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if china invaded cyprus and forced everyone to learn chinese

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Your Answer!

Postby Sega » Tue Mar 06, 2007 5:58 pm

[quote]if china invaded europe occupied cyprus and forced everyone to learn to speak write and have chinese names ............... will that make us chinese ????????????????????????????????????[/quote]

It would make us Chinese-Greek-Cypriots or Chinese-Turkish-Cypriots.

Similar to the Greek-Cypriots who live in the UK, they call themselves, English-Greek-Cypriots, there is about 250 000 in the UK, and by no extend are they like Greek-Cypriots of Cyprus, people change in different environments.

But it's best not to dwell on 'what ifs' as they never materialize and just for the record, China would never invade Cyprus.

But if they did, Cypriots would do the following:

- Eat Chinese food
- Enjoy Chinese comedy
- Watch Chinese programs
- Embrace Chinese culture
- Travel to china
- Educate in Chinese universities with Chinese people
- Marry Chinese women
- Do more business in China

And on that note, they would no longer be the Cypriots people they once were, they would be more Chinese orientated.[/list]
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