Jo & I think it's worth Cy£20k - At least we did last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

joanna wrote:I think its a great idea, i only have one so im way off but never mind good incentive for those with 2. Ive heared loads of ppl talking about this recently, and im quite surprised with the amount of women who are saying that there is no way they are going to have another one even if they are going to get paid so much by the government. Id planned to have more anyway, so it doesnt make much of a difference. And i think the government can afford it, i dont think they can afford not to do it, when you calculate that with so many ppl dieing and not enough being born, who will be working in the future to provide funds for social insurance.
zan wrote:This plan has a double edge sword as far the TCs are concerned because it is enough money to entice young couples that are at child baring age to move back to the RoC from all over the world.
This is a problem that is happening all over the world. Germany solved it by bringing down the wall. France offered money. The UK are pretending to stop the Eastern Europeans from coming but they need at least another million and now the RoC, that are probably taking advice from their French pals as how to tackle this. This is social engineering and as far as I know illegal.
A couple of questions.
Will the money be offered to all that hold a roc passport or will there be stringent, possible blood tests to pick out the purest of the GC breed?
If they are not just trying to breed more GCs only, why go on about kicking out people that have been living on the island for years or shorter periods, and then have to replace them.
Is it imperative that there is a GC majority on the island.
Simple problem. Many implications!!!!!!!
askimwos wrote:zan wrote:This plan has a double edge sword as far the TCs are concerned because it is enough money to entice young couples that are at child baring age to move back to the RoC from all over the world.
This is a problem that is happening all over the world. Germany solved it by bringing down the wall. France offered money. The UK are pretending to stop the Eastern Europeans from coming but they need at least another million and now the RoC, that are probably taking advice from their French pals as how to tackle this. This is social engineering and as far as I know illegal.
A couple of questions.
Will the money be offered to all that hold a roc passport or will there be stringent, possible blood tests to pick out the purest of the GC breed?
If they are not just trying to breed more GCs only, why go on about kicking out people that have been living on the island for years or shorter periods, and then have to replace them.
Is it imperative that there is a GC majority on the island.
Simple problem. Many implications!!!!!!!
VP, Zan and Co - - I have very clearly post what I have heard the Minister of Labour and Social Security announce in a radio interview last Monday. The Minister said that this will apply to TC couples that are not married with illegal settlers. I believe that this was clearly stated in my initial post if people cared to read carefully! What's all the crap about RoC wanting a clear majority of GCs on the island anyway? Aren't TCs going to benefit from that or are they expecting the "trnc" to adopt such a policy in order to safeguard against the threatened "extinction" of TCs on the island by mainland settlers?
It is VERY clear to me that the RoC with this bill if it goes to the parliament in this form will benefit all the citizens of the RoC be it TCs ir GCs. End of story.
For the people that say that this is not affortable I think that anyone with some basic macroeconomic knowledge would confirm that this is in effect self funded in the long run. An indicidual works around 30-35 years in the span of his life contributing an average of 30%-40% of the income he generates to the government in the form of taxes (income tax, VAT, N.I.C, Consumer Taxes etc). In the long run the amount collected in the form of taxes an additional person is way way above the 20k mark.
PS: VP, I am still waiting for a positive comment on RoC actions from your side. Here is a bill that benefits TCs....well I guess you view this bill as being against your goal for partition, don't you?
Viewpoint wrote:There appears to be an increase in pregnant GC women wanting abortions due to the money being offered for a 3rd child. They say they would rather get rid of the current pregnancy and wait for the bill to be passed and then have the 3rd child. What a morbid world we live in.
askimwos wrote:Viewpoint wrote:There appears to be an increase in pregnant GC women wanting abortions due to the money being offered for a 3rd child. They say they would rather get rid of the current pregnancy and wait for the bill to be passed and then have the 3rd child. What a morbid world we live in.
Either you cut the bullshiting or give proofs, cause this policy has been just announce and the bill is in its draft form.
You are pathetic!!!
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