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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Get Real! » Thu Mar 01, 2007 3:07 am

if china invaded europe occupied cyprus and forced everyone to learn to speak write and have chinese names ............... will that make us chinese ????????????????????????????????????

Do they also get to brand our foreheads with a "Made in China"?
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Postby the_snake_and_the_crane » Thu Mar 01, 2007 3:19 am

but do we want the same things though?

I would be happy if each person had the same democratic right as another.

But due to the fact of Turkish brainwashing - it seems most Turkish Cypriots want an exclusive zone of Cyprus and special treatment.

I dont think many Turkish Cypriots want to comprehend that Cyprus was the victim of British colonial rule and the dividing tactics used by the British Empire were not exclusive to Cyprus.

If someone can show me that a majority of Turkish Cypriots want to live in a democratic and single unitary state, where each citizen has the same rights as another, then I will take back what I said about Turkish brainwashing.
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Postby the_snake_and_the_crane » Thu Mar 01, 2007 3:20 am

Do they also get to brand our foreheads with a "Made in China"?

Or in the case of the north - "Made in Taiwan" lol.
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Postby GAVCARoCOM » Thu Mar 01, 2007 3:32 am

the_snake_and_the_crane wrote:but do we want the same things though?

I would be happy if each person had the same democratic right as another.

But due to the fact of Turkish brainwashing - it seems most Turkish Cypriots want an exclusive zone of Cyprus and special treatment.

I dont think many Turkish Cypriots want to comprehend that Cyprus was the victim of British colonial rule and the dividing tactics used by the British Empire were not exclusive to Cyprus.

If someone can show me that a majority of Turkish Cypriots want to live in a democratic and single unitary state, where each citizen has the same rights as another, then I will take back what I said about Turkish brainwashing.

THIS FROM MY FRIEND ! And i m turkish Cypriot and think same ! Do u
Perhaps the interpretation of literature is sometimes more subject to personal and political bias rather than any linguistic skills you may possess. Where did I say that this was a law to be enforced? I simply stated that people were being discouraged from claimimg their rights by politicians. It makes no difference which political party made the statement, when it gets publicised in the media it can affect public opinion particularly the GC's hell bent on revenge.Where does it say or even infer that the Turkish invasion was justified? Sometimes we have to agree to differ in our opinions. I believe that both GC'S and TC'S have lost homes and land. That both have suffered at the hands of their and other countries governments. Some pre 74 and others since 74. Without, not just a balanced view, but an accurate historical view its no good saying that the GC's and TC's can live together. Trust is based on truth and without truth and trust that green line will never disappear. Even though we might differ in our views it is a pleasure to read and debate serious issues with you.(some of the threads!!) Let us hope that it leads to our own views being challenged so we can look at each others perspectives
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Postby free_cyprus » Thu Mar 01, 2007 10:29 am

what i find most alarming in this cyprus forum is how far people go to protect the south and the north as if the very people of cyprus were the enemy for each other. as i have said before greece and turkey are the prime couse of all cypriot problems helped by britain and america. cypriots people have been soo brainwashed that we freely fly turkisha dn greek flags on our island. where is out flag of cyprus where is out pride where is out dignity. all this will never be found in pointing the finger at cypriots becouse they speak a diffrent language they are the same people. when we stop pickign faults with the greek speaaking and turkish speaking cyriots then we will be going in the right directions. cypriot people have suffered so much as a result of greece and trukey and they are still suffering today. when the day comes that cypriots except the cypriots unconditianaly and respect each other then we will move forward. if i had my way i would break of diplomatic ties with greece turkey and briatain for starters. and unite cyprus every cypriot on the island will have the same opertunity to live in peace , vote, and run for office as long as they were totaly for cyprus. when every cypriot has the right we will not have division in cyprus we will be one cyprus. theres many places in the world where people speak difrent languages and yet they all live in peace why cant the cypriots do the same. but first we must abandon the idea of motherland turkey and greece. there only one motherland and thats is cyprus.
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Postby pitsilos » Thu Mar 01, 2007 10:47 am

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Postby shahmaran » Thu Mar 01, 2007 11:34 am

the_snake_and_the_crane wrote:If someone can show me that a majority of Turkish Cypriots want to live in a democratic and single unitary state, where each citizen has the same rights as another, then I will take back what I said about Turkish brainwashing.

you can keep it, it matches well with your ignorance ;)
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Postby the_snake_and_the_crane » Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:10 pm

what i find most alarming in this cyprus forum is how far people go to protect the south and the north as if the very people of cyprus were the enemy for each other. as i have said before greece and turkey are the prime couse of all cypriot problems helped by britain and america

In truth, Greece is taking a considerable back seat in the Cyprus problem at the moment. The main problem is TURKEY, we all know this and has been proven once more with the oil fiasco.

Stop blaming Greece for the sake of sounding fair - use common sense instead. We all know the Greek Junta was a terrible government but they were overturned by the Greek people themselves.
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Postby the_snake_and_the_crane » Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:11 pm

you can keep it, it matches well with your ignorance

lol did you add the winking smiley to make yourself seem like you had one over on me or something with such a lazy and unthought about remark????
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Postby free_cyprus » Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:14 pm

you have been reading my statments for a little while now and yet you still take sides i do not take sides if you read any of my statments i have never ever taken any sides. greece and trukey are the same thing to me and i will blame them both along with america britain but most of all the cypriots donkeys who think they actualy belong to or they are related to turkey or greece im a cypriot and thats where the buck stops i dont give a shit what language you speak or who is the majorety or minorety far as im concerned we are cypriots i do not divide and rule
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