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Why Do the Turkish Cypriots Mistrust the Greek Cypriots?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

TCs would you intrust GCs with your future?

Total votes : 15

Postby T_C » Fri Mar 02, 2007 3:24 am

humanist wrote:my friend your vote represents what you believe, you do not need to tell me what you have voted, your told yourself and the world of what you are standing for in 2004. That is all that matters. Though I thank you for supporting the unification of our people. Many people think it's about the land and the notion that one counrty is undivided, though for me it is about human beings joining together and saying hey we are alll the same we look the same and feel the same (two feet, legs, arms, noe hands, eyes, brain, soul, spirit), lets make this a better world, I guess the land has become a metaphor of human unity, the fact that we all need the we all want a place to call our own emphasises that we amore the same than we think.

I like what you said there...I agree. Why cant you be the president Humanist? I'm sure you would get the TCs support straight away.
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Postby humanist » Fri Mar 02, 2007 3:26 am

thanks Gav, I try my best all the time hoping someone may some day listen.
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Postby andri_cy » Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:55 am

I'm not listening :P
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Re: Why Do the Turkish Cypriots Mistrust the Greek Cypriots?

Postby Viewpoint » Fri Mar 02, 2007 8:31 am

Get Real! wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Lets start with insincerity......

I entrust that you are aware that "intrust" should read "entrust".

Entrustingly yours.. GR.

Apologies, I did go between the 2 spellings and decided on the wrong one, but Im sure you get the gist..
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Mar 02, 2007 8:57 am

Since you have a poll in the thread shouldn't the title of this thread be "Do the Turkish Cypriots Mistrust the Greek Cypriots?".

I chose this title as this is what I sense from many TCs, so I thought I would ask the question direct and then give TCs the opportunity to vote on whether they would trust their future in the hands of GCs just to confirm whether the have enough trust to take that step.

In the way the title is now you are just inviting others to start a flame war against the "Evil GCs".

Anyone is free to argue the opposite, no restrictions.

I did not vote in your poll since it refers to TCs.

Thank you but I think people aren't being as honest as only 1 person has actually stated what they vote bar me, so I will only take the voting of those who declare why they voted YES or NO like Turkish_Cypriot.

But I will tell you why most GCs do not trust the TCs:
TCs have aligned themselves with the mainland Turks, the ones that have oppressed Greek Cypriots for centuries, and continue to do so until today. What TCs have shown us so far is that they want to gain on our loss way more than what proportionately belongs to them. They have also shown to us that they continue to blindly accept orders from Ankara (and I hope you don't need anybody to explain you why GCs do not trust Turkey).

I am not even going to talk about victims, casulaties etc as this have been discussed many times.

Therefore the mistrust is unfortunately mutual.

Mistrust is a 2 way street, no denying that.

However you not trusting the GCs is no excuse for insisting on illegalities and crimes against GCs.
I do not trust other drivers when I drive, but all I can do about it is to be careful, not to ban them from driving while I do just so I will feel safe. If/when one driver breaks the law then that specific driver should be punished. I have no right to violate the rights of others simply because I do not trust them, and you do not either.

Do you understand why these "illegalities and crimes" as you put them are happening or have come about??? I'm not trying to be patronizing just trying to bring home that what you complain about is greatly your own doing.

Even in the driving example you can choose not to drive or get someone else to drive, being in new safety measures, ban driving, you have options, you have alternatives and the current situation is just another option and was brought about by circumstances which many of us had nothing to do with.

What we need in Cyprus is not more crimes and illegalities that will serve only to increase the mistrust, but a solution that will end all these illegalities and create an environment that all Cypriots are equal without racist discriminations. Such environment will slowly slowly lead to more and more trust, until the day that this will not be an issue at all.

Your leadership which is the recognized party should be proactive here in bringing about what you say, but we have quite the opposite situation where mistrust is being fuelled by your administrations current political stand. Tasos will take you nowhere towards a solution the last 4 years is enough tome for you to see this, even if re-elected it will be more of the same, are you happy with this?

Furthermore, your poll question is incorrect. Nobody asked from TCs to entrust GCs with your future. What it is asked is that Cypriots will entrust Cypriots for their future. Not only that, but the new constitution that will be agreed will be very specific, and GCs alone will not be able to change it.

This is good to hear but unfortunately this is not the message we get form your leaders and the we will keep you isolated so you will want a solution politics back fired many moons ago. Its time for the GC leadership to stop hiding behind its finger and take action to bring TCs closer the GCs rather than push them further away into the arms of Turkey and wanting a 2 state solution. But only very few GCs can see the dangers they themselves are creating.

Also there will be TC ministers (in all governments), and I suggested a TC president of RoC every few terms - proportional to TCs population. So don't make it sound as if in Cyprus we will adopt slavery, and TCs will be the slaves and GCs their masters!!! This is more or less what we had during the Ottomans (with GCs being the slaves) but today is 2007, we have democracy and Cyprus is an EU member, we are not living in the middle ages!

Again this is good to hear and this has imo been one of your best posts, which gives people like me a glimmer of hope, I only wish more and more GCs were positive towards who they "claim" to be their own people but are quite happy to impose embargoes on just like the 1960s although has you say we are in 2007.
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Re: Why Do the Turkish Cypriots Mistrust the Greek Cypriots?

Postby miltiades » Fri Mar 02, 2007 8:58 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Lets start with insincerity......

I entrust that you are aware that "intrust" should read "entrust".

Entrustingly yours.. GR.

Apologies, I did go between the 2 spellings and decided on the wrong one, but Im sure you get the gist..

Yes VP , WE got the gist of it , and of you , a long time ago !!
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Mar 02, 2007 9:02 am

The poll is open to GCs voting so I suggest we take the % of those who actually declare what they have voted.

so the result so far is;

YES 50% NO 50%

Or can admin tell us how many GCs voted YES or NO?
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Postby humanist » Fri Mar 02, 2007 10:28 am

Thank you Gav,
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Postby humanist » Fri Mar 02, 2007 10:36 am

Yes you do listen andri .......:) thank you

turkish ... thank you very much for the honour. I guess I don't make a good liar, that's why I cannot be a president. My friend if there is ever any issue you wish to raise, towards a fair and just solution to the problem let me know and I will support it with a letter to the President of the RoC. I believe that politicians listen some how, and, the more letters they get the more they consider an issue or an idea. I do not consider a letter to my president a bad idea when you believe in something, infact the fact that you care to take the time out to do this is honourable.
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Postby zan » Fri Mar 02, 2007 10:44 am


From the beginning of your post to the end it is clear that you and many more GCs use Turkey as an excuse to bash the TCs. That was the case in the 60s and seems to be the case again today. I have asked many times for you lot to talk to us as TCs and still you refuse to because it does not serve your propaganda purposes. We, the TCs are the occupiers of the land and Turkey is our guarantor power. \We as Turkish Cypriots were mistreated in order to get Turkey out of Cyprus and for the Hellenic state to take over the island and you guys seem to be happy to play the same hand again. What part of what you want are we supposed to trust? Even the mighty Birkibrisli or Kikapu would say that they do not trust in this case if they were honest.
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