yep that's it, but she had a few other "moments" prior to the point where the video begins, but that's pretty much it, also try this one too if you haven't seen already
and the one about the story of the mothers of some victims who fought for years trying to get that commission together to question people and how they literally got no where, i don't know what its called tho..
miltiades, YES the killings in Iraq are executed by the extremely violent sectarian groups whom i hate as much as you do, but who's fault is it that these people have found the vacuum to work in? because it definitely was not the case under the Saddam regime, now they have been cut loose and these guys are running wild all over the place bombing everyone, clearly America is failing to bring peace and stability to the country, i just don't believe that America is that committed to Iraq regarding the safety of its people, that's one reason why i believe that they have an agenda that is different to what we have been told, i mean who buys this "evil doers" and "axis of evil" crap? Texans? there is plenty of evidence to show that the US administration had prior information on the 9/11 attacks and failed to stop it, because the 9/11 attacks were their ticket to run wild all over the globe, attacking countries with false intelligence, operate illegal prison and torture camps all over the place and arrest thousands of people for years without being charged, these guys have basically won themselves the "right" to attack anyone they wish to, providing they can come up with half-accurate evidence that is probably "too classified to reveal" that connects someone to this "axis of evil".
i just don't believe that you can bring peace to a nation by bombing them, it might have worked in WW2 but this is a completely different situation, there is no clear cut single body to attack, like the Nazis or the Japanese army, i mean who exactly is the US fighting against? are they really going to go around dismantling every single radical Muslim nation and "bring them democracy and freedom" until they find EVERYONE that might be conspiring against the US? i hope not...