cypezokyli wrote:the minister made a stupid statement , and it was in the papers all over the world!!
we cannot afford such a benefit.
Why he made a stupid statement??
The statement referes to his own proposal that he already submitted to the President and is based on real study by professionals. I don't think it will approved for that amount, on the other hand they have no other choice. At least half of it HAS to be approved.
The demographic problem is not new. What "saved us" so far is the lot of import of "mates" (husbands/wives to cypriots) from abroad. This seems to have stopped.
There is a huge problem for the whole economy and all other funds (social insurance etc).. This tendency for each couple to have 1 maximum 2 children is turning us into a population of old people! Leave aside the thousands who remain single.... leave aside the even more thousands of homos.... leave aside the thousands who die from drugs and road accidents.
The cost if approved is going to be 40 million per year. Compare this to the 2+billion government budget.
Furthermore the Government will eventually get everything back from taxes from another new citizen.
@Askimos: Where did you see the TCs will benefit as well?
@Zan: Single parents are not entitled.