miltiades wrote:G.Man wrote:miltiades wrote:G.Man wrote:I was talking to an Iraqi businessman tonight, apparently the US wants to split Iraq into 3 countries... Kurdistan, Iraq, and the south...
The south is where the oil is, the north, kurdistan controls all of iraqs water, and Iraq itself, baghdad etc has feck all...
The current agreed repayment to the US is 75% of all oil revenues from the newly "liberated" southern iraq...
Now, is that a big enouh motive to blow up a couple of buildings and crash a few planes

What a load of absolute crap. You are supposition its so stupid mate I wonder how old you are !
Militades, sometimes you can be an absolute wanker... You are a typical old man with a closed mind..
Yeah I guess you sitting there in front of your web browser and BBC news reports know more than senior iraqi's on the ground here do you?
This guy has lost his family business, and is getting his information straight from people who are dealing with the americans...
It may not be a final plan, but it is one thats being discussed, and it is well known that Bush is considering it as an option...
Get your head out of your ass, reel your neck in, and go do some research...
BTW, I am 42, and work here in the ME...

PS. I would just like to point out I don't think Bush did DIRECTLY (more through his ME policy) cause 9/11 but there are some questions that do need answering...
Well Im 60 and run my own business working 6 days a week , make my own decisions based on realities so cut the crap about old man.
There are thousands upon thousands of individuals such as your self who thrive on conspiracy theories of some sort provided the conspirator is the awful American.I treat such theories as 9/11 as absolute shit because this is exactly what they are . Will not even venture into defending realities since the common sense that most people use to derive at their own conclusion will be totaly waisted on you.
God, could you be any more patronising? Why dont you try reading what I have written, rather than whats written on the inside of your own ass?
Funny tho, the other highly educated people I speak to, a lot of them Americans working here in the ME, actually think the same regarding Bush's motives for Iraq and soon Iran... One of them used to be very senior in the pentagon and is now a defence contractor... Self employed and very wealthy, He will probably be retired by 60, as will I..
No conspiracy theory, just sound judgement based on facts not delivered by UK/US media... But by people in the countries effected...
I have made my views on 9/11 clear, you just cant read...
Zan, Exactly, no bombs, just unexplained noises..
GG, We can all use photoshop on a picture, but have you any idea how difficult it is to do that on recorded video footage without leaving artifacts unless you use very very high end equipment...
I am guessing not, so when you give an opinion about naivity, understand the process involved!