saturday (whilst our friends went dancing or to brownies) to learn our language to be able to communicate with our relatives in Cyprus and hold onto our culture as much possible but at the same time attempting to integrate with our fellow Brits successfully...Phew!! So it can be pretty tough to be a 'chaloua' sometimes, I tell you... :wink: :lol:
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Postby Viewpoint » Mon Mar 05, 2007 8:23 am

Natty wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:I know what I am , thank you very much, and dont need someone who has not visited his birth country for over 40 years or someone who lives just like you thousands of miles away and tries to dictate to me what I should think and say,...

I have to agree with VP here. I've heard some of the stupidest ideas from the Diaspora. At times it seems all they're interested in is to get their greedy little hands on Grandpa's property "stuck" on the other side.

They come here once or twice a year with their funny accents and think they know it all... our roads are bad, our driving is bad, our politics is bad, everything is bad, and the only time they get to shut up is when they gorge themselves silly! (free of charge of course!)

They're probably the stingiest visitors to Cyprus, never spending a dime because they get everything for free, room, food, car, from relatives and by the time they're gone your house is a bloody mess and your head is spinning from all the drivel you had to listen to!

Oh come on Get Real, we're not that bad.... :wink:

And as Snake_and_the_crane say's we care a lot about our homeland and have campaigned often against the occupation...and yes we do have our funny little accents but we try, often going to Greek School every Saturday (whilst our friends went dancing or to brownies) to learn our language to be able to communicate with our relatives in Cyprus and hold onto our culture as much possible but at the same time attempting to integrate with our fellow Brits successfully...Phew!! So it can be pretty tough to be a 'chaloua' sometimes, I tell you... :wink: :lol:

Get Real is right, the Diaspora are stuck in the 1950s and want it to be as it was "all happy together"...but everyone has moved good or bad 1963 and 1974 happened and has changed the whole picture in Cyprus. At best they return to the island for only 2 weeks in the year for which they have saved up and bought clothes to "show off" look we are rich and can afford these you cant. Little do they know we know they have been slaving 15 hour days in a chip shop or dry cleaners to save up enough cash to live like a king for only 2 weeks a year. Ask how many of them go to the cinema or theatre a year or have been to an art gallery, how many of their "Cypriot" children can speak their language properly or have married foreigners against their families will. Then they have the nerve to come to the island and tell us we are wrong in everything and how we should think and act because that's how it is in diaspora, well come and live here and then you have the right to criticise and tell us we are not this or we are wrong...the ironic this is that now they can see that the gap has closed and we are having a better life more relaxed and content in our every day lives, meeting with friends, eating at nice restaurants, enjoying the weather, travelling abroad and living with our own people, they are gutted to say the least and long to come back.
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Postby askimwos » Mon Mar 05, 2007 9:13 am

Viewpoint wrote:...the ironic this is that now they can see that the gap has closed and we are having a better life more relaxed and content in our every day lives, meeting with friends, eating at nice restaurants, enjoying the weather, travelling abroad and living with our own people, they are gutted to say the least and long to come back.

VP here is another of your posts that contradicts your argument about "isolation". Could you please make up your mind and let us know? Are TC isolated and suffering from the economic "isolation", or is the level of their quality of life so high that rivals that of the people living in the UK?

No answer needed, just thought to bring it up after reading your post. After all I don't know which of the VPs wrote it.
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Postby Viewpoint » Mon Mar 05, 2007 9:25 am

askimwos wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:...the ironic this is that now they can see that the gap has closed and we are having a better life more relaxed and content in our every day lives, meeting with friends, eating at nice restaurants, enjoying the weather, travelling abroad and living with our own people, they are gutted to say the least and long to come back.

VP here is another of your posts that contradicts your argument about "isolation". Could you please make up your mind and let us know? Are TC isolated and suffering from the economic "isolation", or is the level of their quality of life so high that rivals that of the people living in the UK?

No answer needed, just thought to bring it up after reading your post. After all I don't know which of the VPs wrote it.

No one is arguing that the standard of living in the north is bad but it could be much better if the embargoes were relaxed. What I was trying to convey was the quality of life in the TRNC is better than that of the UK, if you worked for 15 hours a day in the TRNC you would probably earn just as much money as the man in the UK who slaves over fat fryers or cleans and irons other peoples clothes. Take just the weather for example they wake up under grey skies and have limited sunshine we on the other hand go on picnics in winter that and many other things make the quality of living better here than in the UK. The gap has also closed in the sense that brand names and other luxury goods diaspora are used to can be locally bought which shows that living here among their own people is more attractive today than it has ever been, that's why we have so many returning.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Mon Mar 05, 2007 10:02 am

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:dont forget you have no right to invade peoples privacy and put anyone at risk.


I would not do that to my worse enemy, so please relax.

What is it VP? Are you writting from Turkey pretending you are a TC living in Cyprus? :wink:
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