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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby humanist » Sun Mar 04, 2007 12:19 am

VP like I said you are on the path of separation and venom, you wish to see cypriots as diferent I see them as on human race, frankly I give no shit what colour religion or race you belong to. If your a nice person your a nice person regardless, you on the other hand have thios notion that all greek speaking cypriots are this or that. That is your opinion and you can have it. No one is denying your existence, only you by locking yourselves up in the occupied lands of cyprus yelling and screaming discrimination and isoltation, one that you have imposed upon yourselves, stop being suxch a victim and try to come up with a solution, I bet you vcannot think beyongd yoursellf and see how your neighbour is doing,

I on the other hand are comfortable to say that turkish speaking cypriots experienced discrimination in tha hands of greek speaking cyopriots in the past just as the greeks cypriots experienced oppression under the ottoman empoire, I am also willing to let go of that and move beyond, create a new world where all human being live together in peace. you want to separate yourself that is fine but stop going over the same ground and stop doing it in the expense of refugees. i say it again thew so called trnc is built on stolen land, ther is no isolation only the self imposed one, i support the RoC on the economic embargo until such time that all refugees are given the right of return and turkish troops are withdrwan fro MY COUYNTRY. JUSTICE FOR CYPRUS AND ALL ITS PEOPLE. Loud and clear and for this I do not make any apologies.

I am sure you somehow benefit personally whilst other ntsc's suffer at the hands of turkey and your leadership, so the next best thing lets blame the RoC by filling the heads of all tsc's with venom towards the greeks. I have nothing to gain financially wheteher cyprus is unified or not but ai ma old enough and wise enough to know that there is amn illegal occupation in cyprus and no one is doing anything about it. the rwality is we'll all be dead by our 90th years and then what.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:17 am

VP like I said you are on the path of separation and venom, you wish to see cypriots as diferent I see them as on human race, frankly I give no shit what colour religion or race you belong to. If your a nice person your a nice person regardless, you on the other hand have thios notion that all greek speaking cypriots are this or that. That is your opinion and you can have it. No one is denying your existence, only you by locking yourselves up in the occupied lands of cyprus yelling and screaming discrimination and isoltation, one that you have imposed upon yourselves, stop being suxch a victim and try to come up with a solution, I bet you vcannot think beyongd yoursellf and see how your neighbour is doing,

Should I be greatful that you are allowing me my opinion or is it a right? Who is locked up? I think becuase you have not seen the TRNC you talk this way because you have been hand fed the GC propaganda, you can only decide for yourself if you have the balls to visit the TRNC, you must in a passive role. :wink:
Whos yelling or screaming anything? we are asking for rights which every citizen in the EU enjoys and pointing out that we are not the ones who rejected a UN brokered 99% backed comprehensive solution plan. According to your logic I should up sticks and move south to enjoy the rights everyone else takes for granted, well forgive me but my life is here in the TRNC, moving south where we do not speak the language and are foreigners will never happen, so forget that idea.

I on the other hand are comfortable to say that turkish speaking cypriots experienced discrimination in tha hands of greek speaking cyopriots in the past just as the greeks cypriots experienced oppression under the ottoman empoire, I am also willing to let go of that and move beyond, create a new world where all human being live together in peace.

No one is denying you this viewpoint but you have to allow me my viewpoint which is very much moulded by what GCs do and say, so we are in fact the production of your own doings.

you want to separate yourself that is fine but stop going over the same ground and stop doing it in the expense of refugees. i say it again thew so called trnc is built on stolen land, ther is no isolation only the self imposed one, i support the RoC on the economic embargo until such time that all refugees are given the right of return and turkish troops are withdrwan fro MY COUYNTRY. JUSTICE FOR CYPRUS AND ALL ITS PEOPLE. Loud and clear and for this I do not make any apologies.

Like you have this right to support embargoes against my community I have every right within my power to attempt to have them removed and believe me one day we will or is holding me hostage just for my own good so that I will want a solution?

I have said many times refugees should get their rights back and they apply to the property commission for return or compensation and the army will only leave if you negotiate them away, not before.

I am sure you somehow benefit personally whilst other ntsc's suffer at the hands of turkey and your leadership, so the next best thing lets blame the RoC by filling the heads of all tsc's with venom towards the greeks. I have nothing to gain financially wheteher cyprus is unified or not but ai ma old enough and wise enough to know that there is amn illegal occupation in cyprus and no one is doing anything about it. the rwality is we'll all be dead by our 90th years and then what.

TCs are not stupid they can make up their own minds all they have to do is listen to your leader and 65% want a 2 state solution. You are thousands of miles away and you dictate to us how we should feel and act, is this really fair? arent you throwng us into the fire while standing back to see if we burn.
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Postby Natty » Sun Mar 04, 2007 3:17 am

GAVCARoCOM wrote:Hi Natty ,
Its 2 EOAKs , 1 is which you wrote and other is whatever . I mean past is past. Are you GC . where you from etc .

You have nice avatar :wink:

Hi GAVCARoCOM, you mean EOKA B? Maybe, although I'm not too sure when that organisation was set up. Your right of course, the past is the past, I guess what we need to do now is move forward together, and forgive the mistakes that people made, hopefully then, when we are united, we can have a more accurate version of history that both sides agree on... :)

I am a Greek Cypriot, although I grew up and still live in good old sunny England.. :wink: :D. How about you? And thank you, you have a pretty good Avatar as well (You've got to love Sylvester the cat), I like to think mine represents the surprise (sometimes shock) I feel when I read certain posts...;)
Last edited by Natty on Sun Mar 04, 2007 4:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby GAVCARoCOM » Sun Mar 04, 2007 3:53 am

Natty wrote:
GAVCARoCOM wrote:Hi Natty ,
Its 2 EOAKs , 1 is which you wrote and other is whatever . I mean past is past. Are you GC . where you from etc .

You have nice avatar :wink:

Hi GAVCARoCOM, you mean EOKA B? Maybe, although I'm not too sure when that organisation was set up. Your right of course, the past is the past, I guess what we need to do now is move forward together, and forgive the mistakes that people made, hopefully then, when we are united, we can have a more accurate version of history that both sides agree on... :)

I am a Greek Cypriot, although I grew up and still live in good old sunny England.. :wink: :D. How about you? And thank you, you have a pretty good Avatar as well, I like to think mine represents the surprise (sometimes shock) I feel when I read certain posts...;)

Hello Natty ,
I live in london as well and the grey weather is only my problem. I m trying to live how its in Cyprus (i do barbeque in the middle of the night , i have a dog , birds , fishes ) . I been everywhere in London and most citys in uk. I like travelling a lot and as you know from Uk its easy to get anycountry and its cheap flights. I like your avatar as well . You sound Very Feminie and nice person. I like this forum because you can fimd many Cypriots here and i already made some good friends at this forum. I m planning to go to Cyprus in few weeks but first i have to setup everything here that i can stay in Cyprus atleast 1 month. When i go to Cyprus i miss London and when i m here i m missing Cyprus. I dont know what really i have to do.
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Postby fanourıo » Sun Mar 04, 2007 5:10 am

Did anybody call me?
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Postby Natty » Mon Mar 05, 2007 10:49 pm

Natty wrote:
GAVCARoCOM wrote:Hi Natty ,
Its 2 EOAKs , 1 is which you wrote and other is whatever . I mean past is past. Are you GC . where you from etc .

You have nice avatar :wink:

Hi GAVCARoCOM, you mean EOKA B? Maybe, although I'm not too sure when that organisation was set up. Your right of course, the past is the past, I guess what we need to do now is move forward together, and forgive the mistakes that people made, hopefully then, when we are united, we can have a more accurate version of history that both sides agree on... :)

I am a Greek Cypriot, although I grew up and still live in good old sunny England.. :wink: :D. How about you? And thank you, you have a pretty good Avatar as well, I like to think mine represents the surprise (sometimes shock) I feel when I read certain posts...;)

Hello Natty ,
I live in london as well and the grey weather is only my problem. I m trying to live how its in Cyprus (i do barbeque in the middle of the night , i have a dog , birds , fishes ) . I been everywhere in London and most citys in uk. I like travelling a lot and as you know from Uk its easy to get anycountry and its cheap flights. I like your avatar as well . You sound Very Feminie and nice person. I like this forum because you can fimd many Cypriots here and i already made some good friends at this forum. I m planning to go to Cyprus in few weeks but first i have to setup everything here that i can stay in Cyprus atleast 1 month. When i go to Cyprus i miss London and when i m here i m missing Cyprus. I dont know what really i have to do.

Yeah, the Grey Weather can be annoying sometimes that's for sure, but when England has one of those brilliant summer day's (where everything's so Green and lush) I soon forget about those Grey Skies...;). I really love living in England but retaining my Cypriot culture, it's great when our family has a barbeque in January in the freezing weather to celebrate the New year, or when we get the barbeque, some meat and lot's of extra food and head of on a day trip somewhere nice in spring (although we can't do that so much anymore, we're running out of places where we can just set up the BBQ without being told we're actually not allowed to... :lol: ). I really love going to Cyprus as well, I often spend most of the summer there, and it feels like I'm 'coming home' , but it does get to the point where I do miss England, but when I get back home I start really missing Cyprus and I just want to drop everything and go back... :roll: :lol: :lol:
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