My opinion,
GC s and TCs should never join the EU
CYPRUS was paradaise for long time and look whatsgoingon now.
I live in UK and joining EU destroyed the small busineses and enfilation is higher. Its hard for people now to find job or they have to work for less money. A lot of tax you have to pay . House prices get higher and higher everyday. For what is good EU. Nothing ,only small things which is easier travelling, bringing more lowclass tourists, and whatelse ? Nothing
For GC s maybe hope for their way solition . Thats all.
Cyprus dont need EU . Trust me. EU rippingof people.
As a Turkish Cypriot i beleive if they start direct flights we dont need EU or anything in life. Now its lke a paradise. Everything is cheap , very low tax and non stresfull life.Honestly its like a paradise not to be in EU.