miltiades wrote:Shah , you seem to think that refering to someone as "old" is derogatory , in fact is quite the opposite since the older one gets the wiser he becomes , and of course wise enough to know the alternative to getting old.
So you think that the USA should have accepted the 9/11 attacks and do nothing about it do you .
miltiades, i usually have the utter most respect for my elderly considering it is reciprocal, I'm not saying it to be derogatory, just pointing out how annoying it is to address someone by their age, and I'm sure you are not doing it to compliment me, if its not "young man" then it is usually "young punk"...
however, yes America did act in many occasions, they acted when they left the people of Afghanistan in the hands of the newly armed Taliban, they acted when they helped Saddam get in power, they acted when they left the Kurds in the hands of Saddam and his new chemical weapons, shortly after getting them to rise up against him, they acted by training Osama, now they are paying for every dodgy and insidious deal they did back in the day, 9/11 was not a coincidence, it was not unexpected, and it definitely was not just "out of the blue"!
However the twisted people who run that country are using 9/11 for their own advantage to expand their hegemony, eventually 9/11 is going to be one of the best things that happened to them, while Iraq is drowning in chaos and its people are getting killed every other day waiting for their so called "saviour" to do what they came to do, where is the democracy and the peace? the country is on the verge of a civil war, and where is the guy who masterminded and executed the 9/11 attacks who they set out to get? in Iraq? how long has it been, 5 years? where are the WMD's? have the terrorist attacks stopped or have they increased? in fact has America done ANYTHING useful apart from executing the only person that was able to bring some kind of stability to Iraq? you know just as well that the answer to all is NO, what America always did best is bomb the shit out of people into submission, and when that fails they pretty much fail as well, lets just see how they are going to pull out of this one...
ps. by the way miltiades, do students get a discount from you page?