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Why Not To Trade via the RoC Mr Talat????

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby zan » Fri Mar 02, 2007 10:57 am

humanist wrote:Zan, very good post and a strong argument.

Feebs my friend total feebs, the current economic isolation experenced by cypriots living in the north is self imposed. there is an alternative, move to the south with the expectation and the right by the authorities of the RoC and there is an alternative.

There is also another alternative in building partnerhips and that is one Cypriot Chambers of commerce on people one trade. Another way of building partnerships with the RoC is that it encourages bisuness people to relocate their business to the RoC with tax incentives for seven years to assist them to achieve a business level equal to that of other EU countires. These steps will be guaranteed to building trust, knowledge and support for a united cyprus. on a people level the RoC can take immediate steps to financially support renovation of all properties of those cypriots who moved from the south to the north in 74 and assist those who wish to return back to the RoC to share the economic developmnent of this nation. the RoC is currently employing people from the north, yet another way to build trust and partneship.

WoW! Strong words in the Feebs department Humanist!!!!!!

Is that the same alternative as ...perhaps ....leaving the island all together?????

So your alternative is to forget, give up and settle with your reality that the GCs have won the war. I thought you had started opening your mind and started looking at things from both sides and the worrying thing is that you are one of the more open minded ones and it seems that you are becoming polarised as well. It is hard not to take sides is it not?
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Postby zan » Fri Mar 02, 2007 10:58 am

Accusing me of telling lies will not go down well in the future either :wink:
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Mar 02, 2007 11:28 am

humanist wrote:Zan, very good post and a strong argument.

Feebs my friend total feebs, the current economic isolation experenced by cypriots living in the north is self imposed. there is an alternative, move to the south with the expectation and the right by the authorities of the RoC and there is an alternative.

There is also another alternative in building partnerhips and that is one Cypriot Chambers of commerce on people one trade. Another way of building partnerships with the RoC is that it encourages bisuness people to relocate their business to the RoC with tax incentives for seven years to assist them to achieve a business level equal to that of other EU countires. These steps will be guaranteed to building trust, knowledge and support for a united cyprus. on a people level the RoC can take immediate steps to financially support renovation of all properties of those cypriots who moved from the south to the north in 74 and assist those who wish to return back to the RoC to share the economic developmnent of this nation. the RoC is currently employing people from the north, yet another way to build trust and partneship.

So your proposal is we all move south? that really says it all....just up roots and move to a totally alien environment and restrart your lives, well if you cannot see the problem with that then there not a lot I can say to make you understand. Our lives are here in the North we want to live here where we feel we belong and enjoy the same rights as everyone else, no more no less.
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Mar 02, 2007 11:32 am

askimwos wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:If we are going to agree a BBF type solution then I dont see the problem here, unless the GCs have hidden agendas!!! they should not see it as recognition but a sharing excercise, you have an airport we have an airport, GCs adminiister one airport, TCs administer another, isnt this only natural or do you want to control all all the airports?

VP, please stop thinking that people are stupid and will be convince by such a childish argument. We said it many many times before, the RoC says yes to the economic development of TC but by no means it would allow the recognition of the "trnc" be it directly or indirectly. It is common logic and should have been clear to you. TCs complain about the "isolation" they are under, I won't resort to the argument that this is a selfimposed isolation and that they have only Turkey to blame about this, rather I would say this:

Let the RoC employ people from the TC Commerce Chamber in the ports and airports of the RoC that will oversee/handle the TC exports imports so that there is no fear that the products will be left to rot as some TC claim. Have in mind that TC Chamber of Commerce is recognised by the RoC as this existed prior to 1974.

This way both sides will be happy, well...maybe not as the Tc administration's agenda is not the ending of the so called isolation but rather the recognistion of trnc! Now who is the one being honest here, the RoC or the TC administration?

Go persuade your own leaders and see how far you get, they do not want to share the same sunlight let alone ports. These are actions which will bring the 2 communities together thats why the GC administration will not take any positive steps in this direction.
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Mar 02, 2007 11:34 am

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:If we are going to agree a BBF type solution then I dont see the problem here, unless the GCs have hidden agendas!!! they should not see it as recognition but a sharing excercise, you have an airport we have an airport, GCs adminiister one airport, TCs administer another, isnt this only natural or do you want to control all all the airports?


Nothing will make sense to you, if you do not understand the very basic rules of "Sovereign State" and a "de facto State".

Once you can understand these differences, then everything else will start making sense to you. So stop questioning the "obvious" as to why things are not done to your liking, and start accepting, why things are done, the way they are.

Would we not do the same, if the shoe was on the other foot. :?: :?: :?:

Alldown to leveling playing field the GCs cannot comprehend allowing ud the same advantages which they feel are exclusively the right of GCs, but we will fight for what we need and never forget their policies just like we have not forgotten the past, they always ring true to form dont you think?
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Mar 02, 2007 11:37 am

miltiades wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:If we are going to agree a BBF type solution then I dont see the problem here, unless the GCs have hidden agendas!!! they should not see it as recognition but a sharing excercise, you have an airport we have an airport, GCs adminiister one airport, TCs administer another, isnt this only natural or do you want to control all all the airports?

The massive difference here is that the RoC does not "enjoy" your "sharing experience" by having 40 thousand foreign troops on it's soil , neither does it take its cue from a Foreign nation. It is an independent nation with absolute sovereignty over all of it's land .The "trnc" is under the direct control of Turkey , the T/Cs are slowly but systematically being stripped of their Cypriot identity and dragged into the arms of Turkey. Recognition of direct trade and flights contravenes the international legalities enshrined in the Western world's democratic agendas. Let me just say at this stage I do not want to be misunderstood as one who wishes to inflict hardship or constrains on my Cypriot , T/C compatriots. It is my total and unquestionable dedication to one Cyprus for all Cypriots where majorities and minorities play an insignificant part and the pronounced ethos is the Cypriot identity where no boundaries exist in our land and all of our people enjoy EQUAL rights and benefit entitlements .

You are no different from the others, you may claim brotherly love but its only under your own rules, keep the isolations on our "brothers" so they will want a solution.
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Postby askimwos » Fri Mar 02, 2007 11:41 am

Viewpoint wrote:
askimwos wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:If we are going to agree a BBF type solution then I dont see the problem here, unless the GCs have hidden agendas!!! they should not see it as recognition but a sharing excercise, you have an airport we have an airport, GCs adminiister one airport, TCs administer another, isnt this only natural or do you want to control all all the airports?

VP, please stop thinking that people are stupid and will be convince by such a childish argument. We said it many many times before, the RoC says yes to the economic development of TC but by no means it would allow the recognition of the "trnc" be it directly or indirectly. It is common logic and should have been clear to you. TCs complain about the "isolation" they are under, I won't resort to the argument that this is a selfimposed isolation and that they have only Turkey to blame about this, rather I would say this:

Let the RoC employ people from the TC Commerce Chamber in the ports and airports of the RoC that will oversee/handle the TC exports imports so that there is no fear that the products will be left to rot as some TC claim. Have in mind that TC Chamber of Commerce is recognised by the RoC as this existed prior to 1974.

This way both sides will be happy, well...maybe not as the Tc administration's agenda is not the ending of the so called isolation but rather the recognistion of trnc! Now who is the one being honest here, the RoC or the TC administration?

Go persuade your own leaders and see how far you get, they do not want to share the same sunlight let alone ports. These are actions which will bring the 2 communities together thats why the GC administration will not take any positive steps in this direction.

Surprise, surprise! I take it that you agree with such a policy!
Well, in fact there has been such a proposal from the RoC for the Larnaca port, only to be rejected by Talat. GUESS WHY!!
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Mar 02, 2007 11:43 am

askimwos wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
askimwos wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:If we are going to agree a BBF type solution then I dont see the problem here, unless the GCs have hidden agendas!!! they should not see it as recognition but a sharing excercise, you have an airport we have an airport, GCs adminiister one airport, TCs administer another, isnt this only natural or do you want to control all all the airports?

VP, please stop thinking that people are stupid and will be convince by such a childish argument. We said it many many times before, the RoC says yes to the economic development of TC but by no means it would allow the recognition of the "trnc" be it directly or indirectly. It is common logic and should have been clear to you. TCs complain about the "isolation" they are under, I won't resort to the argument that this is a selfimposed isolation and that they have only Turkey to blame about this, rather I would say this:

Let the RoC employ people from the TC Commerce Chamber in the ports and airports of the RoC that will oversee/handle the TC exports imports so that there is no fear that the products will be left to rot as some TC claim. Have in mind that TC Chamber of Commerce is recognised by the RoC as this existed prior to 1974.

This way both sides will be happy, well...maybe not as the Tc administration's agenda is not the ending of the so called isolation but rather the recognistion of trnc! Now who is the one being honest here, the RoC or the TC administration?

Go persuade your own leaders and see how far you get, they do not want to share the same sunlight let alone ports. These are actions which will bring the 2 communities together thats why the GC administration will not take any positive steps in this direction.

Surprise, surprise! I take it that you agree with such a policy!
Well, in fact there has been such a proposal from the RoC for the Larnaca port, only to be rejected by Talat. GUESS WHY!!

WHat did you want in return?
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Postby humanist » Fri Mar 02, 2007 12:08 pm

Thank you Zan, are you sure you were not my teacher in primary school I thought I just got whiped with the cane. No I never suggested moving from the island at all I just suggest may be mving somwhere where no one will accuse you of taking their land and someowhere where it really is home.

one of your compatriots mentioned about all moving to the south welll that was my thought the other day. i though why don't all cypriots move to the south and the undeveloped north can become a national park. how is that for a lisy (solution)???

see i think the difference between us is that I consider us, as a one people you like to separate us. I am not sure where that stems from?

Oh btw, I did not accuse you of lies, feebs is used to kindly suggest that it's kinda not rue with a smile on ones face. my apology if it ooffended i would and am sure it was taken in the way that was intended.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Fri Mar 02, 2007 11:56 pm

tessintrnc wrote: And the drogotary remarks by Papad that THEY dont have anything to export anyway - hardly encourages anyone does it?

Facts speak for themselves. Total exports of TRashNcan in 2004 $61.5 million total imports $853 million. If exports were 40% profit, then they just amount to $98 per person per year. In other words nothing.

Besides 40% of TC exports are now absorbed by Turkey.

To answer the topic question why Talat does not want to trade through the RoC ports. Obviously because what he wants is not just a few $5-6 extra per person per year. He wants recognition.

NB. Do you have an RoC titlle deed for the house you live in Tessie? If not remember that one day we will kick you out to where the hell you came from.
Last edited by Pyrpolizer on Sat Mar 03, 2007 12:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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