Not really answering the question was life better for the GCs than the TCs? was there discrimination and persecution?
Not among the normal Cypriot people. But of course the extremists didn't just disappear and obviously some mistrust and prejudice still existed since a hot conflict was just over. However this didn't affect just the TCs, but also the GCs, especially the ones who lived in villages with TC majority. While some swearing and unfriendly behavior could be exhibited by some nationalists of both sides, what is for sure is that during that period there were no bloodsheds and the other things that went on between 63-68. Things were getting back to normal, but of course some time was need for this.
If that time was given, without foreign military interventions, then things would be totally normal long long time ago in Cyprus, and we wouldn't have the problems that both GCs and TCs have now due to the Turkish occupation.